Wednesday, October 17, 2012

City of Shamballa Scheduled Maintenance Oct 17

For COS members- a message from our provider Ning: We wanted to let you know that your Ning Network will be affected by some performance-related maintenance we are performing starting today, October 17th at 12PM Pacific Time.

We will be moving a batch of networks to a new, upgraded server. During this maintenance, your Ning Network will not be accessible and will display a branded maintenance page during the approximately 5 to 60 minutes of expected downtime (depending on the size of your network). Please note that the date and time that your network will be affected by this maintenance will vary, but the expected downtime length will not change. Most networks will only experience a few moments of downtime.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The City of Shamballa in 2013

There has constantly been talk about December 21, 2012 being the end of the world. If you believe that, please excuse me if I offend you. It is my opinion that the world will not end. It will embark upon a journey, which it has been on since at least the publishing of Dr. JJ Hurtak's book, The Keys of Enoch® if not before when Dr. Usui first received a Reiki attunement on Mount Kurama. The opening of December 21, 2012 is the fully grounded opening of the next Golden Age which will continue for many years to come. This marks the begining of the official merge between space and time and time and space.

What does this mean? Ascended Masters will be working closely with incarnated initiates. Polarized consciousness will go to the background in favor of Universal Love. Right now the battleground is for our minds. Constantly we are provided media stories and advertising with subtle messages to be judging and separative. These are the last throes of the so called "Dark Forces." This is what the polarized mind sees. As we have grown in Shamballa, we see lots of free will trying to impress free will and forgeting the love. As we seen through un-polarized eyes, the Dark Forces want our attention. From the standpoint of love, Love is the parent and free will is the child. Free will is birthed from love but love encompasses much more. Remember apply love with free will and you have a solution. Remember love is the way, love is the key to our universe. It is the glue to heal all wounds.

What is the City of Shamballa's future? Well it will last as long as I live, if not longer once a future business structure is formed to continue paying the hosting fees and domain name renewals. The City of Shamballa is making efforts to extend spiritual knowledge and initiation to global audiences worldwide. The Earth Gate, a story of a human turned master who comes back to save Humanity from Dark Forces to allow it to ascend, is getting distributed. The Earth Gate is coming out as an Audiobook soon. I have begun marketing the Earth Gate to Hollywood. If a movie comes out, a massive flood of new members will join. Be prepared for a global awakening.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Free Will Spheres

I have been contemplating this recently, as several events have been happening for me this week. I had some wake up calls that reminded me that sometimes spirit has to find the easiest way around the mind and allow it to flow like water around the rocks.

We live on Earth so do not be dismayed when others do not accept your views or ways.

Earth is a density that is further from Source than other densities. It is more dense because it is further away from Light. The Light, The Source is all encompassing Love, and enormous oneness, a "glue of the universe". This Light cannot be mistaken or "copied" by other shapeshifting false ones. The key element is encompassing Love. You know you belong and you feel it and you are drawn to the Light, propelled there. There is no mind involvement in the process, it is spirit attracted to Spirit. It is. And you sense it.

Anyway, this encompassing Love and Light birthed our realm and it densified as it grew further away from Source as part of Source's quest for experience (veiled characters making veiled choices through space and time as opposed to the expansive time/space/all knowing that the rest of Source's experience is.

Anyway within this "choice" realm we are birthed into bodies and subjected to free will. We have the choice to freely choose our path and so do others have their choice. We build free will spheres which attract thoughts and feelings from the Earth sphere. This hardens our connection to Spirit. This is our veil. Free will is our veil and it is enforced by the mind. The more we surrender to Divine Will the more we expand. The Love is out there, between our free will spheres. It glues and connects our reality. Everything is connected and the Love is there. While in our free will world understand that you allow others to make their choices and they allow you to make your choice. Remember everything is connected and that a ripple effect exists.

Do not be dismayed when others around you do not understand. It is their free will to want to understand. If they have not answered their spirit's call or it is not their time, do not worry. They have been born into different experience.

Ok, you may ask yourself, Chris can you please translate this into something more concrete?

Yes, faith, love, forgiveness, generosity, compassion, humility, service, peace are your keys to the encompassing Light. Follow those and know you are supported in the heavenly realms by many.

Ok, how does this apply to the battered rough realm of physical Earth?

Apply those here. If a war is happening, help the refugees. Provide food and shelter to those in need. Provide clothes, medical care etc etc. Forgive those who harm others. Comfort the afflicted. Don't take sides, stand for love. Stand for peace. If you are peace then the ripple will support you in return.

While on Earth, the path is narrow. It is true, it is hard because we each have a mind. Just remember when faced with your choice: apply faith, love, forgiveness, generosity, compassion, humility, service, peace. The Universe will naturally support you even if your mind does not believe it. These qualities are in your spirit and as you practice these on earth, they are driven into your unconscious, so others will feel your love. You become the Heaven on Earth you came here to be. That is why you are here. To bring your spirit to Earth and let spirit flow through your experience. At the end of the day, you did what you came here to be. All encompassing love.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The City of Shamballa website was temporarily down

On September 10th the City of Shamballa website was temporarily down for 4 hours due to the domain name provider Go Daddy being temporarily down. Here is what happened: According to one source speaking to ZDNet, GoDaddy's DNS servers are not resolving forcing many websites offline. In many cases, even if the site is not hosted by GoDaddy itself, the DNS servers are down and cannot point the user to the correct page. Some parts of the website appeared to be working again at 4 p.m. ET. At just after 6 p.m. ET, GoDaddy said in a tweet that it was "still working" on the ongoing issues and that the firm was "making progress." Source Last night I sent Reiki to the situation and invoked AA Michael and the warrior angels to resolve this perfectly for the highest good of all. I checked today and City of Shamballa is back up! Thanks to the Divine for helping Go Daddy! Namaste.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Some good news

The good news is finally all of the proofs of the Earth Gate paperbacks have been ordered (Hardcover, 6 x 9 paperback, A5 paperback, massmarket paperback and pocket size paperback). Once I receive them, they will undergo intensive review prior to going to retailers. Also The Earth Gate ebooks are available on Kindle and at NOOK and iTunes. Also there are 1440 members in the City of Shamballa. Also renewed some of the websites pointing to the City of Shamballa and its Amazon Bookstore. Working on getting an Audiobook created for the Earth Gate book. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 30, 2012

May 2012 Members of the Month at the City of Shamballa

It is a pleasure to announce the May 2012 Members of the Month at the City of Shamballa.

A big thumbs up to all of you who make the network great!

Check out the Members of the Month at

Absorption vs Radiation

In the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell from 1947 (you can find it on pdf), Walter Russell mentions how the Universe is always bal...