Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream and more

I had an interesting dream. I seem to remember dreams best when I wake up an hour before I wake up, and then fall back to sleep, and then wake up when I am supposed to. But anyway. Where I work there is a place to eat called Ray's Diner and a Flower shop called The Boutique or something. Anyway, as with most dreams the names got crossed. So I had a dream about a Ray's Boutique. I was called and asked if I would accept a delivery of flowers at my work. I said at first it wasn't mine, and then I had courage and said I will take the delivery since it was intended for me. That was a Higher Self-lesson on acceptance and faith.

Fast forward to waking life. I saw a Valentine's Day, candy on the table left over from last month. It had the words No Doubt on them. I had earlier prayed that everything would work out perfectly with my move. It was a message not to doubt and to have faith. My themes of the last few years have been faith, compassion and acceptance. I feel a major initiatory step will approach once I complete the move, and show absolute faith that I am accepted by the universe and that the universe has compassion for me.


Where intention goes, energy flows.

Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this text remains intact.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Space Clearing

Yesterday morning as I drove to work I saw a van that drove by, with the word "Hatred" written in large letters on the back window, and with the license plate ending in 666. I thought to myself- I will not judge and prayed their forgiveness. Then I saw Alain's comment on the City of Shamballa which was synchronicity.

Last night I had a tour of tunnels under Bamberg. They were originally for mining, then they were filled with winter ice, and became beer/wine coolers and other food refrigerators for during the year (before the refrigerator), then they became factories underground and air raid shelters during WWII. During the tour, the tour guide talked about how 54 people were working underground one day, when a bomb landed above the tunnel and collapsed it, killing all of them instantly. Suddenly I saw a blue-white colored shape drift into my third eye, and it began to form the shape of a person. I called quickly for Archangel Michael's protection, and then I didn't see it anymore. Later, as the tour ended, there was the area (now sealed off) where they all died. A cross was placed in their memory. Then we exited the tour, and I realized the beginning of the tour was exactly adjacent to the place where the cross was. I was being contacted! I prayed that Archangel Michael brings all those who passed, into the Light, and visualized the Souls being escorted from the place they passed, into White Light. Archangel Michael said "Do not worry, it is done," and placed his blue sword into the stone floor, as blue spirals of Light emanated from it. Then he smiled at me and faded away.

I often find that I offer spiritual cleanup for the Earth especially in trauma areas. I do this as service for all. No one wants ghosts hanging around, it's not good for those incarnated, or for those who have passed. Thankfully I have an ability to communicate, and see the other planes with my third eye, and the connections to Spirit to help bridge the realms. Angels wait for the call for help, but the ghosts are many times stuck and unaware they can call, and most incarnated people don't call.

Just some experiences.



Friday, February 11, 2011

The Choice

We should not try to understand evil. It just IS. It just exists. No need to open the door. These beings exist due to our free will and our choices. Some of our beings out of free will have chosen to create evil with its fear over love and created these things. But it doesn't have to continue like this. We can choose for love or fear but cannot choose both. We can create love and be in harmony in the present moment. May all choose love and be in peace in oneness and love throughout eternity.

Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this text remains intact.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Service to Others or Service to Self

We exist in a Love/Free Will environment in this density and section of the Universe.

Due to this, there will always be choices, polarities, dualities, different sides of the same "coin" of Creator expression

There are two paths that emerge:

Service to Others, positive- Love with Free Will.

Service to Self, negative- Free Will over Love.

These are the hallmarks of each- One is giving, one is taking. One is loving, one is hating. One is open to possibilities, the other is limiting through control.

In my humble five years since my decision to get off the fence, and chose a path consciously I have seen 99% Service to Others inclined and 1% Service to Self inclined. Service to self requires immense control of the will and self, over the natural flow of Love, and it is a path most do not take. Many exist and still exist as fence sitters, but the vast majority are Service to Others.

I have never met any pure Service to Self in person (negative polarity master), most people are just stuck in beliefs, perceptions, and judgments that make them appear selfish. I have seen some inclinations of some negative polarity masters via the internet or perceptions via certain news, for example certain dictators, for example Robert Mugabe- he let the people starve to death and die of disease while he lived in luxury. I think there are reasons the Service to Self masters are so few and far between- because it is not natural to block Love.

Anyway just some thoughts.



P.S. Loving your self does not mean service to self, if you also love others. It is okay to pamper yourself with love. Willing and controlling against all forms of love is service to self.

Here is a great quote to end this entry:

"I was astonished to find that there was no evil in any Soul. People may do terrible things out of ignorance and lack, but no Soul is evil. What all people seek, what sustains them, is Love, the Light told me. What distorts people is a LACK of LOVE."

-Mellen-Thomas Benedict, an artist who survived a near-death experience in 1982.

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...