Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Balancing Love and Wisdom

If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another.

- Buddha

I recommend Bentinho Massaro's Empowerment II course for a detailed discussion of Love-Wisdom Balancing.

Love is Service to Others.

Wisdom is knowing when Service to Others is best applied.

Check out this link for more detailed information: https://www.trinfinityacademy.com/courses/empowerment-2-trinfinity-cosmology-empowered-evolution/lesson-12-balancing-love-with-wisdom/

Richard Rudd's book, The Gene Keys: Embracing your Higher Purpose also has a description of Love and Wisdom paths. 

Gene Key 52 is the Siddhi of Stillness which, in my perspective, is the Buddha or Avatar path (Wisdom with some Love).

Gene Key 58 is the Siddhi of Bliss which, in my perspective, is the Bodhisattva or Christ path (Love with some Wisdom).

These paths will get you to 4th density of Love and 5th density of Wisdom, which are higher evolution. Upon reaching 6th density- Love-Wisdom must be balanced, therefore Love must be balanced by an equal amount of Wisdom, and Wisdom must be balanced by an equal amount of Love. The Higher Self resides in the middle of 6th density, so if you want to truly embody your Higher Self, it is important to learn to balance Love and Wisdom, even while you are in 3rd density physical incarnation. 

Law of One and Ascension

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

- Buddha

I recommend Bentinho Massaro's Empowerment II course for a great overview of the Law of One, Ascension, and application to daily life.  

Concepts discussed in his course include:

7 Universal Densities of Love/Light as mentioned in the Law of One

What is the Higher Self?

Effective Use of Catalyst

Service to self vs. Service to others

Balancing Love with Wisdom

Balancing Will with Faith

You can take all 14 lessons starting here:


Monday, January 27, 2025

Triangle of God's Threefold Flame


POWER (Faith/Trust/Surrender/Life/Empowerment/Determination) + LOVE (Compassion/Kindness/Mercy/Helpfulness) + WISDOM (Discernment/Understanding of Divine Laws/Detachment/Healthy Boundaries)

Sunday, January 26, 2025

What is Christ Consciousness?

Christ Consciousness is the embodiment of the Higher Self. It is the activation of the Threefold Flame of Love-Wisdom-Power in the Holy Heart. Love is Devotion and Gratitude. Wisdom is Discernment of truth vs. illusion and Understanding of Divine Laws such as Cause and Effect, and Power is Faith in God and Surrender to God, surrender of all ego for the highest and greatest good. Power is Divine Will. Power is described when Jesus/Jeshua says, "not my will but Thy Will be done." It is not personal power, but rather alignment with God's Will, the Will to do good, that brings Divine Power. Christ Consciousness is the balance of Love-Wisdom-Power. 

In the awakening stage first comes love in the heart (soul embodiment), then service to others leads to wisdom in the third eye (oversoul embodiment) which leads to surrender to God's Will which leads to power in the crown (avatar embodiment). The opening of the heart-third eye-crown chakra triangle opens the secret portal to ignite the Holy Heart behind the heart chakra. Once the Higher Self is fully embodied in the Holy Heart, the rainbow body dawns, and the physical vessel is the container for the full expression of Christ Consciousness on Earth. The physical vessel is now the full embodiment of the Higher Self on Earth. The human now awakens that it is the Divine child of God on Earth. The expression of the Presence of God on Earth. An instrument of God's Holy Will.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

12 strands of DNA

12 strands of DNA activation make you a fully realized child of God, also called a Christ, Buddha or Avatar. This is the dawning of the rainbow body and the 7th initiation as mentioned in Theosophy. Humans start at 3 strands. Then the heart opens and it activates strands 4-6 as a triangle at the heart. Initiations 1 and 2. You can call this the awakening stage. Then strands 7-9 activate as a triangle in the head. Initiations 3 through 5. This is when you live your purpose and do good works. You can call this the service stage. Finally strands 10-12 activate over your crown. Initiations 6 and 7. This is when you realize you are fully One with God. You can call this the surrender to God's Will stage. Surrender of the lesser self for the Greater Self. This is enlightenment or self-realization.


Mastery comes through alignment with God's Will. When people say Master or Teacher or Guru or even Lord, it is not that a human has mastered life through their actions. It is because the human has transcended human limitations through alignment with God. Never forget that God is the Source of all Love, Wisdom, and Power. A Master is simply a child of God, as are all of us. Every child is worthy of blessings from God. The Master simply seeks God and aligns with God, nothing more and nothing less. You can do that too. You are all children of God. God's blessings upon all of God's children. May the children reclaim their Divine inheritance and be welcomed Home to the kingdom with open arms.


A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

- Buddha

Bring Glory to God. Do good works on Earth. You are an instrument of God's Will. Be devoted to God, surrender to Holy Will and allow God's Will to shine through you. Bring forth the Love, Wisdom, and Power of God on Earth. Let the heavens roar and the Angels sing with God's Glory upon the Earth. God's Will be done. Shine on my brothers and sisters!

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...