Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I've set the intention that all who ask to receive attunements from me receive them perfectly and instantly the moment they call them in regardless if the attunement is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is.......yes you can do this too....believe and so it is!

This quote will be in my new healing book, once I finish it. I just added it. "I've set the intention that all who ask to receive healing from me receive healing perfectly and instantly the moment they call the healing session in, regardless if the healing session is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is." ~ Chris Comish......same guidance as above applies.....yes you can do this too.....believe and so it is!

Be Love

"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Heal from the Astral Plane

So one thing I do is I review the news and if someone dies in the news, I ask the Archangel Michael cleanse them and escort them into the Light. I hear their voices say thanks in their own personality voices. Wanted to share in case anyone wanted to do the same. Also if there is negative news (which there is everyday), I send love and compassion to the situations, protection from all harm etc. Sharing in case you want to do the same.

Step into your Divine Power. Yes, you can change the world simply through intention and being the love that you are. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Healing all people on Earth

Sending healing to all people on Earth, received at the perfect time for the highest and greatest good of each on a daily continuous basis in alignment with each free will. Christ is manifest now! Buddha is manifest now! Love and Light is manifest now! 

I invoke the Holy Spirit to descend upon all of humanity at the perfect time for each if in alignment with each free will for the highest and greatest good of each. May all beings be happy and be blessed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Distant Healing

For anyone who wants to practice distant healing, I want to invite you to join the distant healing network. It is a network of volunteer healers that heal people who are sick, in hospice etc. Join at https://the-dhn.org/

Balanced Chakras

According to a recent chakra reading all of my chakras are open.

This is how I keep them balanced. Sharing to help anyone that could use some ideas. 

Root- Gardening, Exercise

Sacral- Listen to music, Let emotions flow through you, Be creative

Solar Plexus- Initiative, Start projects

Heart- Golden Rule actions, Empathy, Kindness

Throat- Express and communicate, Daily Gratitude

Third Eye- Meditate and listen to intuition

Crown-  I am a Spirit having a human experience, All is One, One is All

Wisdom from Bashar

I learned of this information from watching an interview of Darryl Anka on the Next Level Soul Podcast. Darryl Anka channels Bashar, who is a higher dimensional being. I took notes while Bashar was speaking during the interview. May this information resonate with you.

5 Divine Laws

1. You exist.

2. Everything is here and now.

3. The One is the All and the All is the One.

4. What you put out is what you get back. 

5. Everything changes except the first 4 laws. 

Connect to your Higher Self

1. Forgive all who transgress you.

2. Forgive yourself of all transgressions against others.

3. Let go of negative past experiences.

4. Move forward as your Higher Self.

5. Follow your passion.

6. Inform yourself from your future self.

7. Allow yourself to be fully in the present moment. 

8. Send unconditional love to all in darkness to awaken their inner light. 

Connect with Bashar at https://bashar.org

Watch the Next Level Soul Podcast at https://www.youtube.com/@NextLevelSoul

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chakras and Frequencies

The following are descriptions of the chakras and their frequencies:

1. Root chakra. Affirmation "I AM." Energy, Stability, Comfort, Safety. 396 hz solfeggio frequency. Survival. Also the Kundalini energy is stored here. Associated With: Earth Connection, Physical Health, Safety and Security, Groundedness, The Body, Longevity, Kundalini, Healing. 

2. Sacral chakra. Affirmation "I FEEL." Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability, Creativity. 417 hz solfeggio frequency. Personal identity. Kundalini rising begins in the Hara/Belly button chaka. Associated With: Relationships, Life Force, Emotions, Intimacy, Vitality, Skin, Impulse, Desire, Motivation, Letting Go.

3. Solar Plexus chakra. Affirmation "I DO." Strength, Personality, Power, Determination. 528 hz solfeggio frequency. Ego resides here. Social relations. Associated With: Self-Esteem, Ego, Confidence, Manifesting, Willpower, Self-Belief, Grit, Success, Conscious Mind, Adaptability.

4. Heart chakra. Affirmation "I LOVE." Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity. 639 hz solfeggio frequency. Opening of ascension path. Higher Self manifestation begins. Love/Compassion of Higher Self. Universal love. Associated With: Compassion, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness, Joy, Surrender, Humility, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Balance. 

5. Throat chakra. Affirmation "I TALK." Communication, Expression, Creative Expression, Inspiration. 741 hz solfeggio frequency. Expression of Higher Self. Free communication. Associated With: Communication, Expression, Honesty, Worthiness, Gratitude, Creativity, Channeling Energy. 

6. Third eye chakra. "I SEE." Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust. 852 hz solfeggio frequency. Vision of Higher Self. Universal energies. Associated With: Subconscious Mind, Deep Thought, Imagination, Mind's Eye, Intuition, Clarity, Wisdom, Vision. 

7. Crown chakra. Affirmation "I UNDERSTAND." Knowledge (truth), consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality. 963 hz solfeggio frequency.  Bridge of light unity connection to Higher Self. Flow/Channeling state. Sacredness of each experience. Associated With: Transcendence, Spirituality, Higher Self, Ascension, Quantum Mind, Source, At One, Inner Peace, Dreams, Cosmic. 

Great solfeggio frequency videos are found at https://www.youtube.com/@PowerThoughtsclub

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Initiations and Ascension

First Initiation – The Birth of the Love within the Heart - Birth to Spiritual Life (Junior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of physical body).

Second Initiation – Mastery of Emotional Body - The Baptism (Senior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of emotional body).

Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity.

Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire.

Third Initiation – The Transfiguration (Initiate) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of mental body).

No judging anyone.

Accepting all beings.

Fourth Initiation – The Crucifixion or Renunciation (of lower self for Higher Self) (Arhat) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Free from all hate.

No thinking in the negative at all ever.

Love, "I am love".

Receiving eternal life.

Surrender to God's and monad's will.

Fifth Initiation (The Resurrection) – The Adept or The Holy Master - Teacher.

Required to pass the 5th initiation: Total surrender to God and to your monad.

Agreement that "Yes I will do what my monad intends".

Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose.

Sixth Initiation – The Ascension or Masterhood (Chohan) - Teacher.

Required to pass the 6th initiation: No imperfect thoughts.

Seventh Initiation – The Bodhisattva, Avatar or Christhood - Teacher.

Initiations 8+ manifest on the Buddhic plane and in higher dimensions than the physical - Ascended Master, Spirit Guide etc.

In my experience the third and fourth were the hardest because they required a complete release of the mind and enter into surrender to the Divine. Being a Gemini and very mind based this was hard for me.

Initiations 1 and 2 are seeking, Initiations 3 and higher are being.

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...