Saturday, June 25, 2011

Purification of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was a distorted individual. I underwent the task of purifying him, fully knowing this would be one of my most difficult purifications.

I intended to purify both him and all of his victims, all of those listed in Wikipedia, and all those that were not found, were unknown, but still were his victims. This is an effort to relieve the Earth from all negative vibration and distortion, that is in the earthbound realms, and lower astral planes, reflecting back to Earth.

Looking at the history of Ted Bundy, he appeared to have negative influence as early as the age of three, when he surrounded his mother with knives. In my opinion, this was a strong possession of him by a greater negative being...a being of carnage. A demon. He was puppetted by this demon his entire life and this strongly influenced his behavior. His entire family history indicates a strong negative presence in the house, with his grandfather possessing very hateful, abusive traits. Whatever demon was feeding in the family house, it was very attracted to and attached to Ted strongly.

Knowing this would be difficult, I added multiple levels of protection prior to proceeding. First, I invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection from all harm and all ill will, and visualized blue light of protection swirling around me three times. Then, I used Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki symbols on me, three times each. Then, I invoked God's Perfect Light, and Perfect Unconditional Love, to be with me at all times, and that God was One with me during this process and beyond, I visualized myself in a beam of White Light directly from God. Then, I invoked a circle of warrior angels around me protecting me from all harm, then I added the Seraphim, Cherubim, Elohim, and then I invoked Archangel Metatron to place a circle of symbols all around me- the Star of David, the Flower of Life, and Metatron's Cube. Then, I invoked Lord Melchizedek and Great Cosmic Beings, and Masters of Shamballa for this process. I was ready.

I visualized the group of all victims and Ted in front of me. Ted was trying to escape the process, back to the shadow. He was trying to move back, to a very tall shadowy demon with red glowing eyes. First, I invoked a team of warrior angels to secure the demon, and keep it from interfering. This process was like separating conjoined twins. Ted and the demon were powerfully connected. Next, I invoked Medicine Buddha (using the mantra three times... Teyata Om Behekadze Behekadze Maha Behekadze Radza Sammungate Soha!) and visualized Buddha over the crown chakra of each person. Then, I started...Buddha of Signs, Sound, Gold, Glory, Ocean, Light, and Medicine...each Buddha purifying each person, with the nectar of purification saying each name seven times. Then, each person was pulled by their hara chakra into Medicine Buddha's heart for purification (again using the mantra three times... Teyata Om Behekadze Behekadze Maha Behekadze Radza Sammungate Soha!)...I watched huge white flames purify the group, Ted Bundy was being purified the most. Each person was perfectly prevented from being reborn in the lower realms. I thanked Medicine Buddha. Each person was glowing. Then, I invoked Quan Yin to spread the Compassion of God on each...saying "Namo Quan She Yin Pu'sa" three times. Quan Yin covered each with rainbow healing light. It was done. Each was perfectly purified.

Now, I invoked Archangel Michael to escort each into the Light. The victims of Ted all walked into the Light quickly. Ted just stood there confused and didn't walk forward. I said (and I believe Archangel Michael repeated)...."Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light?" He still stood there. I repeated...."Ted, you have just been you want to go to the Light?"...Archangel Michael stopped the process. Archangel Michael said to Ted, "You cannot go back to the regions were you were, you have two choices to go into the Light, or to have your Soul purified and re-created in the Pure All Loving Fires of Purification of God." Ted thought about the options, and reluctantly walked toward the Light. Several healing angels came out of the Light, and gently nudged him to walk forward. They held his arms, as he slowly walked forward. Ted said..."I will go to the Light...I don't know about it, and I never was will be an adventure," he said with child-like excitement. The angels walked with Ted into the Light. Archangel Michael informed me that, "Ted will have to be rehabilitated in the Light, and will go to one of the healing hospitals in the Light, it will be a slow process, but he will recover. He lost many fragments of Love and luckily through your intention, you saved him in time. He will be well now."

The demon stared at me angrily, but was unable to reach me. The team of warrior angels pulled the demon back into the hellish portal. It resisted, and looked for more targets/hosts, but then was pushed into the portal by the angels. Archangel Metatron performed a special sealing ritual, and closed the door to evil through special magic and symbols.

