Friday, December 31, 2010
Brightest blessings for the New Year
May you all be blessed with a 2011 full of unlimited love, unlimited light, infinite and eternal blessings, the direct path to All That Is, and the meeting of the Creator in oneness and love. As we are well into the Definition, as the Awakening as One trilogy suggests, know that this illusion is illusion which constantly changes and earth things are born and die everyday. But your love carries on. While things may fall apart around you, the smile and the kind words and other gifts you give universally to all during the chaos will be your stability and support. What you give shall always return to you, maybe not today or tomorrow but it will return. It never fails. The universe always balances itself. As you create in your reality, you send out a ripple. The ripple goes around and then comes right back to you with greater force. The faith in the Creator's love regardless of circumstance, and gratitude for the love you receive will strengthen you. The challenges which appear to be your whole reality (or should I say 3D illusion) falling apart, are actually opportunities for growth and transformation, bringing your closer to 4th density and 5D and beyond. Be thankful for the opportunities to be of service. Providing love to all beings in service to all is your direct path through the fog of this illusion, and what will support you as you transition from third density to fourth density and beyond.
Thank you for being All That Is for all of us. You are each infinite sparks of All That Is and infinite loving beings acting in a free will, veiled mind, physical illusion play to gather additional experience for the Creator, and you are loved for all the service you provide to all beings which provides service to the Creator in return. See the Creator in others and you will see the Creator in yourself, and then you will serve and be whole again.
Blessings to all,
Chris (aka Qan Melchizedek)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Stepping into Purity
I longed to grasp the moment again.
Recently, exactly one year and one month following the vision, I was working in my day job and created many awards for volunteers in my organization, for all the sacrifices and selfless service they provided to support each other through hard times. It was natural to create the awards because it was an act of loving service. After all 22 people were recognized at the awards presentation, suddenly surprising me and quite unexpectedly my boss turned around, and said it was my idea to create the awards and provide the awards to the volunteers. I am a humble person and naturally love helping others behind the scenes. This was very surprising to me. Suddenly the group stood and clapped all around me, thanking me for everything. I was so shocked and didn't know what to say except...."Thank you. You all are great."
Suddenly I recognized this image of the audience in my 3D experience matched the 5D view I had a year earlier on the inner planes. The location was earth and not Shamballa, but the group's actions were the same.
What does this mean? Is heaven here on earth now, some just haven't "realized" it? Is this a sign that 5D is merging and manifesting within 3D now? Has anyone else had experiences in waking life that matched visions from the inner planes/other dimensions viewed earlier?
This felt as a completion moment for me, and thanks go to All That Is for every opportunity to be of great universal loving service to all beings.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Healing, Energy, Ascension, Chakras, the Ego and Unconditional Love
Spiritual healing is not
needed for Ascension, but it does help clear the path for Ascension by removing
blockages between the body, mind and spirit.
Energy work brings the
imbalances (karmic knots) to awareness.
At first egos are suppressed.
As one continues on the path of unconditional loving service, the egos lose
grip more and more, and eventually rarely need suppression because they no
longer are heard. Ego still exists (I do encounter ego sometimes still),
because it is a part of the mind while in incarnation. But when the focus
continues to be of service to all beings because all are sparks of light, ego
can't be heard. Ego is related to separation, individual differences. When you
see through the eyes of collective unity and the Spirit in all- the perspective
shifts away from ego. Gratitude for blessings, faith, unconditional universal
loving service...these are keys to focus on.
The focus is not ego then. As
you focus more on love and balance the chakras doing it…love for the roots to
supply nourishment for your loving service, love for relationships to affect
more people with your service, love for will to burn through lack of motivation
and enter active loving service, love for loving all beings including yourself
just how you are, love for being divine expression and speaking the truth, love
for divine inspiration and all dimensions and densities, and finally love for
all and yourself, as a whole being of the Creator loving all of the Creator's
creation because we are all one...this focus allows for more love and light, and
automatically begins initiations (infusions of more Light) leading to wholeness.
Ascension is the balance of
all 6 chakras, thus activating the 7th crown chakra to the level the Creator
has established for 4th density of love and understanding. All chakras
activated in perfect unison/unity makes the whole in unity.
The goal through all external
separative factors is to see the Light in all Creation. Light/Love in all
Creation. It does exist, for some it is just lost. Some are not aware of it.
