Monday, January 22, 2024

Harness your Personality

Harness your Personality to align with your Life's Purpose.

I am INFP-A (Intuitive Feeling Personality- Assertive - also known as Mediator). This comes from my Sun in the 12th house (inward direction) and Pisces moon (empathy and intuition).


Want to know yourself deeper? Want to find out your personality type? There are 16 types. 

Here is the link to the test

Get your natal chart at

The Avatar of Synthesis

About the Avatar of Synthesis-an Avatar Unity Field (A Social Memory Complex)

Call forth the Avatar of Synthesis to over-light the Earth and cleanse the entire planet of all evil and all that is not for the highest and greatest good of all beings. You can also invoke the Violet Flame and bathe the Earth with Violet Flame. 

Here is an example of a prayer you say:

"Avatar of Synthesis, Avatar of Synthesis, Avatar of Synthesis. Come great Avatar of Synthesis in alignment with God's Holy Will. Come over-light the Earth with your presence, and destroy all that is not for the highest and greatest good of all beings. Violet Flame and All Holders of the Violet Flame, bathe the Earth with Great Divine energies of Violet Flame, cleansing all that is not for the highest and greatest good. And So it is. So be it."

Take a few moments to visualize the Earth inside of the Avatar of Synthesis great field of Unity. Visualize the Earth within a giant Violet Flame of purification. 

How do we speed up our Ascension?

How do we speed up our Ascension? Dedication to love and service to others brings love and light closer to you in your life.

I highly recommend asking your Higher Self for help fast tracking your progress, also God. They have infinite power to help you.

Here is an example you can pray- "My Higher Self and God, Father, of the highest love and light, I intend to be of service to others. I have made the choice and dedicate my life to love and service to others. I dedicate my life to releasing the suffering of all life on Earth. Please support me in all areas of this request and provide your guidance and resources to make it so. God's Holy will be done! And so it is!"

Thursday, January 11, 2024

What is the Akasha or Ether?

Did you know? Thoughts and emotions can move through Akasha or the ether. The void is part of the Akasha or ether. Also prana moves through the akasha or the ether to our bodies. The akasha (astral light) records and uploads to the akashic records. The source beyond the akasha is Spirit, THE I AM THAT I AM, and in unity called God, ALL THAT IS.

The subconscious mind exists in the ether or akasha. Karma flows through it. Dharma flows through it. Reiki flows through it. Intuition and messages flow through it. Gratitude flows through the ether. We are mirrors of each other because of the ether. It is an active invisible ocean that permeates everything. You can connect to the akasha in meditation.

The akasha or ether has also both absorption (sponge/archiving) qualities for upload to Spirit and reflective qualities to return actions (instant karma or Dharma and manifestations i.e. law of attraction) to the person.

Oneness becomes a reality when you can sense the akasha or ether that connects everything.

The heart and the third eye can perceive it, the mind cannot perceive it.

The etheric body is formed of the ether, it is a densified ether so that it forms a body. Within the etheric body there are nadis, meridians, axiatonal lines, chakras, and kundalini that are formed of prana that flow through the etheric body. The etheric body is used in astral projection in the real time world. Our physical body with its nervous system is a densified replica of the etheric body. Ether and prana respond well to sound and light, which is why Solfeggio frequencies work well for your chakras, and why Reiki can open your third eye.

Within the akasha/ether contains all potentialities and manifestations, the ether holds the records of timelines from simultaneous lives (present, past and future lives in linear thinking), which is why it is linked to the akashic records. This is why Kryon mentions looking at/manifesting your Akash in his channelings. The akasha/ether is connected to the Void (center of creation) and also Nirvana. Our Soul/Higher Self exists very close to the ether and then beyond the Soul/Higher Self is our Group Spirit (OverSoul) then the Avatar field then God, Source, All That Is.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Book by Dharma Sangha

 Book by Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an Avatar incarnation of Maitreya. The Buddhist words may be confusing but here is a translation of key words- Maitri is loving kindness/compassion- the will to do good. Dharma is service. Moksha is liberation. There is a translation of key words in the back of the book.

Book link:

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Divine Laws

Divine Laws:

#1 – The Law of Free Will (Free Will exists, and We all have Free Will that must be respected.....Also allows the Choice for positive or negative polarity.)

#2 – The Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma or the Law of Balance)

#3 – The Law of Divine Compensation (Good deeds will be rewarded, Be Open to Receive from all sources both seen and unseen, The Law of Attraction- Take action steps and then be open to receive)

#4 – The Law of Grace (You are graced with miracles beyond your imagination, Express gratitude for Grace)

#5 – The Law of Oneness (Everything and Everyone is connected. Everything we do has a ripple effect which affects the collective. Life is Many and the One, Life is Unity in Diversity. We are all One.)

#6 – The Law of Divine Intervention (Prayer and Forgiveness for Self and Others, the Divine is here to support you)

#7 – The Law of Correspondence (As Above, So Below)

#8 – The Law of Absolution (Life has lessons that are full of opportunities)

#9 – The Law of Infinite Possibilities (Be open to all possibilities for your highest and greatest good)

#10 – The Law of Guidance (There are Divine clues along the way)

#11 – The Law of Gender (Masculine and Feminine energies exist in all things, both are different sides of the same coin, equally important)

#12 – The Law of Rhythm (There is Movement and a Rest, Everything has cycles and rhythm, Example think of the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

#13 – The Law of Polarity (Everything has polarity- good and evil, hot and cold, love and fear, all are two sides of the same coin (degrees apart from each other)...contrast brings clarity)

#14 – The Law of Vibration (Everything vibrates at different levels, Everything is in constant motion, Vibrations can affect Vibrations.)

A message from Maitreya

A message from one of the world Avatars today, Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an incarnation of Maitreya.

Main Teachings Link

A quote- "The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.

May all beings be happy. So be it." ~Dharma Sangha

"The arrival of Maitreya is prophesied to occur during an era when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have been disregarded or largely forgotten." .....sounds like the times we are in today.

"Maitreya is poised to teach self-realization, as well as right action and right relationship, or the Dharma."......sounds like what Dharma Sangha is saying to me.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Law of One

 Read about the Law of One here

Law of One Practices:

1. Unity Consciousness

2. Love Yourself

3. Love Others

4. Love Earth & Nature

5. Service to Others

6. Consciousness Expansion

7. Responsible Co-Creation

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...