Friday, December 27, 2024

How to Ascend- A Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
It is my intention to ask the question-
How does one embody the Higher Self?
How does one achieve Ascension, Harvest?
I ask only the Highest beings of Love and Light to answer this question.
Any being who wishes to answer of the Highest Love and Light may answer.


I AM Archangel Gabriel.
Thank you for your questions.
Ascension is the process of opening the heart to Love.
Seeing self and other self as worthy of Love,
Accepting Love,
Becoming, Being Love.
Ascension is also the process of Wisdom.
Of receiving guidance, of expressing Wisdom,
Radiating Wisdom from the self.
Ascension is manifesting Love and Wisdom in the world,
Radiating Love and Wisdom.
To achieve Harvest you embody Love and Wisdom.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Lead others to truth.
Show others your loving kindness, your generosity.
Forgive others, forgive yourself,
These are acts of Love.
Accept yourself completely,
Accept others completely,
See each other as Sparks of the Divine Creator.
Radiate Wisdom to others,
Bring others to truth.
Wisdom comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Love comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Connect to the Higher Self,
Connect at first in meditation, and then begin to express the Higher Self.
This is Harvest, this is Ascension,
The Perfect Balance of Love and Light.
Love being Love- Unconditional Love- Compassion, Acceptance.
Light being Radiant Wisdom, truth streaming to others.
I AM Archangel Gabriel and this is my message.


Thank you Archangel Gabriel.
Thank you for your message.
The world appreciates you.
Love and Light.

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