It was done. More negative evil has departed the planet, and its influence is waning.

I thanked all of the beings I invoked. It was done. The beings of Light applauded me happily.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Discernment- there are many New Age groups that have begun to form negative vibrations around New Age concepts- much ego is involved behind the scenes, and many are manipulating the thought-forms to bring the vibration of the positives down. Please remember to feel the vibration beyond the words. If you feel pure Love and it resonates, enjoy it. If not, you are advised to follow your vibration. It is not about the images, the symbols, the words, the mind is about Love energy. If you encounter these types and situations, immediately correct it with positive Loving thought, feeling, listening to soft peaceful music, and go into meditation, connect with your Higher Self and Source of Perfect Love and Oneness.

Groups that use words like "GREATER" and "BETTER" vibrate with ego. Others like to talk of catastrophes vibrating fear. Please just be careful.

The negatives are trying to hold onto their world. They have begun infiltration into groups, trying to turn Lightworkers to their vibrations, and stop the Ascension. Don't let them, keep them at distance, pray for their forgiveness, and eventual awakening, and send them your Love.
When you see a hierarchy forming, that one person is always right, and never yielding to listen, watch out.

There is a difference between Love and a cult.

If you feel separation, much Will without Love, you will know it.

Here are some examples of the negative path:

Distorting Oneness (separation/ego), distorting Love (fear), and distorting Compassion (hate).
Service to Self (others are tools for the self to manipulate and control vs. positive path: Service to Others, all are equal and loved equally).

Hierarchy, ones above fighting for control, and ones below fighting for the spot above.

Absorbing of Love (vs. positive radiating Love), and put downs instead of compliments.

Fear based thinking- massive gloom and doom (versus massive faith in peace and happiness).

Creation of heavy dense energies (negative blame, guilt, depression, constricting versus positive
path: responsibility, satisfaction, uplifting, happiness, expansion, and fine lighter vibrations).

Negative: don't believe in Karma, Law of the Circle, and willfully try to avoid it, until life crashes all together on them at once...

The test: Negatives are Supreme Will over Love. No Love. Lots of Will. By their works you shall know them. See through the charades, see the energy for what it is. Use your intuition, follow your heart always.

Here is more: The negatives on Earth are un-awakened and puppets of greater negatives from the lower astral planes. They are vampires looking to suck your energy. Example: Albert Fish, the serial killer, was puppetted by a demon of blood, Hitler and Roland Friesler were puppetted by demons of anger and hate, others in addictions are puppetted by negative beings of gluttony and there are many more types. Their only goal absorb assimilate constrict you, and keep you make you their host.

Some of the greater negatives are very subtle. They are experts at manipulation. They can read your thoughts, and emotions, and are attracted by negative fear, lots of ego, addiction, and greed. It is their food, their energy they wish to feed off of. The astral negatives can shape-shift, and impersonate positive teachers, based upon reading the thoughts and history, stored in the astral plane and earthbound realm that surrounds Earth.

Here is how you discern them...ask if they come in God's Love. Most will try to avoid the question. They do not have Love in their fields, they have powerful energy bodies based upon the first three chakras, with the heart chakra skipped, and more will to reach the throat, and third eye chakras. But because they are missing the heart, they do not light up all chakras, nor achieve balance, nor activate the violet crown chakra, to ascend. So look for the heart behind their words....if they have no heart...they are negatives.

Many positives are stuck with negative parasites they absorbed, until they fully awaken. The way to remove the negatives is to focus on Love, and send them all your Love. They will be repelled, and look for fear somewhere else. The worst thing you can do is to be fearful...that is what attracts shift your focus to God and Archangel Michael with you...holding your hand...holding your shoulder...with you...part of you always. There is nothing to fear, only pure Unconditional Love and Perfect Protection is with you always.

In all my experiences clearing negatives and purifying people, I have never met a negative that could defeat Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael. They can't, they don't have any Love. They have no power. I have watched many times in my mind's eye, the warrior angels binding the greater forces of negativity, and sending them where they their vibrations. They don't get past the lower/shadowy parts of the void in the afterlife. Their vibrations are incompatible with the heavenly realms. They have no Love. Love is the key to Ascension. Love, Love, Love.

