Sunday, December 17, 2023

Kundalini and Enlightenment

 Kundalini awakening is the liberation of one’s life-energy from the narrow confines imposed by human fear and conditioning. It heals and enlivens the whole body with glowing vitality. It elevates one to a higher level of functioning and flow, in harmony with the universe.

Enlightenment is the liberation of one’s consciousness from the narrow confines of the human mind and ego. It replaces mundane misunderstandings and false beliefs with pure awareness and true insight. It awakens one to the knowing of absolute truth, understanding the essence of all being.

They are not exactly the same, but more like the yin and yang aspects of awakening — the explosive creative power of kundalini and the silent inner knowing of enlightenment. The awakening of one definitely increases the possibility/probability of awakening the other.


1 comment:

  1. Energy (Kundalini) is Consciousness and Consciousness is Energy (Kundalini). Increase your Consciousness and you raise your Kundalini. Raise your Kundalini and you increase your Consciousness.


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