Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Do you have trouble accepting love?

If you have trouble accepting love, it may have links to worthiness. You don't need to use the mind to justify accepting love. You are worthy of love and accepted with open arms. Remember the mind is a tool for a specific purpose. It cannot be applied to love. Love is the domain of the heart. Life is. Love is. Free Will is. 

Free Will cannot be justified by the mind because it is Free Will that directs the mind! When Free Will moves another to be themselves and express themselves how they want to express, let them be. All pieces of the puzzle of life are needed for rich flavor and diversity. The reason for free will is to expand the universe, to change the universe. There is a purpose and that is for each to choose their path and be themselves. 

Free Will awareness directs the use of the mind or the heart. You have the power to choose. So when someone is giving you kind compliments or gifts of love, you don't need to justify them based upon past experiences or using mind logic. Just be. Just be present. Stay in the present moment only. Accept love with gratitude from others without justifications or expectations. Direct your Free Will through your heart and love will continue to multiply in your life. 

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A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...