Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How can Reiki or other energies help me?

What is Reiki? 

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese for Universal Life Energy. Reiki exists in and around us. A Reiki healer is able to tap into this limitless energy for the purpose of bringing others back into wholeness and balance. Reiki can also be sent to heal situations in the past, present, or future. Reiki protects you from harm. You may use Reiki or other energies as you are guided. 

These are some of the ways I use Reiki or other energies- 

Use for power and protection. I like to add Cho Ku Rei with a triple swirl of blue light of Archangel Michael’s protection on all people, cars, and buildings to protect each for their highest and greatest good. 

Heal a situation. Examples War in Ukraine, Fires, Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Political Unrest, Economic distress etc. Send Reiki or other energies for world peace. Or individually- heal a relationship, heal finances, heal job etc. 

Heal self or others- you can do hands on healing or distant healing. Distant healing involves the visualization of the higher self of the recipient, or a picture of them, or a name and location. 

Heal the world- send Reiki or other energies into the grid of the earth. Accelerate the ascension of humanity. 

Heal the afterlife- Send Reiki or other energies to the other side of the veil to help a loved one cross over.

Use Reiki or other energies in attunements or healing sessions- Create a chi ball to hold the attunement or healing session and send it to the higher self of the recipient. Ask the recipient to call in the attunement or healing session when they are ready. 

Use Reiki during meditation sessions to view the Akashic Records or to connect to your Higher Self or to the Ascended Masters and Angels or to the higher realms. The energy serves as a medium to transport your consciousness.

That is How Reiki and other energies can help you. I see you all and I'm here for you all. Thank you all of you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. You are truly appreciated as you spread the Love and Light around the planet. I love you all. God bless you all. 

In Loving Service. Namaste. 

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