Thursday, August 22, 2024

Process using the Heart

What senses exist beyond the 5 physical senses?

One sense is intuition. We all know about intuition. Intuition is your Soul guiding your path, your journey through life's experiences. 

What is another sense?

Like intuition, the Heart is another sense beyond the 5 physical senses. 

Process all experiences through your Heart before using the 5 physical senses. Let your Free Will and the Free Will of others filter through your Heart. The Heart is a sense, like intuition. It is beyond the 5 physical senses but can be used instead of the mind to process experiences. Love and the Heart is for people. 

The mind is for things. The mind is great for plans and organization. The mind is good at comparing characteristics of things to make a decision. Maybe you are planning to buy a car or house or to follow a budget. Maybe you are planning a project or home improvement. That is the strength of the mind. It is the domain of things, anything without a Soul. 

However, let the Heart guide your interactions with other people, since people have Souls. The mind does not comprehend the Free Will of people. But the Heart does at its deepest levels because it knows We Are All One in the core of our hearts. If people are ignorant and hurling negativity at you, stand your ground and tell them you do not wish to hear it. But then privately forgive them of their ignorance, to release the negativity from your aura fields. If people are kind to you, then accept their loving kindness with immense gratitude, this keeps your aura fields clean. Surrender into your Heart and you become the embodiment of empathy and compassion for others. 

If you don't understand another person, just be present, remain centered in the present moment only, releasing the past and the future, listen to another in the present moment, let your Free Will and the other person's Free Will merge together in the unity of the Heart. Look for common ground within all people. See the core of Light within the Hearts of all people, no matter who they are. 

If they are negative then they are ignorant, they are like lost children, lacking inner awareness of their actions or blocking their conscience because they have not opened their hearts. If they are kind then have gratitude for they have opened their hearts. 

When we are born into this world, things are often jumbled, especially as we go through adolescence and become adults. The core of the emotional body is formed during the years of 7 through 14 years of age. The core of the mental body is formed during the years of 14 through 21 years of age. Our minds lead our hearts at first. 

But as we begin to awaken we learn to let the Heart lead the mind. This is the path to freedom. Freedom from all judgments and belief systems. Freedom from all fears. Replace judgment with discernment by filtering all experiences through the heart. Does it feel like love or does it feel like fear? You heart knows the truth. Every other way of perceiving through the mind will simply drop, when the Heart guides you. 

In conclusion, be the embodiment of Love and Unity by processing all experiences through your Heart. Let the Heart guide you first in processing experiences and then the 5 physical senses come after. 

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