Today I purified many Mafia members whose actions cannot be spoken of, but they were quite negative, and there were a few that murdered victims.
The purifications, the attunements, the wisdom...all part of the Dharma of my mission in this incarnation and beyond.
I'm not going to repeat the Medicine Buddha purification ritual here, but I did it with a large amount of protection, as the group being purified was large, and each was of negative vibration.
The following have been purified: Harold Paul Rico, Roger Wheeler, John Joseph Gotti, Jr., Constatino Paul Castellano, Carlo Gambino, Joseph Bonanno, Sr., Salvatore Scala, Thomas Bilotti, Angelo Bruno, Antonio Caponigro, Philip Testa, Angelo Corallo, Vincent Louis Gigante, Carmine Fatico, Albert Anastasia, and Meyer Lansky.
Prior to this process, I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure Light, so that I am in it, and only Unconditional Love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.
There were many astral beings and hell beings trying to stop this process- black-death wolves, wormy-hydra creatures, but between the angels and Archangel Metatron's Metatronic Cube, Star of David and Flower of Life, the negative creatures went quickly back to where they belonged.
Those purified were crying in joy, and were worn out, much like I saw with the case of those in the SS I purified earlier. I mean Medicine Buddha and Quan Yin purified them, I only invoked their help, and watched the process under the protection of Archangel Michael.
May the Divine Light increase, and heal the darkness, and unite all into the One. May separation be vanquished forever. Wishing you each Abundant Love and Joy.