Monday, October 17, 2016

The next 5,000 years

In this guest piece, we talked to sci-fi author Drew Wagar about his predictions for the next five, 50, 500 and 5,000 years.

Being an SF writer means you have to imagine different futures, different worlds. It is generally easier to do that when you aren’t tied to the present, or you can pick another world or civilisation and use your imagination.

Predicting where we might actually be in the future is rather more tricky, and, almost certainly, is going to be wrong – but it’s a fun exercise and here are my thoughts on where we might be...

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The world's first nation state in space

At a press conference in Paris this week, plans were announced for the creation of 'Asgardia' – the first nation state in outer space.
Named after the city of the skies in Norse mythology, Asgardia is a space-based nation proposed by Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, founder of the Aerospace International Research Centre (Vienna), and Chairman of UNESCO's Science of Space committee. The concept is aimed at creating a new framework for how space activities are regulated and owned, ensuring that "the future of space is peaceful and done for the benefit of humankind."
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Surviving Earth Changes

"Now the battle between Light and Darkness is taking place, Earth changes in the form of floods, earthquakes and land shifts have begun. The timetable for these changes has already been set, cosmically. What we do on Earth will not stop their march. Whoever survives the battle between Light and Darkness will face even greater challenges, for just as we breathe freely again from the grip of the Dark Forces, we will see massive natural disasters destroying most major cities and populated areas. Many light bearers may then give up, but those who choose to fight on will lead survivors to certain Spiritual Regions and begin their REAL mission: society's reconstruction on firmer foundations."
- The Amanuensis, November 2006

Check out Michael Mau's Book Sanctus Germanus Prophecies Volume 1 and 2 for more information.

Max Spiers, 39, originally from Canterbury, was found dead in Poland He had gone to the country to talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs

Max Spiers, 39, originally from Canterbury, was found dead in Poland
He had gone to the country to talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.

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We are all One

"We are all One." ~ God In Conversations with God Book 3 by Neale Donald Walsh.... Same words I heard in my mystical experience in...