Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Initiations and Ascension

First Initiation – The Birth of the Love within the Heart - Birth to Spiritual Life (Junior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of physical body).

Second Initiation – Mastery of Emotional Body - The Baptism (Senior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of emotional body).

Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity.

Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire.

Third Initiation – The Transfiguration (Initiate) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of mental body).

No judging anyone.

Accepting all beings.

Fourth Initiation – The Crucifixion or Renunciation (of lower self for Higher Self) (Arhat) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Free from all hate.

No thinking in the negative at all ever.

Love, "I am love".

Receiving eternal life.

Surrender to God's and monad's will.

Fifth Initiation (The Resurrection) – The Adept or The Holy Master - Teacher.

Required to pass the 5th initiation: Total surrender to God and to your monad.

Agreement that "Yes I will do what my monad intends".

Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose.

Sixth Initiation – The Ascension or Masterhood (Chohan) - Teacher.

Required to pass the 6th initiation: No imperfect thoughts.

Seventh Initiation – The Bodhisattva, Avatar or Christhood - Teacher.

Initiations 8+ manifest on the Buddhic plane and in higher dimensions than the physical - Ascended Master, Spirit Guide etc.

In my experience the third and fourth were the hardest because they required a complete release of the mind and enter into surrender to the Divine. Being a Gemini and very mind based this was hard for me.

Initiations 1 and 2 are seeking, Initiations 3 and higher are being.

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