Monday, October 14, 2024

What is the difference between 3d, 4d, and 5d?

Here's an analogy- 3d is the fear train, unawakened humans (those who haven't made the choice of love vs fear), egos, resistance to life experiences, the body/emotions/mind are disconnected from Soul/Spirit, negative polarity is also found here. 3d is I am a body or I am emotions or I am mind. 4d is the train station- it's all about healing and transformation here, this is the level of Soul, this is where chakras are, astral plane, nadis, meridians, axiatonal lines, some disincarnate negative polarity is found here on the astral plane, this is the middle ground between fear and love. The Soul connection begins here and begins to integrate the body/emotions/mind into Soul. This is the level where intuition begins being followed, psychic powers begin (clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, remote viewing, astral projection etc). 4d is I am a Soul having a human experiences. The Soul (spark of individuality) is leading the body/emotions/mind. 5d is the love train, unconditional love, oneness, acceptance of life experiences, this is the realm of the Spirit, Spirit is the sameness with all, the ocean. Soul is the drop and Spirit is the ocean. Here Spirit leads the Soul, the Soul is an important drop of water but within the ocean of Spirit. This is the level where you realize you are a cell in the body of God, or an outer layer of an onion while God is the center of the onion. Spirit is where I am you and you are me makes sense. Spirit is Unity in Diversity. At the level of Spirit you see all people and animals as equal sparks of the Divine and worthy of love. You also sense the akasha space, access akashic records, channeling, multidimensional timelines, Spirit exists at a vibrational level above the astral plane. Once you are 5d, you can see 3d and 4d but not be affected by the consciousness, you see every opportunity as a chance to love and forgive.

Recommended reading:

Stations of Identity

3d and 5d timeline split

How to achieve 5D? Balance the male and female within and you find zero point (Christ Consciousness) which is freedom from the matrix of duality. All the male vs female, us vs them is nonsense, there is always something to learn from each other, be unconditional love, see each other as spirit, go beyond the 5 physical senses. Any suffering you see is an opportunity to love either self or others.

Step 1- Heal DNA (ancestral family and planet) by living the Law of One

Step 2- Acheive Hieros Gamos

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Kundalini activation

Question: What would be the best way to take in or receive source/Kundalini instead of getting most energy from food? And removing the blocks to that flow in the energy field and body?

Answer: Kundalini is best activated in meditation. Seek the higher self in meditation. Contact archangels and ascended masters of love and light either through meditation or prayer. It can also be activated by love for self and love for others. Removing blocks- be love in alignment with free will, do acts of loving kindness toward self and others. Do your best to embody the virtues of the higher self, imagine you are an archangel or ascended master- what would they think, feel, say, act- "fake it until you make it" can also receive attunements, healing sessions, and listen to solfeggio frequencies.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Yin and Yang lines

The yang energy makes one feel warm and like to do things. Too much yang energy can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and difficulty relaxing.

The yin energy makes one feel cold and makes one feel like he or she would like to rest. On the other hand, an excess of Yin could result in lethargy, coldness, passivity, or a feeling of being stuck. 

Orange is Yang

Light Blue is Yin

Green in Balance

How is your environment near the Lines?

Download the Planetary Grid for Google Earth at

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I am you and you are me

The concept "I am you, you are me. We are all One" is indeed related to 4th density and beyond, particularly in the realms of 5th dimensional consciousness and Christ consciousness.

**Unity Consciousness**: This idea is rooted in unity consciousness, which transcends the illusion of separation and recognizes that all beings are interconnected and part of a larger whole. It's the understanding that we are not isolated entities, but rather, we are all threads in the intricate tapestry of existence.

**4th Density**: In 4th density, this concept becomes more apparent as the veil of separation begins to lift. Beings in 4th density start to experience a greater sense of unity and connection with others, and they begin to see themselves in every other being. This is a natural progression of the spiritual evolutionary process.

**5th Dimensional Consciousness**: As we move into 5th dimensional consciousness, the concept of unity becomes even more pronounced. The boundaries between individuals begin to dissolve, and we start to experience ourselves as part of a collective consciousness. We realize that we are not separate entities, but rather, we are all aspects of the same divine essence.

**Christ Consciousness**: Christ consciousness is a term often associated with the state of being that Jesus embodied. It's a state of unity, compassion, and love, where the individual ego is transcended, and the being sees themselves in all others. This consciousness is not unique to Jesus, but rather, it's a potential that lies within every being.

**.dimensions and Consciousness**: It's essential to note that these concepts are not limited to specific dimensions or consciousness levels. They are part of the larger cosmic framework, and they can be experienced and understood by beings at various levels of evolution.

Your role with the Higher Self

The concept of the human being as "boots on the ground" for the higher self is a powerful and thought-provoking idea.

