Thursday, January 16, 2025

Be aware of your Attention

In the paraphrased words of fellow master RJ Spina- "Create your outer life from your inner life...when there is peace in the inside there will be peace on the outside, don't accept reality from outer to inner, but accept reality from inner to outer. Never occupy your mind with something you can't control. Everything our attention is upon becomes our reality."

Check out RJ Spina's channel at

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Path of Earth Service


Image source:

Come join me in the Path of Earth Service, be the Christ and Bodhisattva in service for the highest and greatest good of all beings.

The Path of Earth Service contains Adepts and Masters from 7 Ashrams of the 7 Rays. Chohans (Teachers) of each ray are El Morya (Will), Kuthumi (Love-Wisdom), Serapis Bey (Active Intelligence), Paul the Venetian (Harmony through Conflict), Hilarion (Concrete Knowledge), Lady Nada (Devotion), and St. Germain (Alchemy), under guidance of the Lord of the World Sanat Kumara. You will find me working with Master Kuthumi, St. Germain, and El Morya. The key attribute of the Path of Earth Service is wise-compassion.

The Path of Earth Service contains both incarnated initiates (3rd density), and etheric initiates (those with 4th/5th/6th Density forms per the Law of One), that live in the City of Shamballa (Shambhala). The City of Shamballa is located in the Buddhic plane above Physical Earth. From the City of Shamballa, those on Physical Earth are sent Love and Light by the groups, as well as members guide those on Earth through channeled messages, and guidance, in alignment with each Higher Self.

The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and contains teachings from Jesus/Jeshua that reflect Oneness, Ascension and Waves of Volunteers. Here are three powerful quotes from The Gospel of Thomas.

Quote 1

Jesus said, "If your leaders tell you, 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds will precede you. If they tell you, 'It's in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and outside of you. When you know yourselves, then you'll be known, and you'll realize that you're the children of the living Father. But if you don't know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty." - The Gospel of Thomas...It is important to note that the kingdom is both within you and outside of you. Love the inner and love the outer, by accepting yourself and accepting others, and you will find the kingdom.

Quote 2

Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in a single house, they'll say to the mountain, 'Go away,' and it will." - The Gospel of Thomas...Once you unite male and female within, you ascend and can move mountains through faith alone.

Quote 3

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are One – those who are chosen, because you'll find the kingdom. You've come from there and will return there."...this is talking about Waves of Volunteers like Dolores Cannon talks about, you come from Home, and you return to Home after your mission is complete.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Regarding Will, one side of the spectrum is Free Will, and another is Divine Will. Basically two points on opposite sides of the same line. Basically closer to Source is Divine Will, and further from Source is Free Will.

Souls are projections of Oversouls, which are projections of Source. Individuality experience begins at Oversoul, and is further defined at Soul. Individuality is even further defined in the human experience of the body/mind.

But the flip side is also true, Oneness/Unity begins at Soul, and is further defined at Oversoul, and even further defined at Source. Free Will is individual will, which is common further from Source, while closer to Source is Divine Will. Free Will is individual choice. Divine Will is collective choice.

As one connects to greater fractals, Free Will merges into Divine Will. Soul equals individual purpose. Oversoul equals collective purpose. The word Soul has to do with an individual color ray of Soular (Solar) light, while Source is the Sun of all rays of light. The individual is given room to explore and choose, but Divine Will is always guiding in the background, that is what the Higher Self is, an aspect of Divine Will that guides in the background.

The Higher Self first is the Soul, then the Oversoul, then Source itself. It depends on the elevated consciousness of the body and mind, upon what fractal can be merged with.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


A Positive being radiates light while a Negative being absorbs light.

The Positive Path is called the Path of Truth. A Positive being has a Negative core and a massive Positive presence. This Negative core is reduced through shadow work, which is the process of reducing distortions. A Positive being is empowering and supporting. This Negative core of the Positive being is eventually removed during Sixth density, as balance is achieved. A Positive being balances Love (of self and others), and Wisdom.

