Example of Kundalini and Enlightenment experience- You don’t get her to rise, you let her rise, by allowing her to express her divine Love in you. You must be worthy first of all and she will test you. If you are what she’s looking for, she will activate in you. You will first feel pressure and heat at the base of your spine. This sensation will then slowly wriggle itself upwards along the spine, like a living serpent made of liquid, fiery energy. As it goes up, it burns the fruits of Karma and past attachment. You will re-live your mistakes as it moves up from chakra, to chakra, forcing you to deal with repressed memories and guilt. As it clears up Karma in each chakra it moves on to the next one. This can take years.
When it finally reaches the top of your head, you will hear a tearing sound, as if something is breaking. It will then create a vortex of sorts, almost like a funnel, which allows liquid light (for me it was an incredibly bright white light bathing my body from above my crown chakra), a form of matter-energy indigenous to a higher level of reality, to pour into your brain, giving you what is known as enlightenment. This instantly silences ping-pong thoughts, and thoughts begin to move in a one-pointed direction, when they are thought. The stillness of mind leads to inner peace. The outer drama of Earth life revolves around your inner peace but you are the observer, not actually affected by any of it. You feel ongoing bliss of nirvana. Unconditional Love for all of life. Judgments and fears fade away.