Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Two great chapters from the Law of One



Great grounding to help propel you forward in love, faith and service in these changing times

Very healing for me to read these two chapters after watching the same characters play different roles in events reported by the news

Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice brought a fresh wave of changes for me.

On December 21st, I received notice that my PayPal account was being limited because I appeared to be operating as a non-profit organization, because I mentioned some of the funds from payments received were being donated by me to charity. Well I had to explain to PayPal that I was not sending all funds over to charity, that my business was an individual small business and not a non-profit organization. So I followed their instructions and sent my appeal. I never heard back on December 21st. 

Completely stressed out at the prospect of losing one of my only funding sources for my business, I decided to turn to what I liked to do: network. So by magic during the day I met the creators Ron & Julia. We established a connection and ended up exchanging links on each other's social networks. It was really great to do that, uniting us as One more and more. 

That evening, I received intense hara, heart, throat, minds eye, crown, and hand chakra activations, followed by a closer connection to my higher self, along with an energy wave. It was all definitely divine guided.

My mom sent my family a Christmas package on November 12th via priority mail. Typically it arrives in one to two weeks. Well I ended up getting it on December 22nd. I still did not have a response back from PayPal, and part of my appeal included my administrator password so they could see my entire website to make sure I was following the rules. I gave it to them cautiously. They had the power to delete my network and remove my business' funding source. I hope I never have to do that again. 

I prayed and prayed, asking for the limitations on my account to be removed. I prayed hard to Archangel Michael to protect me and restore my account, the answer from him was "you are perfectly protected, have faith". It was just me and my faith in God, my whole world was torn away. Without my payment processor and my admin account, my business was just torn away from me. Then I waited, no response. I called them, and they said they were still reviewing. I was hoping they weren't changing anything, I was getting worried. While I waited, I called about a Christmas present of mine, which was a custom frame of my daughter's charcoal caricature drawing. Well my frame still wasn't done for Christmas when it was supposed to be done, I started getting emotional and kept reminding myself that it was a test of faith and patience. Finally I got a phone call, confirming PayPal completed my review and my account was returned to good standing.

I expressed my gratitude immediately to Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters. After that, I immediately changed my administrator password at the City of Shamballa. That night, feeling better, I helped a friend out to purify Michael Sroke from PA who recently passed away. He was apparently not in the Light and haunting people on Earth. I invoked Medicine Buddha to purify him, and Archangel Michael to escort him into the Light. He was stubborn, he was clinging to Earth (earthbound), but through all the effort, he eventually decided for the Light. In the end, he was wearing a white robe, and said "thank you" as he was entering the City of Shamballa finally free.

The next day on December 23rd, my daughter's framed picture was ready for pick up, just in time for Christmas.

Well it has been quite a roller coaster ride, but thanks to God, all is well. I wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Faith and Manifestation

This post is about the catalysts I've encountered around 11:11 combinations. Catalysts are things that create change. Events and circumstances that create the necessary learning along the path.

In the holiday season following the Christmas Solstice, I received some great energy downloads from Source around New Year's Eve. I meditated a bit, and then I encountered catalyst.

On January 2, 2011 I wrote a few of my friends about some car difficulties I had, after 1/1/11. 

Here is what I wrote:

Namaste all,

I encountered some significant challenges this week and after doing all that I could do in the earth illusion (25% of the effort), had to rely significantly on faith, the help of Green Tara, Archangel Michael, Reiki energy, and love of The Creator (75% of the effort). While my car is still in the shop due to the freezing temperatures throughout Europe providing a challenging condition with engine failure, I am thankful for the abundance received from the sources my mind cannot even understand. Spirit has a longer view then the unconscious mind, which has a longer view then the conscious mind. Many challenges are pre-planned by the higher and greater self to test your devotion to faith and your ability to be responsible on earth. 

When you are weary and have done all the effort you can on earth in service to all beings, then you rely on faith and the Creator´s love in the thick veiled illusion, then it shows your dedication even more to the Creator. This brings you face to face with the Creator and merges you closer to fourth density as the Law of One says. P.S. also saw 1111 and 1212 and Ra on license plates yesterday, as I was stripped of all control of the conscious mind and had only faith left to rely on.

At this time, the head gasket in my car blew. My car was 45 minutes away from the dealer I bought it from. The warranty was only covered at the dealership. Through faith, prayer and action, miracles happened. It was towed for free to the dealer through thick snow and ice, then the dealer repaired my car paying 75% of the cost and leaving me with only 25%. The story is much more involved than that, but the solution was perfect.

Flash forward to 11/11. On 11/10/11, I dropped my car off to get fixed. There was something wrong with the engine again, making a loud annoying rattling noise. I thought it was a timing belt failing. So I dropped it off for the timing belt. The dealer estimate was a 600 euro repair. The car will be done in 2 days. No, they didn't have loaner cars, but I was referred to the rental car place in the same building and got the dealer discount. This was not what I had in mind! That night I prayed fervently that the bill would be as close to the estimate as possible, and invoked Archangel Michael's protection. 

I had nothing left but prayer and some action. God said to me, don't worry everything will work out for you, my word is golden. I kept trying to believe, but I was so lost in the illusion. I still felt hopeless, I was waning in my faith. But I kept reminding my mind, you have prayed and God loves you. It will work out. So on Thursday night I took a chance and transferred money used to a pay a bill on Tuesday to my account to pay my car bill which I expected to pay on Saturday. Also I transferred the last money I had on my account, saved for's hosting fees, to my account hoping that my book sales payment covers the fees next week. 