All have it. When you see others as Spirit within, you easily enjoy serving
their Spirit which is your Spirit and the Creator's Spirit- we are all one.
When the external environment is difficult and full of fear, judgment,
separation- find the love within you- embrace it, fill your chalice as some
would say, use that to recharge your heart and continue to give from the heart
(and respect free will- ask first if it is ok to help).
Yesterday I was driving home
and saw two people walking from the food store back to their buildings. They
were burdened with groceries. I opened my car window and asked if they wanted a
ride to their buildings. I was going to drive that way anyway. They said yes
and were thankful.
Today I was blessed with a job
interview for a promotion at work. If I am offered the position it would be
great to keep serving others and keep the roots growing (which makes a bigger
tree and more light for the crown IF one is balanced). I did the interview
preparation work and prayed to Archangel Michael for protection for my highest
good. Do all that you can physically, and then pray- balance. Saw license plate
AA M 7895 on the way home. Good confirmation of protection. Also saw a smile in
the clouds as the masters watched me.
Today I saved a slow car, that
pulled out in front of a very fast one, on the autobahn. The fast car apparently
didn't see the other car. I visually put the Cho Ku Rei symbol on both vehicles,
and surrounded each with a blue pillar of protective fire, and then called to
Archangel Michael for protection. They almost hit each other at 140 kph (70
mph), but...they didn't. Thanks to Archangel Michael and Love & Light.
Was grateful today to the
Creator for the opportunity to be in incarnation, to serve others in love and
May you all be blessed.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Buddha's Teachings
The Four Noble Truths:
1. All things and experiences are marked by suffering/ disharmony/ frustration (dukkha)
2. The arising of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration comes from desire/ craving/ clinging.
3. To achieve the cessation/ end of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, let go of desire/ craving/ clinging.
4. The way to achieve that cessation of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, is walking the Eightfold Path.
The eightfold path to the cessation of suffering:
1. Right Understanding of the following facts: the truth about suffering ... (The Four Truths); everything is impermanent and changes; there is no separate individual self- this is an illusion. (We are one!)
2. Right Determination to: give up what is wrong and evil; undertake what is good; abandon thoughts that have to do with bringing suffering to any conscious being; cultivate thoughts that are of loving kindness, that are based on caring for others' suffering, and sympathetic joy in others' happiness.
3. Right Speech: Abstain from telling lies. Abstain from talk that brings harm or discredit to others (such as backbiting or slander) or talk that creates hatred or disharmony between individuals and groups. Abstain from harsh, rude, impolite, malicious, or abusive language. Abstain from idle, useless, and foolish babble and gossip. Abstain from recrimination and negative statements. Abstain from harsh speech—practice kindly speech. Abstain from frivolous speech—practice meaningful speech. Abstain from slanderous speech—practice harmonious speech. Speak the truth if it is useful and timely. Practice only necessary speech. Let your speech be filled with loving kindness. Speak that which alleviates suffering.
4. Right Action: Peaceful, honorable conduct; abstain from dishonest dealings; take concrete steps necessary to foster what is good. Do things that are moral, honest, and alleviate suffering. Do not do things that will bring suffering to others or yourself.
5. Right Livelihood: Abstain from making your living from an occupation that brings harm and suffering to humans or animals, or diminish their well being. This includes: activities that directly harm conscious beings, and activities that indirectly harm sentient beings, e.g., making weapons or poisons.
6. Right Effort: Foster good and prevent evil; Work on yourself—be engaged in appropriate self-improvement. The essence of right effort is that everything must be done with a sense of proper balance that fits the situation. Effort should be properly balanced between trying too hard and not trying hard enough. For example, strike the balance between excessive fasting and over-indulgence in food. Trying hard to progress too rapidly gets poor results, as does not trying hard enough.
7. Right Mindfulness or wakefulness: Foster right attention. Avoid whatever clouds our mental awareness (e.g., drugs). Systematically and intentionally develop awareness.
8. Right Concentration: Developed by practicing meditation and/or mental focusing. Proper meditation must be done continuously while awake, and should include work on awareness of body, emotions, thought, and mind objects.
