Friday, December 2, 2022

Integrating Meditation and Love - A Message from Jesus

Written and Channelled by Stephan Davies

Greetings everybody this is Jesus. I want to say this - anything is possible if you truly love yourself and when you love yourself, others love you too. That's the very first thing I want to say and the second thing I want to say is this - in terms of meditation, compassion is essential. Compassion is necessary, that's the overarching theme of my discussion that I'm going to give today.

So, let's talk about meditation. First of all, what is meditation and why does it help? Meditation is basically changing your mind and changing the way you interact with your thoughts. Meditation is something that is not well understood by many people because they think it's trying to quieten the mind or trying to still the mind. That can happen, stillness and peace can be gained through meditation, but meditation should not just be about stilling the mind.

True meditation is about seeing the mind clearly and not reacting to thoughts, just letting the thoughts be natural. When you let the thoughts just exist, appear, transiently move through your mind and then dissipate, that's meditation. It's just watching, it's just allowing, that's the secret to true meditation.

If you are a meditating, if you sit down and follow your breath, then get into a state of relaxation and your mind feels open and spacious, that's beautiful, that's good. That's how you should feel when you meditate, but there are times when your mind may feel tight and closed and reactive or upset by certain things. That’s what can happen, but that's not a problem because all these experiences are naturally part of the meditation consciousness, or the meditation theme that we're trying to integrate with our minds.

So, the question is this - how do you integrate the sense of love or the sense of compassion and a sense of wanting to do good things, how do you integrate that with meditating? I'll give you 2 simple tips today - the 1st is this: Don't worry about what you do during a meditation, find it as peaceful as you can be, find it is compassionate as you can be and then relax and then don't do anything more just be with that, that's the first thing.

And now the question arises how do you become a loving person, how do you become someone who cares for others? That’s simple, you can practice a different meditation which is called opening the heart. A heart opening meditation is actually something that will complement your sitting meditation very well. If you do both together you will ascend or you will transform yourself very, very quickly and you'll become a completely different person, it's true.

I'm not going to go into the exact details of how to open the heart, there are many meditations you can look up, but basically, I would say this - if you're doing true, important, powerful, spiritual transformation, then you should be focusing on love and compassion and stillness meditation and mindfulness meditation all at the same time. These things should be like all the fingers of your hand: one finger is love, one finger is compassion, one finger is stillness, one finger is mindfulness and one finger is bringing presence to everything you do. These are the five fingers of true spiritual transformation.


Stephan Davies is a channel of angels and divine beings. He runs the website The Divine Connection and regularly channels for clients from all over the world. Stephan also runs a blog that covers all matters spiritual. His passion is bringing through messages from above that uplift, bless, and empower others.

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