Friday, December 27, 2024

Establish Sovereignty- A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
I Invoke the Ascended Masters, my Higher Self, and any beings that wish to answer this question, beings of only the highest Love and Light.
My question from my brother Sheel Shah is-
How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulations?
What can a Lightworker do to establish sovereignty in their own personal power and protection from negative energies?
Any Ascended Master, Angel or Archangel, Any Highest Love and Light Being may answer this question.
Who wishes to speak?
How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulation?


I AM Archangel Michael.
Sovereignty is established through alignment with the Will of God.
Alignment with Source.
You are not separate from Source.
You are One with Source.
There is no you outside of Source.
This alignment with Source brings the Power of Source through you.
And only the Highest Love and Light of Source, connected to that alignment with Source, is allowed in your space.
This breaks you free from lower energies and manipulations because,
Negativity cannot withstand the Power of Source.
Negativity is based on isolation and separation from Source.
As you unify with Source,
Connect with God Source,
Bring God Source through you,
You attract only Purity, only Love, Unconditional Love.
This alignment breaks the Lightworker free of all negativity, and lower manipulation.
This alignment with Source is found in the core of your heart.
Open your heart to Unconditional Love.
Have complete faith and trust in Source.
Let Source flow through you for your highest and greatest good.
All of these actions establish complete sovereignty from lower and negative vibrations.
Part of what I do is through this connection with Source.
I AM the Will of God.
I implement God's Will,
And God's Will flows through me,
Strengthening me.
As a Lightworker you can do the same.
Although the darkest energies may try to attack you,
Go within to that core of your heart.
That connection with Eternal God Source.
That strength of Only God, of Only Source, and nothing else matters,
Will cause all negativity and lower vibrations to evaporate, to dissolve, to retreat,
For you are a blinding radiant Light, and Nothing, Nothing,
Can ever dim that radiant Light, because that radiant Light is Source,
And You are Source, and because You are Source,
Everything that is separation and illusion, negativity, fear, it does not matter.
It is illusion and does not have any hold over your radiance, over your Love and Light.
I AM Archangel Michael and I bid you farewell.


Thank you Archangel Michael.
I appreciate you.
Thank you for your wisdom, your guidance, your strength, your empowerment,
The world appreciates you.
Love and Light to all.

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