Saturday, November 2, 2024

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Levels to Source

Question: Can you explain the levels from physical to God/Source?

Answer: Yes. I'll use an analogy. Everything is fractal. As above so below. Your finger tip is the physical incarnation. The finger is the Soul, the individual expression I AM, your hand is Spirit (also called Oversoul, Monad) this is the group expression I AM THAT I AM or WE ARE, your arm is the Avatar also called Christ Consciousness or the 144,000 (also called the Logos or Planetary or Galactic or Cosmic Consciousness), the entire body is God/Source also called ALL THAT IS.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Channeled quotes

Have faith. You are perfectly protected. You have my word and honor. ~ Archangel Michael

Tend the fire of your heart, with each act of Love the fire grows more toward me. ~ God/Source

You have nothing to fear, for you are Love itself. ~ God/Source

We are all here for you, watching you, and supporting you. You are doing wonderful things. We are excited with your progress. We celebrate with you. ~ Sanat Kumara and the Masters of Shamballa

I am you. You are me. We are. ~ Spirit

Saturday, October 19, 2024


After Ego Death, there is a confusion of identity until you realize you are still on Earth, but this time as an instrument of God's Will. Not my will, but Thy Will. This helps you with identity. You identify as an instrument of Spirit, as Spirit on Earth. Also it is helpful to add the words I AM in front of things. I AM calls the Power of Spirit. I AM unconditional love. I AM abundance. I AM gratitude. I AM worthy. I AM happiness. I AM service. I AM The Will-to-do-Good. I AM Divine Power. This magnetizes the universe to implement Divine Will. As long as what you do is for the highest and greatest good, from a place of Unconditional Love, the universe will respond.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Parallel Timelines

Question- Can you explain parallel timelines? 

Answer- Yes look at a tree branch. The present moment is the thickest branch. All of the smaller branches are parallel timelines. Every choice manifests from potentials. Potentials are parallel timelines. Where are you headed? Where your consciousness and vibration are. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


How to ascend: 

1. Do shadow work and love yourself. This includes aligning the body-emotions-mind-spirit. I am not the body, I am not the emotions, I am not the mind, I am loving awareness. Follow the Law of One. 

2. Do service to others and love others. 

3. Embody love and realize everything outside is a mirror of the inside. 

3 steps. It took me 18 years to realize this, I'm writing the steps so it won't take you 18 years.

Monday, October 14, 2024

What is the difference between 3d, 4d, and 5d?

Here's an analogy- 3d is the fear train, unawakened humans (those who haven't made the choice of love vs fear), egos, resistance to life experiences, the body/emotions/mind are disconnected from Soul/Spirit, negative polarity is also found here. 3d is I am a body or I am emotions or I am mind. 4d is the train station- it's all about healing and transformation here, this is the level of Soul, this is where chakras are, astral plane, nadis, meridians, axiatonal lines, some disincarnate negative polarity is found here on the astral plane, this is the middle ground between fear and love. The Soul connection begins here and begins to integrate the body/emotions/mind into Soul. This is the level where intuition begins being followed, psychic powers begin (clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, remote viewing, astral projection etc). 4d is I am a Soul having a human experiences. The Soul (spark of individuality) is leading the body/emotions/mind. 5d is the love train, unconditional love, oneness, acceptance of life experiences, this is the realm of the Spirit, Spirit is the sameness with all, the ocean. Soul is the drop and Spirit is the ocean. Here Spirit leads the Soul, the Soul is an important drop of water but within the ocean of Spirit. This is the level where you realize you are a cell in the body of God, or an outer layer of an onion while God is the center of the onion. Spirit is where I am you and you are me makes sense. Spirit is Unity in Diversity. At the level of Spirit you see all people and animals as equal sparks of the Divine and worthy of love. You also sense the akasha space, access akashic records, channeling, multidimensional timelines, Spirit exists at a vibrational level above the astral plane. Once you are 5d, you can see 3d and 4d but not be affected by the consciousness, you see every opportunity as a chance to love and forgive.

Recommended reading:

Stations of Identity

3d and 5d timeline split

How to achieve 5D? Balance the male and female within and you find zero point (Christ Consciousness) which is freedom from the matrix of duality. All the male vs female, us vs them is nonsense, there is always something to learn from each other, be unconditional love, see each other as spirit, go beyond the 5 physical senses. Any suffering you see is an opportunity to love either self or others.

Step 1- Heal DNA (ancestral family and planet) by living the Law of One

Step 2- Acheive Hieros Gamos

Absorption vs Radiation

In the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell from 1947 (you can find it on pdf), Walter Russell mentions how the Universe is always bal...