On Thursday I told my Mom about the repair. She offered to help. So she transferred a little money to me, but what happened was Friday was Veteran's Day and the banks were closed. On Saturday the banks did not do transfers. The earliest the transfer could go out was Monday. Guess what? My bill was due on Saturday I estimated. It was due before the money could arrive. That night I did some 11:11 meditations and decided my lesson for the 11/11 was the catalyst.

Well 2 days turned out to be 4 days over the weekend. The rental car bill just quadrupled. Now I was left with a 177 euro bill. Then my car was finally completed on Monday but the bill was 653 euro. 53 euro higher than the estimate. BUT, it was close to the estimate. On Monday morning, I dropped off my rental car, then paid the rental car bill. But then I did not have enough on the account to pay the car bill, so I told them I would pick the car up in the afternoon (this allowed precious time for the transfers to arrive on my account). At 2 pm, my saved hosting money arrived. Then I had just enough to pay the car bill. A miracle! A prayer answered! I paid the high car bill with just enough money on my account. I got my car back, which sounds and runs much better now. 

Then I worried about my bill payment on Tuesday, as today was Monday and I already used the money to pay the bill for the car repair bill. Well, at 6 pm on Monday, my mom's money arrived. It was enough to cover the bill on Tuesday. Suddenly everything worked out perfectly. My book sales payment is still scheduled to arrive this week to pay for the hosting fees of the City of Shamballa network for this month. 

Miracles and catalysts happened this 11/11/11 weekend. It was a test of faith, responsibility and manifestation. But thanks to the Divine and action, this test was passed. The lesson was learned. Do all that you can, then pray, pray, and pray. After that have faith, have faith, and have faith. God loves you. Don't give up. It will work out when you do all that you can, and then leave the rest up to the Divine. It always does. If it is a prayer with the intent to love, it will manifest.

Jeshua said to them, “Because of your unbelief, for amen, I say to you, that if you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you may say to this mountain, 'Move from here', and it will move, and nothing will be difficult for you.”

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Channeling April 9, 2011

About Faith

(Chris/Qan Dek): As I write this I want to express my deepest gratitude to God, the Archangels, the Masters and the Great Cosmic Beings who have supported me and many others during this time while my day job was at risk of cancellation due to politicians arguing over budgets. As I was shopping for food, swarms of people were stocking up on food in case of store closures due to the government shutdown, the human resources department called me to let me know I may not have work on Monday, fears were being projected by coworkers and even some on Facebook about concern of missed paychecks. There was nothing left for me to do. I turned to you Father and the many beings who support and I prayed. I prayed that a compromise was reached, that all those affected still had jobs to meet their obligations and support their families. I sent Reiki to the situation. I surrendered to you Father and could only have faith. I invoked your help Father in resolving this situation because I trust you Father. While going to bed last night, the last news article I read was that an agreement could not be reached and my job was to expire at midnight April 9th USA eastern time. All logic pointed to fear and failure. But I would not give in. You are my Rock Father. I rest on you for support. I trust you in time of need as you rescued many who trusted you. You are unconditional Love and a Father for His children. As I prayed I looked up and saw you God with the Angels and Masters in Shamballa surrounding me in a circle looking down at me.

(God): Surrender is the way to me. Faith in my Love is the way to me. Surrender the mind and give in to the heart. As your heart beats ceaselessly for you out of Love, so my heart beats ceaselesssly for you. You have knocked, sought my help and you have received. You are blessed eternally and Loved always.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Thank you Father with deepest gratitude. As I woke this morning and looked at the news it was exactly as you said to me. They would reach a compromise and I and many others would still have jobs. You tell me "All is Well and All will be well. You are blessed always." I believe you and trust you. I have great faith in you even during the greatest fear. I rest on you. I lean on you. I lean on your Love. You are my Rock and I love you, the Angels, Masters and all. Thank you all for your support. In deepest gratitude.


(Chris/Qan Dek): I read recently that Sai Baba was ill and that his illness was transmuting Karma for the planet. Can you tell me more?

(God): He is blessed. He is doing service. Do not worry. He is succeeding. He is blessed and all are blessed.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Father please tell me your words. I am like Enoch in the Bible. Your scribe. I long to be with Archangel Metatron.

(God): Metatron has already identified you to be by his side in service. That is why you are on the path you are on.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Recently two friends of mine passed. I performed the purification ritual for them. I watched Archangel Michael open a portal of Light and they both entered it and were escorted by him. One said- "thank you man...have a good one" and he used to do in the past while I knew him alive. Then I knew it was done and All is well. I watched the Masters in Shamballa provide a standing ovation.

(God): There are many thankful for your service. Be Love is all I ask for service. With each step you get closer to me.

(Chris/Qan Dek): Thank you Father for your words. I am blessed and all are blessed.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Life's Lessons

Anger and resentment are two of my lessons in life. Anger was caused by a lack of faith and resentment caused by a lack of satisfaction. Faith and Satisfaction (acceptance) open the inner heart and open the flow of energy to the upper chakras.

Anger is a disturbance that often sparks due to discomfort. It comes from feeling un-grounded and off-center. It comes from an overwhelming imbalance. Anger is a form of emotional communication, an energy that is powerful but is best channeled into pursuits involving energy. Sports, Dancing, Music etc etc. Anger is caused by an imbalance of the root chakra, sometimes sacral chakra. It is instinctual survival response (root chakra). Or, it may be sparked by relationships with others or our relationship with our self (sacral chakra).

The solution to anger is to find the heart, listen to the heart, express from the heart, and love dissolves anger. To listen to the heart, one has to know they are not alone. One finds faith. Faith that you are protected and that you are loved always. Faith opens the heart which unifies and dissolves first and second chakra blockages. The energy that was translated into anger by the lower chakras still remains, and that is best transmuted into physical activity to heal the physical imbalance and music to heal the emotional imbalance.

Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...