The Negative path is called the Path of Illusion. A Negative being has a Positive core and a massive Negative presence. A Negative being tries to fill themselves with as many distortions as possible. A Negative being is parasitic. However, each Negative being still has a Positive core from when they began life on Earth (and as a Soul). This Positive core of the Negative being is eventually strengthened during Sixth Density and the polarity choice flips to the Positive path. How does this happen? A Negative being is full of Self-love and Wisdom, but does not contain Love for others. This expression of Love for others cannot be achieved (as Sixth Density graduation requires a total expression of Love), and therefore, it decides to switch polarity during Sixth Density.

In Third Density, we choose our path of polarity. This physical dimension is called The Choice.

Remember the cartoons, where there was an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other shoulder? This is how we all begin life in Third Density. Then, upon choosing a path we listen to either the angel or devil more.

Listening to the angel more is the Positive being, while listening to the devil more is the Negative being. This is called choosing the path of polarity. Polarities are simply expressions of Free Will as seen from the Creator's point of view.

According to Ra in the Law of One, a Positive being is harvested from Earth to positive time/space with 51% or greater Service to Others. A Negative being is harvested from Earth to negative time-space with 95% or greater Service to Self. As you can see the Negative path is more difficult, but that is for a reason, as Divine Law sets boundaries for the expression of Free Will, as illusion can only be tolerated to a point, to keep creation heading in the direction of Truth.

Positive and Negative beings contrast each other, but through contrast it is easier to choose a path. You can't know light on Earth without knowing what darkness is.

At Sixth Density, there is a movement to becoming a Divine Co-Creator, literally becoming your Higher Self. But to get there, a being must reflect the Creator in balanced expression.

A Sixth Density Positive being will send Love/Light to all beings, including those that are negative, because the Positive being sees all beings as equally worthy of Love.

A Sixth Density Negative being refuses to send Love to all beings, and holds Love only for the self.

Sixth Density graduation is an equal balance of Love and Wisdom. However, the Negative polarity does not have balanced Love, the Negative polarity has mostly Wisdom. Therefore, it realizes it is pointless to evolve further along the Negative path. When a Negative being realizes evolution stops, because they trap themselves by cutting themselves off from creation, they realize the Negative path is pointless, and then switch polarity to the Positive path.

Contemplate these images:

Positive being (Radiates light):

Negative being (Absorbs light):

Yin and Yang:



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

I AM Affirmations

I AM Universal Love

I AM Radiant Being

I AM Wise Compassion

I AM Compassionate Action

I AM Divine Co-Creator

I AM That I AM

I AM All That Is

Friday, December 27, 2024

How to Ascend- A Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
It is my intention to ask the question-
How does one embody the Higher Self?
How does one achieve Ascension, Harvest?
I ask only the Highest beings of Love and Light to answer this question.
Any being who wishes to answer of the Highest Love and Light may answer.


I AM Archangel Gabriel.
Thank you for your questions.
Ascension is the process of opening the heart to Love.
Seeing self and other self as worthy of Love,
Accepting Love,
Becoming, Being Love.
Ascension is also the process of Wisdom.
Of receiving guidance, of expressing Wisdom,
Radiating Wisdom from the self.
Ascension is manifesting Love and Wisdom in the world,
Radiating Love and Wisdom.
To achieve Harvest you embody Love and Wisdom.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Lead others to truth.
Show others your loving kindness, your generosity.
Forgive others, forgive yourself,
These are acts of Love.
Accept yourself completely,
Accept others completely,
See each other as Sparks of the Divine Creator.
Radiate Wisdom to others,
Bring others to truth.
Wisdom comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Love comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Connect to the Higher Self,
Connect at first in meditation, and then begin to express the Higher Self.
This is Harvest, this is Ascension,
The Perfect Balance of Love and Light.
Love being Love- Unconditional Love- Compassion, Acceptance.
Light being Radiant Wisdom, truth streaming to others.
I AM Archangel Gabriel and this is my message.


Thank you Archangel Gabriel.
Thank you for your message.
The world appreciates you.
Love and Light.

Free Will Choice

When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme ...