Saturday, January 25, 2025
Christ-Bodhisattva-Avatar Vow
Divine Decree of Sovereignty
Divine Decree of Sovereignty by Shannon Rose
I call upon my I AM presence, my higher self & team in spirit to witness this decree of sovereignty. This decree for reclaiming the Holy Trinity within, Mother-Father God & my Divine Creative Life Force.
I hereby assert full sovereignty over my creative life force energy, on all plains of existence within my physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies.
I revoke and terminate all vows, contracts, programs, hooks, & connections with false light beings, systems, grids or collectives. I reject and disallow any and all interference distorting my experience of reality, using my creative life force or delaying the fulfillment of my souls purpose in this life time.
I seal my light body with diamond white light, ending & clearing all back up programs intending to control, manipulate or use my life force energy.
I hereby collect and draw back all fragments of my light across space & time with the over-lighting rays of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love for full and complete healing & integration within my highest light embodiment.
Here and now I request & open up to receiving the support & guidance from my higher self & team in spirit including the elemental, ancestral, angelic, ascended & cosmic realms that are in alignment with this decree, my highest purpose fulfillment & the highest manifestation of New Earth.
I now give permission for the full activation of my divine creative life-force energy, at the pace indicated by my higher self & I AM presence, for the uplifting of humanity, earth & my personal soul's evolution.
And so it is.
Unity Vow
Defenders of Truth, Sovereignty and Liberation. Guardian Families, serving the One.
From across all the Multiverses I call upon my Guardian families to join me now. My unification is demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - I sound my heart tone to you now. My energy template updated, renewed and forever perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. My Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and I endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Please sustain me in the Eternal Power of my Consecration.
I have asked for your Gatekeeping in order to hold my mission, my highest purpose in Service to the One Light, my Source, the Living Light Code. My Intention is Unification - the Cosmic Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, here and now.
I request the handshake to fortify my spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Trinity, and into the Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of my Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your living life codes into my created form. I set my intention now to be remembered to that which I AM, fully, completely and totally, God Sovereign Free!
I state my mutual purpose as One, please resurrect all inorganic and artificial patterns to the Organic Living Light now. And to that I say, Thank God I AM the Living Eternal Light. And so it is lovingly decreed.
Divine Inspirational Music
What a Beautiful Name (with Break Every Chain) by Hillsong Worship
Waymaker by Leeland
Rooftops by Jesus Culture
Love Has A Name by Jesus Culture
Breathe / What A Friend I've Found by Hillsong Worship
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong Worship
I Surrender by Hillsong Worship
Goodness of God by Jenn Johnson
Counting my Blessings by Seph Schlueter
There was Jesus by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Soul-trap Theory
As I write this, I wanted to dispel the theory of the Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap that seems to be spread across social media. In 2024, I first came across this theory, and even read a book on it. This was never thought about in my Ascension journey, but I am sure you all have questions
about it, so I wanted to discuss it. This is my perspective.
Bottom line, discernment is needed to escape all illusion. What resonates with Love is truth, what resonates with fear is illusion. The Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap is illusion. The further from God consciousness/awareness you are, then the more illusion that prevails. This is due to Free Will choice that is specific to humans of the physical world. Every being has Free Will to choose Love, or to choose fear.
To free yourself from Soul-trap illusion (also called False Light and Imposters of the Astral Plane), I recommend the following advice. Release attachments (desires) for the material world. The material world is a place for physical experience for Spirit, but it is not the only dimension of existence. Once you connect to Monad level, you will eventually only have the desire for God, nothing else. You will want to share the desire for God with others, to help them awaken to their Soul, and also help them connect to God.
For those that choose fear, the Soul-trap / Re-incarnation trap is quite real. There are areas of the astral plane and mental plane that contain pockets of fear and illusion. Up through the mental plane (mind), there are lower beings that feed off of energies of fear. Also in the lower mental plane there is a matrix of mind control that programs human minds to be fearful. News and social media are some of these tools. Movies and music are also tools. So be very careful what you consume, because that is what you become in vibration. It is all Free Will choice. Do you want to remain in the matrix (fear/duality), or to transcend the matrix (Love/Unity)?