Five basic precepts:
1. Abstain from killing living beings (from destroying/taking life)—or practice love.
2. Abstain from taking the not-given (from stealing)—or practice generosity, practice giving.
3. Abstain from sexual misconduct—or practice contentment.
4. Abstain from false speech (from lying)—or practice truthfulness.
5. Abstain from taking intoxicating drinks—or practice awareness and mental clarity.
Buddha said:
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
The following prose, attributed to Buddha, is a poetic expression of the way he saw the world.
Buddha said:
I consider the positions of kings and rulers as that of dust motes.
I observe treasures of gold and gems as so many bricks and pebbles.
I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered rags.
I see myriad worlds of the universe as small seeds of fruit, and the greatest lake in India as a drop of oil upon my foot.
I perceive the teachings of the world as the illusions of magicians.
I discern the highest conception of emancipation as a golden brocade in a dream, and view the holy path of the illuminated ones as flowers appearing in one's eyes.
I see meditation as a pillar of a mountain, nirvana as a nightmare of daytime.
I look upon the judgments of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of belief as traces left by the four seasons.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Some thoughts
Later today there was a speed camera zone (a speed trap) set up. I warned drivers by flashing the lights before they entered the zone, saving them a big ticket. Another act of love. Free will was assumed here, as it was an emergency situation where I could not ask. The same would go with healing a person in a coma (although I would ask the person's higher self first).
I saw them as the other self, and I saw them as me. We were together in it and it was easy to give to the other self which was myself. Also I decided to donate to the other day and was instantly paid back the money spent when Lulu's sales came in. What I gave, instantly returned. The balance of the universe. The same thing happened the other day when I gave to one family member via money transfer, I got the same money back from another family member via the mail/post without asking- the same day!
Okay now my wisdom thoughts (Law of One):
The Law of One has 3 basic tenets: Unity/Oneness with Creation, Respect of Free Will, Unconditional Universal Love
Some more additions: Being accepting (saying thank you, happy to receive, happiness with what you have, happiness with who you are) and being generous (happy to give, happy to share, happy to be of service) attracts abundance
Stay balanced in all bodies and all planes: If you car needs repair, fix it (work on the physical plane because it keeps your root chakra unblocked so more energy can flow from root back up to all chakras- think of the trees blog I posted). If you are sad/depressed/angry work on your emotions. Find the inner child. Love the inner child. Be forgiving of yourself and of others. You unblock the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart this way.
No one chakra is more important, but to get the fruit harvest you need to have a strong tree so each step of the way is important.
Prayer and Faith- Commune with God/Creator. Have faith you are 100% protected and loved. Pray for blessings. Be grateful for blessings. Keep the love circuit going.
Devotion to service to others polarity/vows. Vow to the Creator. Devote to the creator. Offer to the Creator yourself as an Instrument of the Creator's Will. You are a vessel of the Creator. All things are possible when you believe.
Perserverance/Will/Focus/Attention to Detail- Work the narrow path and you will receive what you work in return- blessings you earned.
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Metatron is my master guide
But anyway Metatron is one the paths I take toward the Creator and I am certain Enoch/Metatron are overlighting me, which would explain the mix of writing, wisdom and magic.
Metatron is also mentioned in the Pseudepigrapha, most prominently in the Hebrew/Merkabah Book of Enoch, also called 3 Enoch or Sefer Hekhalot (Book of [the Heavenly] Palaces). The book describes the link between Enoch son of Jared (great grandfather of Noah) and his transformation into the angel Metatron.
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
David Wilcock on Coast To Coast AM 8/10/10
David Wilcock speaks with George Noory on Coast To Coast AM, 10th August, 2010
Palden Dorje/Christ Maitreya
Christ Maitreya calls for an Order to manifest Love & Light in this third density to acheive liberation.
It is my perspective that Palden Dorje is Christ Maitreya, the soul of Jesus Christ and Buddha, reborn again on Earth to show the path towards unity with ourselves, the Earth, and the Creator. He calls for an Order to manifest the Love & Light into our physical density to acheive libration (harvest). The Order of Melchizedek is manifesting more and more. It is up to us, each individual, to sow the seeds of love and unity. Only then, can others follow our actions and awaken. Only once enough are awakened can the full power of the 2012 shift manifest on earth and mass harvest happen. Do your best to be the Creator on earth, and your waves of creation will ripple throughout the cosmos. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Missed this but probably attended in some etheric form. It had the same significance the last Harmonic Convergence did. More gates have been opened.....
