If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.
- Buddha
I recommend Bentinho Massaro's Empowerment II course for a detailed discussion of Love-Wisdom Balancing.
Love is Service to Others.
Wisdom is knowing when Service to Others is best applied.
Check out this link for more detailed information: https://www.trinfinityacademy.com/courses/empowerment-2-trinfinity-cosmology-empowered-evolution/lesson-12-balancing-love-with-wisdom/
Richard Rudd's book, The Gene Keys: Embracing your Higher Purpose also has a description of Love and Wisdom paths.
Gene Key 52 is the Siddhi of Stillness which, in my perspective, is the Buddha or Avatar path (Wisdom with some Love).
Gene Key 58 is the Siddhi of Bliss which, in my perspective, is the Bodhisattva or Christ path (Love with some Wisdom).
These paths will get you to 4th density of Love and 5th density of Wisdom, which are higher evolution. Upon reaching 6th density- Love-Wisdom must be balanced, therefore Love must be balanced by an equal amount of Wisdom, and Wisdom must be balanced by an equal amount of Love. The Higher Self resides in the middle of 6th density, so if you want to truly embody your Higher Self, it is important to learn to balance Love and Wisdom, even while you are in 3rd density physical incarnation.