The lower astral and lower mental beings are called Archons in the theories. Basically, they feed off of planetary miasma (suffering, trauma, addictions), and use humans that are influenced by their shadow-pain bodies as batteries, and then keep humans in a hopeless state. Once the humans pass from the physical world, they are pulled by the gravity of their unresolved traumas to reincarnate in order to heal the trauma. If a human remains with unresolved traumas, and does not connect with Christ Consciousness, such as doing shadow work, following the Golden Rule (Law of One), and does not commit to Service to Others, they do not connect to their Soul, and remain in the reach of the Soul-trap theory.
However, once a human awakens to their Soul, they bring in a Love vibration that transcends all fear. The Soul is also the observer consciousness, the connection into Zero Point God consciousness, and this brings in discernment, which overcomes all illusion. As an embodied Soul, there is small a chance of needing to reincarnate to resolve shadows that are not cleared, but once the Oversoul becomes embodied (connection to the Monad), the human becomes a Christ on Earth, and literally is freed from all need to incarnate. This is called the Ascension (or Harvest in the Law of One teachings).
In 2006-2008, I first connected with the Soul, and transcended the illusion of the Soul-trap. I began transcending the astral and mental planes, through strong desire to find the Soul, through exploration of Love and Wisdom, which connected to the reality of the Soul. In 2009, I merged with my Soul in a mystical experience, and literally transcended the Soul-trap at that time. However, humans that exist without Soul-connection are still under the influence of the Soul-trap. That is why it is important to enter the heart and transcend the mind. Once the mind is transcended, then illusion is transcended.
Love is the key to remove all illusion. Love is Truth. Stay focused on Love, and you stay focused on God which transcends all separation. Discern all reality for Love. If there is no Love, then it is illusion.
Ascension glossary came up with a map called Consciousness Corridor, which maps the phases of consciousness. Human ego personality is subject to being caught in the Soul trap, but once the Soul is embodied on Earth through an open heart, the Soul-trap illusion is transcended.
Basically in human physical life there are three levels of consciousness: Personality matrix, then Soul matrix, then Monadic matrix. The Personality matrix is having a separate body, emotions and mind. The Soul matrix is your life purpose and first connection to Spirit. The Soul matrix is the realization that "I am a Spirit having a human experience." You can call the Soul matrix "Awakening."
The Monadic matrix is becoming Christ on Earth, which is full connection to Spirit. You can call the Monadic matrix "Ascension." In 2022, I connected to my Monad (my Ascension or enlightenment), and started to become a Christ on Earth. This is embodying Christ Consciousness. When people talk about the I AM or I AM THAT, they are talking about the Soul. When people are talking about I AM THAT I AM or I AM Presence, they are talking about the Monad.
The Higher Self is the Soul first, then the Higher Self becomes the Monad next. The Higher Self is the greater fractal of you that exists on the Causal plane for the Soul, or on the Monadic plane for the Monad. The levels above mind- Causal (5D lower), Buddhic (5D higher), Atmic (5D highest), Monadic (6D) and Logoic (7D) are all levels that transcend the Soul-trap. As mentioned before, the Soul-trap theory is only valid in the mental plane (3D/4D), when a person does not have connection with their Soul (5D).
Reincarnation is still a possibility in "Awakening" stages (Soul matrix- depends on amount of soul embodiment), but no longer necessary at "Ascension" stages (Monadic matrix). Incarnation is literally gravity to material plane, but if you manifest Christ Consciousness on Earth (Monadic plane), through removing all desire and attachment to the material world (release all desire except to desire God), incarnation becomes unnecessary because your center of gravity is at spiritual planes (Causal plane and higher), and you can move to higher evolution. Center the consciousness in God/Spirit, and you become free.
This is the link to the map of the Consciousness Corridor. Notice the progression from most negative beings, to human unawareness (human default setting), to most positive spiritual beings (awakened/ascended beings).
I also recommend reading about Stations of Identity, to understand the different levels of fractals of consciousness, that exist from human to God.
Much love and blessings to all of you. May God's Love always guide you on your Ascension path.
Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda
Recently I read a book titled "Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda."
In the book you will notice Christ Consciousness coming through his written words.
If you want to observe reality from a God-consciousness perspective, I recommend reading the quotes in the book.
Check out Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda (1980), for more information.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Be aware of your Attention
Free Will Choice
When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme ...
What senses exist beyond the five physical senses? One sense is intuition. We all know about intuition. Intuition is your Soul guiding your ...
Greetings in the Love and Light of our Creator. Peace and Love to all of you. Today's lesson is on The Path of Surrender. My goal is t...
The purpose of this teaching is to describe Higher Evolution. Higher Evolution is God's Will and God decides where each of us go. This i...