Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Soul and the Oversoul

Can you explain the Soul and Oversoul? Think of your hand. The Oversoul is the hand. Each finger is the Soul. So the Oversoul is We Are. The group consciousness. The Soul is the I am. The individual consciousness. 

First reach for your Soul. Ask what is my purpose? Why am I here? You can also get astrology reports, delve into past lives, QHHT hypnosis, gene keys etc. This is the I Am, your unique purpose. 

The next level is the Oversoul. The OverSoul is the We Are. The Oversoul is found through zero point. Become the observer and experiencer of your life. Work backward heal actions/responses then emotions then thoughts then patterns then beliefs (the causes). Balance the yin and yang in your life. This achieves zero point. Once you connect with the Oversoul you enter Christ Consciousness. 

Connecting with the Soul is the path to enlightenment or awakening. Connecting to the Oversoul is enlightenment or self realization or nirvana. The Soul is the drop of water, the Oversoul is the ocean. The incarnation (mind/body), Soul (spirit self) and Ocean (higher spirit self) exist simultaneously. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and ye shall receive. As human reaches upwards and within so does the Spirit of Grace reach downwards and without. As above so below as within so without.

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