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Meaning of Numbers
My interpretation:
1111 opening of a new portal,
2222 middle of the process in
a portal, duality
3333 decision to be made,
4444 resurrection/rebirth,
divine support
5555 Christ consciousness, transformation
6666 focus on the physical
7777 integration of
8888 infinity
9999 completion, divinity
1010 creation
1212 completion of a portal
Story about a Hitchhiker
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Life's Lessons
Anger is a disturbance that often sparks due to discomfort. It comes from feeling un-grounded and off-center. It comes from an overwhelming imbalance. Anger is a form of emotional communication, an energy that is powerful but is best channeled into pursuits involving energy. Sports, Dancing, Music etc etc. Anger is caused by an imbalance of the root chakra, sometimes sacral chakra. It is instinctual survival response (root chakra). Or, it may be sparked by relationships with others or our relationship with our self (sacral chakra).
The solution to anger is to find the heart, listen to the heart, express from the heart, and love dissolves anger. To listen to the heart, one has to know they are not alone. One finds faith. Faith that you are protected and that you are loved always. Faith opens the heart which unifies and dissolves first and second chakra blockages. The energy that was translated into anger by the lower chakras still remains, and that is best transmuted into physical activity to heal the physical imbalance and music to heal the emotional imbalance.
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
We are like Trees
We are like trees as my friend Alvin once told me and Carla Ruckert's book confirmed. Our roots need nourishment and then we expand.
Now think of chakras- the earth feeds nourisment/energy to the root which feeds to the second sacral chakra of relationships (the stem/leaves) which feeds to the third chakra of will (the flower bud) which feeds the flower of the heart (love) which feeds the throat of expression (the beginning of fruit) which feeds the third eye (the fruit growing) which feeds the unity of the crown (the fruit is ready for harvest from the tree).
Each chakra, each need of each chakra is important. Not one more than the other. Each step of the way is needed for perfection. To get the most fruit from a tree you need big roots, big stems, lots of flowers, and thus lots of healthy fruit. Keep focus on all the chakras. Your basic needs of the body are as important as meditation. The law of the universe is balance. Balance free will, universal love, and unity of all creation and you have just witnessed the Creator within you.
Balance the flow of energy and nourishment throughout each chakra and you will feel the harvest approaching.
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Vow to the Creator
Last night I made a vow to the Creator that I would stay in service to others despite the catalyst.
A re-affirming of focus and creation.
This vow is a personal vow to the Creator. It comes from your heart. All I ask is that each of you (due to free will), when the time is right and when you wish, also make personal vows to the Creator to be of service to others despite the catalyst (a catalyst may be generally summarized as a testing of your devotion to the Law of One)
Remember this quote as you encounter situations in life that test you- "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." ~Albert Einstein
Our future appears to me from my perspective as a forming of groups on the physical plane merging with the counterparts of the astral/inner planes and forming an alliance expressing the Law of One through all space and time and time and space. The unification of the whole.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lavender Flame Reiki Attunement
The Lavender Flame energy was channelled to the American Energy Master Suraya by Quan Yin in 2001. Through the use of the mantra Namo Quan Shi Yin Pu-Sa, Quan Yin can be called in very strongly to a healing session where the Lavender Flame energy is being used. The Lavender Flame has the characteristic of transmuting negative and unwanted energy very fast and for bringing purification to a person.
Check out Chris Comish's books
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Full Spectrum Healing Attunement
Full Spectrum Healing consists of all frequencies and is able to heal on all levels. Usui Reiki will only reach the Green Ray. The Green area is Usui Reiki and the whole rainbow is Full Spectrum Healing.
Check out Chris Comish's books
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels
Receive direct help from the Archangels. Feel their energy and presence. This invocation and meditation directly connects you to the Archangels.
Check out Chris Comish's books
Reiki Healing Session
It is my intention that you are healed for your highest and greatest good
Check out Chris Comish's books
Copyright © Chris Comish.
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.
A Holy Prayer
Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...
What senses exist beyond the 5 physical senses? One sense is intuition. We all know about intuition. Intuition is your Soul guiding your pat...
Greetings in the Love and Light of our Creator. Peace and Love to all of you. Today's lesson is on The Path of Surrender. My goal is t...
The purpose of this teaching is to describe Higher Evolution. Higher Evolution is God's Will and God decides where each of us go. This i...