The negatives will fight to the bitter end to hold onto their version of Earth- hierarchy, control, making others powerless, fear, destruction, uncontrollable anger etc. The positives are going to ascend to their version of Earth- the environment of Unconditional Love. The two are not compatible, and will be separated upon the Ascension of the positives.

Now here is the interesting fact. While in 3D we are subject to the negatives exposure. So guard your thoughts, your feelings, be careful with the movies you watch, TV you watch, music you hear, words you read...ensure it is of the highest vibration. Use discernment. Keep distance from the negatives to keep your purity. Don't let them stop your Ascension. You are responsible for your Ascension.

Now at the Higher Self level, all is Light and Love. All positives, and all negatives. The difference between the two, is that the negatives have chosen to block the opening of the heart, and they willfully block the Love, to reach their destination. We are here in 3D to make choices for our polarity. 3D is naturally full of duality, and will always be. The Unity/Oneness vibration of 6D sees all perfectly as Light. Both positives and negatives are expressions. They Are. They exist while we are in 3D, to allow us to make choices for our polarity. They are part of the Game. The very polarized negatives can make it to 4D, but no further, because 5D is Unconditional Love with group consciousness, and 6D is complete Unity/Oneness, and sees everything only as One. Negatives block Love and Oneness, so they willfully keep themselves constricted in 3D and 4D (Earth (3D) or 4D: earthbound realms, ghost realms, hell-vibration regions, and lower astral planes).

So think of the negative person you find as one of God's children sleeping soundly. They are just not aware, or awake. They are on auto-pilot. Send them your Love. Keep your purity. Pray for their awakening, and forgiveness. You can't change their will. But maybe one day they will open the heart, and realize the Game. We are here to choose our polarity, to walk our path, to give all beings the boundary and freedom, to make their own choices. Positives respect Free Will and provide constant Love to all. Don't force your will on another, or you will be stepping onto a negative path. Let the Love flow like water, be action in your choice, and one day we will all return to Source, without need to experience duality, but rather being in perfect Oneness.

I repeat, please wish all beings including negatives your best. Love those that are distorted, pray for their forgiveness and send your forgiveness. But they must make their own choice, on where they want to go. You can only guide them within the bounds of their Free Will.

Take what you wish from this, and feel free to let that which doesn't resonate with you pass you by. It's all your choice what you wish to be.

Wishing all Infinite Love and Light,
Chris / Qan Dek

Purification of further distortion

Introduction Part I: Reading more Wikipedia, I read about this guy. He was very distorted.

I will purify him along with his victims. A) I don't want ghosts here, and B) The guy was puppeted by an extremely negative vibration being feeding off of the acts, from its needs, it probably was a demon. I don't want this negative evil here anymore, I want Love here.

The astral planes need to be cleaned up. These things do not need to influence us here anymore.
Part II, The Purification Process: Prior to this process I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure Light, so that I am in it, and only Unconditional Love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.
Then I performed the purification ritual.

Well, the children (who were his victims) entered the Light, but for the first time this has ever happened, Albert was only a shell, and he was completely eaten by the demon that possessed him so long. Archangel Michael told me that he could not be escorted into the Light at this time, but had to go through Soul purification, as the demon ate him up to his Soul level, and the ties were severely severed. That is really too bad, but it is the best for all of us. So his Soul will need to be purified, and he will need to restart elsewhere. So he was sent elsewhere for Soul healing, and the demon, although viciously trying to attack, was put back by Archangel Metatron, to where it belongs, in hell regions far from here.

The children victims were saved, no longer wandering the astral planes of Earth. I did my best with Albert, but he had 65 years of incarnated possession, and then he was possessed as a shell since 1935, his energy body was almost completely eaten, and only at the Soul purification level could he be saved.

Quan Yin informed me she will take an active part in his recovery process, providing him much Infinite Love and Compassion.

Purification of more negative vibration

Today I purified many Mafia members whose actions cannot be spoken of, but they were quite negative, and there were a few that murdered victims.

