Showing posts with label purification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purification. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Purification of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was a distorted individual. I underwent the task of purifying him, fully knowing this would be one of my most difficult purifications.

I intended to purify both him and all of his victims, all of those listed in Wikipedia and all those that were not found, were unknown, but still were his victims. This is an effort to relieve the Earth from all negative vibration and distortion that is in the earthbound realms and lower astral planes reflecting back to Earth.

Looking at the history of Ted Bundy, he appeared to have negative influence as early as the age of three, when he surrounded his mother with knives. In my opinion, this was a strong possession of him by a greater negative being...a being of carnage. A demon. He was puppetted by this demon his entire life and this strongly influenced his behavior. His entire family history indicates a strong negative presence in the house, with his grandfather possessing very hateful, abusive traits. Whatever demon was feeding in the family house, it was very attracted to and attached to Ted strongly.

Knowing this would be difficult, I added multiple levels of protection prior to proceeding. First I invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection from all harm and all ill will, and visualized blue light of protection swirling around me 3 times. Then I used Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki symbols on me, 3 times each. Then I invoked God's Perfect Light and Perfect Unconditional Love to be with me at all times, and that God was One with me during this process and beyond, I visualized myself in a beam of White Light directly from God. Then I invoked a circle of warrior angels around me protecting me from all harm, then I added the Seraphim, Cherubim, Elohim, and then I invoked Archangel Metatron to place a circle of symbols all around me- the Star of David, the Flower of Life, and Metatron's Cube. Then I invoked Lord Melchizedek and Great Cosmic Beings and Masters of Shamballa for this process. I was ready.

I visualized the group of all victims and Ted in front of me. Ted was trying to escape the process back to the shadow. He was trying to move back to a very tall shadowy demon with red glowing eyes. First I invoked a team of warrior angels to secure the demon and keep it from interfering. This process was like separating conjoined twins. Ted and the demon were powerfully connected. Next I invoked Medicine Buddha (using the mantra 3 times...teyata om behekadze behekadze maha behekadza radza sammungate soha!) and visualized Buddha over the crown chakra of each person. Then I started...Buddha of Signs, Sound, Gold, Glory, Ocean, Light, and Medicine...each Buddha purifying each person, with the nectar of purification saying each name seven times. Then each person was pulled by the hara chakra into Medicine Buddha's heart for purification (again using the mantra 3 times...teyata om behekadze behekadze maha behekadza radza sammungate soha!)...I watched huge white flames purify the group, Ted Bundy was being purified the most. Each person was perfectly prevented from being reborn in the lower realms. I thanked Medicine Buddha. Each person was glowing. Then I invoked Quan Yin to spread the compassion of God on each...saying "Namo Quan She Yin Pu'sa" three times. Quan Yin covered each with rainbow healing light. It was done. Each was perfectly purified.

Now I invoked Archangel Michael to escort each into the Light. The victims of Ted all walked into the Light quickly. Ted just stood there confused and didn't walk forward. I said (and I believe Archangel Michael repeated)...."Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light?" He still stood there. I repeated...."Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light?"...Archangel Michael stopped the process. Archangel Michael said to Ted, "You cannot go back to the regions were you were, you have two choices to go into the Light or to have your soul purified and re-created in the Pure All Loving Fires of Purification of God." Ted thought about the options and reluctantly walked toward the Light. Several healing angels came out the Light and gently nudged him to walk forward. They held his arms as he slowly walked forward. Ted said..."I will go to the Light...I don't know about it and I never was will be an adventure," he said with child-like excitement. The angels walked with Ted into the Light. Archangel Michael informed me that, "Ted will have to be rehabilitated in the Light and will go to one of the healing hospitals in the Light, it will be a slow process but he will recover. He lost many fragments of love and luckily through your intention, you saved him in time. He will be well now."

The demon stared at me angrily but was unable to reach me. The team of warrior angels pulled the demon back into the hellish portal. It resisted and looked for more targets/hosts but then was pushed into the portal by the angels. Archangel Metatron performed a special sealing ritual and closed the door to evil through special magic and symbols.

It was done. More negative evil has departed the planet and its influence is waning.

I thanked all of the beings I invoked. It was done. The beings of Light applauded me happily.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Purification of further distortion

Introduction Part I: Reading more wikipedia I ran into this guy. Very distorted.

I will purify him along with his victims. A) I don't want ghosts here and B) The guy was puppeted by an extemely negative vibration being feeding off of the acts, from its needs, it probably was a demon. I don't want this negative evil here anymore, I want Love here.