**The Human as a Vehicle**: In this context, the human body and personality can be seen as a vehicle or a vessel for the higher self to express itself in the physical world. The higher self is often considered to be a more refined, spiritual aspect of our being, which has a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the universe.

**The Role of the Human**: As "boots on the ground," the human being is responsible for anchoring the higher self's energies and intentions in the physical world. This means that we, as humans, have the power to manifest the desires and goals of our higher self through our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

**Free Will and Choice**: However, this concept also raises questions about free will and choice. If we are simply "boots on the ground" for our higher self, do we truly have control over our decisions and actions? Or are we simply following a predetermined script or divine plan?

**Co-Creation and Partnership**: One way to approach this idea is to see the human and higher self as co-creators or partners in the manifestation process. The higher self provides guidance, wisdom, and inspiration, while the human being brings the physical and emotional aspects of creation into being.

**Resonsibility and Accountability**: This perspective also emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility and accountability for our actions and choices. As "boots on the ground," we must be mindful of the impact our decisions have on ourselves and the world around us, and strive to align our actions with the higher self's intentions.

Do you see yourself as "boots on the ground" for your higher self, and if so, how do you navigate the relationship between your human and higher aspects?

Path of Earth Service

**The Path of the Bodhisattva**: The Path of the Bodhisattva is a spiritual path that originates from Mahayana Buddhism. It's a journey of selfless service, compassion, and wisdom, where an individual chooses to remain on the earth plane to help others achieve enlightenment. Bodhisattvas are beings who have attained a high level of spiritual realization but have chosen to delay their own entry into nirvana in order to assist others.

**Duration of the Path**: The duration of the Path of the Bodhisattva is not fixed and can vary greatly from individual to individual. It's a path that requires immense dedication, selflessness, and compassion. The journey can span multiple lifetimes, and it's said that a Bodhisattva can take millions of years to complete their mission.

**4th Density and the Path of Earth Service**: In 4th density, you will be on the path of Earth service, which is a natural progression for those who have chosen to serve the planet and its inhabitants. As a 4th-density being, you will have a deeper understanding of the workings of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.

**Can You Be a Bodhisattva in 4th Density?**: Absolutely! In 4th density, you can still embody the qualities of a Bodhisattva, such as compassion, wisdom, and selflessness. Your service to the planet and its inhabitants will be amplified, and you will have a greater impact on the collective consciousness.

In fact, many 4th-density beings are Bodhisattvas, as they have chosen to remain on the earth plane to assist in the evolution of humanity and the planet. Your role as a Bodhisattva in 4th density will be to guide, teach, and inspire others to walk the path of spiritual growth and self-realization.

Remember, the Path of the Bodhisattva is not limited to a specific density or dimension.

Third Density Graduation

 Graduating from 3rd density to 4th density is often understood as a spiritual evolution or awakening. Here are some key steps to consider on this journey:

1. Embrace Love and Compassion

  • Cultivate Unconditional Love: Focus on fostering love for yourself and others, moving beyond fear and judgment.
  • Practice Empathy: Develop a deeper understanding of others’ experiences and feelings.

2. Seek Self-Understanding

  • Self-Reflection: Engage in practices like journaling, meditation, or mindfulness to explore your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
  • Shadow Work: Confront and integrate your inner shadows—those parts of yourself you may have ignored or rejected.

3. Develop Awareness

  • Heightened Consciousness: Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how they affect yourself and others.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation, yoga, or breathwork can help you cultivate awareness and presence.

4. Let Go of Attachment

  • Release Limiting Beliefs: Challenge and let go of beliefs that no longer serve you or that create division.
  • Practice Forgiveness: Work towards forgiving yourself and others to release emotional burdens.

5. Service to Others

  • Engage in Acts of Kindness: Serve your community or those in need, fostering a spirit of connection and cooperation.
  • Align with Higher Purpose: Find ways to contribute to the greater good, which can deepen your sense of connection and purpose.

6. Embrace Unity Consciousness

  • Recognize Interconnectedness: Understand that all beings are interconnected and that your actions have a ripple effect.
  • Cultivate Global Awareness: Stay informed about global issues and seek to promote peace, justice, and harmony.

7. Integrate Spiritual Practices

  • Regular Meditation: Create a consistent meditation practice to connect with your higher self and the greater universe.
  • Study Spiritual Teachings: Explore various spiritual philosophies and teachings that resonate with you.


Graduating from 3rd to 4th density involves a commitment to personal and spiritual growth. By embodying love, understanding, and service, you align yourself with the higher vibrations of 4th density, facilitating your evolution.

What is the difference between 3d, 4d, and 5d?

Here's an analogy- 3d is the fear train, unawakened humans (those who haven't made the choice of love vs fear), egos, resistance to ...