This is an analysis of Egyptian Symbolism through interpreting the designs of Pharaoh's coffins.
The above image is from Wikipedia.
Look at the right hand. It is crossing the left hand. The right side is the Divine Masculine in Kabbalah. The left side is the Divine Feminine in Kabbalah. The right side is the transmitter/giver. The left hand is the receiver. Notice the crossed hands extend from the solar plexus, to the heart, to the throat. This is balancing the pillars of Mercy and Severity- The Middle Way, most especially at the solar plexus and heart, because then awakening begins. The shepherd's cane is in the left hand (feminine, mercy, nurturer, and fertility), and the whip in right hand (masculine, severity, law, and authority). They are crossed at the heart indicating balance, also called the "Will to do Good."
The beard extends from heart across throat to head. This is crossing Da'at (from knowledge to life) in Kabbalah. When you look at the head, you see a cobra head. Each side of the cobra represents the balance of male and female energies, an overcoming of duality for unity. Look at the cobra and bird located at the third eye/crown. The cobra represents the kundalini to the third eye/crown, the vulture represents resurrection starting at third eye/crown. Gold is actually a color of Ascension- The Golden Realms of the Buddhic plane onwards, which is why gold was often used. Gold is Solar (Soular) Light which transfigures all shadows. Blue is the color of Service to Others.
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