The astral planes need to be cleaned up. These things do not need to influence us here anymore.

Part II, The purification process: Prior to this process I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoke Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure light so that I am in it and only unconditional love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.

Then I performed the purification ritual.

Well the children (who were his victims) entered the Light but for the first time this has ever happened, Albert was only a shell, he was completely eaten by the demon that possessed him so long, Archangel Michael told me that he could not be escorted into the Light at this time but had to go through soul purification, as the demon ate him up to his soul level and the ties were severely severed. That is really too bad, but it is the best for all of us. So his soul will need to be purified and he will need to restart elsewhere. So he was sent elsewhere for soul healing and the demon, although viciously trying to attack, was put back by Archangel Metatron to where it belongs, in hell regions far from here

The children victims were saved, no longer wandering the astral planes of earth. I did my best with Albert, but he had 65 years of incarnated possession, and then he was possessed as a shell since 1935, his energy body was almost completely eaten, and only at the soul purification level could he be saved.

Quan Yin informed me she will take an active part in his recovery process, providing him infinite love and compassion.

Purification of more negative vibration

Today I purified many Mafia members whose actions cannot be spoken of, but they were quite negative, and there were a few that murdered victims.

The purifications, the attunements, the wisdom...all part of the Dharma of my mission in this incarnation and beyond.

I'm not going to repeat the Medicine Buddha purification ritual here, but I did it with a large amount of protection, as the group being purified was large, and each was of negative vibration.

The following have been purified: Harold Paul Rico, Roger Wheeler, John Joseph Gotti, Jr, Constatino Paul Castellano, Carlo Gambino, Joseph Bonanno, Sr, Salvatore Scala, Thomas Bilotti, Angelo Bruno, Antonio Caponigro, Philip Testa, Angelo Corallo, Vincent Louis Gigante, Carmine Fatico, Albert Anastasia, and Meyer Lansky.

Prior to this process I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure light so that I am in it and only unconditional love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.

There were many astral beings and hell beings trying to stop this process- black death wolves, wormy hydra creatures, but between the angels and Archangel Metatron's Metatronic Cube, Star of David and Flower of Life, the negative creatures went quickly back to where they belonged.

Those purified were crying in joy, and were worn out, much like I saw with the case of those in the SS I purified earlier. I mean Medicine Buddha and Quan Yin purified them, I only invoked their help and watched the process under the protection of Archangel Michael.

May the Divine Light increase and heal the darkness and unite all into the One. May separation be vanquished forever. Wishing you each Abundant Love and Joy.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ghost purification

Sorry if I am not online much. Recently I served as a mover of our household, with a rented moving truck to our new apartment. There is still some stuff left in the old apartment, and I will be taking daily trips after work to pick up the rest. Currently internet access is primarily at my work, in which I have little time to access, except during lunch breaks. We should be setting up broadband internet at the new apartment within the next 2 weeks.

Last night I had a dream. It actually seemed like an Out of Body Experience (OBE). It wasn't very dreamlike and involved my conscious thinking process. There was a very sad, upset, moaning/wailing, middle aged woman in the Spirit world that was contacting me. She contacting me previously a few years ago, and I forgot about it, and never did anything in return to communicate with her. This was very interesting because it was after we moved into the new apartment. There is some strong energy connected with changing real estate with her. She was obviously a ghost or something. She was very unhappy and seemed to meet me in the Earthbound realm, which most of my OBE's take place. My dreams are mostly on the astral plane. First you cross through Earth bound realm to get to astral plane (which includes the void), and then you get to the heavenly realms. But anyway, she was very, very unhappy, and at times she showed anger, but was very imprisoned and behaved as if she was stuck. This led me to believe she was a ghost. I performed the Medicine Buddha purification ritual from memory and then asked Archangel Michael to escort her into the light. Then the OBE ended.

I saw the face but could not remember the name, until I received a flashback of my time in Massachusetts, visiting her town with my father (another connection of her to me). Suddenly a name popped into my head. Lizzie Borden.

After her tragic history connected to places and people and a difficult life, it is quite logical she became a ghost, because there was unresolved stuff in her life, which she needed to stick to earth to resolve. Then she got stuck, fixed only on Earth and unable to find the Light, and she became a ghost. Maybe she sensed my spiritual abilities and clung to me, I am not sure. But regardless, she has been purified, and escorted into the Light.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Purification of Osama bin Laden

Last night I performed the purification ritual for Osama bin Laden.

