Monday, March 24, 2025

Discover your Galactic Origins

In my experience, many Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos come from Galactic Heritage in higher dimensions in order to lift up the vibration of Earth. Regarding Indigos, I have noticed a trend that Indigo 1s were born in the 1950s and 1960s, Indigo 2s were born in the 1970s and 1980s. Indigo 3s were born in the 1990s and 2000s. 

Discover your Galactic Heritage by getting a free Galactic Astrology Chart at

Why is it called Christ Consciousness?

My perspective. Take what resonates with you. It is called Christ because it means anointed one. Human is not anointed until Christ is realized. Christ comes from Christos-Sophia which is Hieros Gamos (union of God and human) which is Solar (Soular) Light that transfigures shadows of lunar light. Lunar light is human. Soular Light is Christ. The Soul embodied is Christ. Until humans awaken they are not yet annointed, but of course all are destined to return to Source in their own free will time. There are 3 stages- Baptism by Spirit (Awakening- Soul 50% embodied- discover Soul purpose) then Transfiguration (Being Christed- Soul 100% embodied- manifest Soul purpose- enlightenment or self-realization) then Resurrection (Ascension- leaving the body for the Spiritual realms- Soul fulfills its purpose- returning Home).

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Who are the Paliadorians?

Who are they?

They are all of those aligned with the Law of One, basically they are us- from ascended masters, to starseeds, to indigos, to positive ETs to archangels etc.

Mass Media Programming

A lesson on Discernment.

For anyone that wants to understand mass media programming techniques this one is a good one- 6. Use the Emotional Reaction more than the Reflection. Making use of the emotional aspect is a classic technique for causing a short circuit on rational analysis and critical thinking, and finally to short circuit the common sense of the individual. Furthermore, the use of emotional register to open the door to the unconscious mind for implantation or grafting ideas, desires, fears and anxieties, addictions, or inducing certain behaviors....keep the people in fear to disempower them.

I can hear mainstream news and listen to the subjective adjectives making things worse then they may really be- terror, horrific, horrifying, capitive, worst, blame, accuser, alert, broadly supports but, lost, just enough for now, chilling video, capture, convict, murder, growing panic, nervous whispering, alarming scene..don't let mass media program the subconscious mind via emotional adjectives. The subconscious creates what it is fed. Do you want drama in your life? Or do you want peace?  Mass media news is a tool to keep your vibration down. Commune often in meditation with your higher self and surround yourself with loving music and beautiful nature. Avoid most mainstream news if possible.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

God's Perspective

Zoom out- change your perspective to God's perspective, then your thoughts become God's thoughts, and perfect, then your experiences become God's experiences, and perfect, then your life becomes God's life, and is perfect.  Separation is really illusion in reality, from God's perspective there is only unity. From God's perspective, there is only God's thoughts, and God's experiences, and God's life. From God's perspective, we are literally cells in the body of God.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Free Will Choice

When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme of Earth life. If you want to receive you shall receive, if you don't then that is your free will choice too. God's Will supports free will choice either way. Everything is sent with the intent to be received for the highest and greatest good in alignment with free will. 

Discover your Galactic Origins

In my experience, many Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Indigos come from Galactic Heritage in higher dimensions in order to lift up the vibrati...