The purifications, the attunements, the wisdom...all part of the Dharma of my mission in this incarnation and beyond.

I'm not going to repeat the Medicine Buddha purification ritual here, but I did it with a large amount of protection, as the group being purified was large, and each was of negative vibration.

The following have been purified: Harold Paul Rico, Roger Wheeler, John Joseph Gotti, Jr., Constatino Paul Castellano, Carlo Gambino, Joseph Bonanno, Sr., Salvatore Scala, Thomas Bilotti, Angelo Bruno, Antonio Caponigro, Philip Testa, Angelo Corallo, Vincent Louis Gigante, Carmine Fatico, Albert Anastasia, and Meyer Lansky.

Prior to this process, I placed Reiki protective symbols on myself, invoked Archangel Michael's perfect protection, surrounded myself with his blue flame, invoked a circle of warrior angels around me, invoked God's perfect pure Light, so that I am in it, and only Unconditional Love is with me, and finally I invoked the Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangel Metatron to do his magic.

There were many astral beings and hell beings trying to stop this process- black-death wolves, wormy-hydra creatures, but between the angels and Archangel Metatron's Metatronic Cube, Star of David and Flower of Life, the negative creatures went quickly back to where they belonged.

Those purified were crying in joy, and were worn out, much like I saw with the case of those in the SS I purified earlier. I mean Medicine Buddha and Quan Yin purified them, I only invoked their help, and watched the process under the protection of Archangel Michael.

May the Divine Light increase, and heal the darkness, and unite all into the One. May separation be vanquished forever. Wishing you each Abundant Love and Joy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beautiful song

Beautiful song about Love, Spirit and Life in general

Timeline of an incarnation

Chris Comish, a history:

Chris Comish six years prior to awakening, highly immersed in the Ego, 2000 (link above)

Prior to 2001 Chris is veiled and unawakened but has odd interest in parts of the Bible and in the Stars

Lynne broke up with Chris a few months after this photo and got together with his friend Pete from college, 2001

2001-2003 Chris is in the role of sitting on the fenceline (undecided)

Chris almost died in 2002 due to near car accident (too fast on the autobahn with sportscar)

Chris deployed to War in 2003 and has bad feelings about his purpose there

Chris almost died in 2004 due to near car accident (hydroplaning on water, vehicle spun around at high rate of speed)

2004-2006 Chris shifts to role as aspiring student

Lynne was killed in a car accident on November 14, 2005- car slid on ice and fell off cliff into icy creek. Cause of death blunt trauma and drowning

Chris got his first Reiki healing in Summer of 2006 introducing him to spiritual energy

Chris vows to God to be of service to all beings

Chris left the Army in 2006 at the rank of Captain for a greater spiritual service & purpose

2007-2008 Chris shifts to role as Student

Chris found out about the passing of Lynne in 2007

Chris decided to bridge the spiritual world and physical world by learning after life contact techniques from Steve Murray in 2007

2007 Chris contacts the spiritual earth (lifting the veil)

2007 Chris takes every Reiki attunement he is able to

Chris contacted Lynne and attempted to pass messages 2007-2009 (Chris received 3-6th initiations) Lynne was in 4D

2008 Chris takes Lightarian series

2008-2009 Chris contacts the solar, galactic and universal levels for the first time (beyond ring pass not)

2009 Chris takes Axiatonal Lines Connection

2009 Chris begins attuning others on Ning sites

2009 Chris believes he will pass into Light, but does not. Sanat Kumara explains he has a greater purpose and more work to do.

2009-2010 Chris writes his first 6 books, attuning the world and Chris also begins the City of Shamballa social network to reach more

2009-2010 Chris shifts to role as Teacher

Chris purified Lynne in 2010 after learning the Medicine Buddha Ritual (Chris received 7th initiation). Lynne is now in 5D+ and blessed

Chris got in touch with Pete over the internet, called him and forgave him in 2011. They are friends again

2011 Chris shifts to role as Guide

2011 Chris finishes his 6 Ascension Rays books sharing Rays with the world

Chris continues sharing Divinity with the world and purifying all and also refining himself to be of the greatest service to all beings
(Chris working on 8th initiation)

Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this text remains intact.

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