As with all other purification rituals I have performed, they take place in the void, also called purgatory. It is the meeting place between areas. It is the separation between heavenly realms and hell realms. It also contains a tunnel which leads to Earth. It is a place of reflection, a place of decision prior to returning to the wheel of life, a place where many who pass, who are not of heavenly or hellish vibration, remain until they make the decision to return to Earth. In the void there are portals to the heavenly realms, and also to the hellish realms (they are on different sides of the void). It is all a matter of vibration in the afterlife. The purer lighter vibrations of the void head towards the heavenly realms, and the denser heavier vibrations head towards the hellish realms. It appears the heavenly realm inhabitants only enter the void when asked. The hellish realms inhabitants are blocked by vibration from entering the void, but do try to coerce those in the heavier vibrations of the void to enter the hellish portals on occasion.

First, because I felt this process may be dangerous, due to the vibrations that were surrounding Osama bin Laden, I invoked Archangel Michael's protection for my highest and greatest good. I intended to perfectly purify Osama bin Laden for his highest and greatest good and return him to the Light. I saw Osama bin Laden in my mind's eye. He was looking like he did 10 years ago, but was appearing serious. He saw me and looked a little perplexed when he saw me. I am on Earth and viewing the void through a tunnel. We saw each other through the tunnel, which on my end, ends at my mind's eye. I performed the Medicine Buddha portion, invoking Medicine Buddha with his mantra "Teyata Om Behekadze Behekadze Maha Behekadze Radza Sammungate Soha" 3 times. Osama looked up and saw Medicine Buddha floating over him. Then I watched the Buddha of Signs, Sound, Gold, Glory, Ocean, Light and Medicine clear Osama with the nectar of purification. His serious demeanor changed to a smile after the Buddha of Gold's nectar. Then Medicine Buddha pulled Osama into Buddha's heart. At that point there was something that I last saw when I purified Adolf Hitler: A Niagara Falls-type rushing of purification water washed over Osama bin Laden. It was a very, very deep cleansing. I intended Osama was prevented from being reborn in the lower realms. Then I invoked Quan Yin to spread compassion of God to Osama by saying "Namo Quan She Yin Pu'sa" 3 times. I watched Quan Yin bathe Osama in rainbow light of compassion. It was done. He was purified. At the end of the process, a tear fell from his eye, maybe because of joy, maybe because of reflection on his Earth life, I am not sure.

Then I invoked Archangel Michael to escort Osama bin Laden into the Light. A portal of Light opened and Archangel Michael stepped out in front of Osama bin Laden looking at something. Perhaps attracted by Osama's original vibration, trying to keep him in the hellish realms, a giant 30-40 foot tall, Cerberus-type, black hell-dog was gnashing its teeth, and trying to grab Osama to return him to the hellish realms. Although purified, Osama was not in the Light yet, and the darkness tried to bring him back to hell. 

I last saw this monster when I purified Adolf Hitler. See for pictures of it. It is an enormous monster of destruction and carnage, and seems to feed off of this violent carnage energy. After reading about this monster, it is one of the guard dogs of hell, and typically does not enter the void and stays in the lower realms of hell. But somehow this monster followed Osama bin Laden out of the hell portal and tried to grab him. Accompanied by this monster were 2 fiery hell-hounds (the type I saw when purifying Gaddafi's son). It appears the fiery hell hounds are from lesser regions of hell, while the Cerberus type giant dog is from the lower greater regions. Archangel Michael picked up Osama and lightly tossed him into the portal of Light. Apparently he knew this thing was extremely dangerous, and it was trying to bite and destroy everything around it. He also jumped into the portal and closed it. Then this monster sensed me viewing the process and snapped at me. Thankfully Archangel Michael had placed a force field of protection around me (remember I invoked his protection before the process). The monsters bite was reflected off of me. Then suddenly Archangel Michael returned. He was leading many many warrior angels. The angels eliminated the firey hell hounds. The Cerberus dog was extremely powerful and could not be eliminated by the angels' swords. Suddenly blue glowing ropes of Light appeared out of the air. Each end wrapped around this monster's feet and more ropes tied the monster's mouth shut. Then all the angels including Archangel Michael secured the monster, and pushed it slowly back into the hellish portal where it came from. The creature was returned to where it came from, and Archangel Michael placed another wall of Light near the portal to keep it from escaping again. It was done. Archangel Michael returned to me, placing his sword into the ground and said, "You did something great today. It is an honor to serve you." He smiled and returned to the Light with his fellow angels.

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...