Thursday, January 4, 2024

Divine Laws

Divine Laws:

#1 – The Law of Free Will (Free Will exists, and We all have Free Will that must be respected.....Also allows the Choice for positive or negative polarity.)

#2 – The Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma or the Law of Balance)

#3 – The Law of Divine Compensation (Good deeds will be rewarded, Be Open to Receive from all sources both seen and unseen, The Law of Attraction- Take action steps and then be open to receive)

#4 – The Law of Grace (You are graced with miracles beyond your imagination, Express gratitude for Grace)

#5 – The Law of Oneness (Everything and Everyone is connected. Everything we do has a ripple effect which affects the collective. Life is Many and the One, Life is Unity in Diversity. We are all One.)

#6 – The Law of Divine Intervention (Prayer and Forgiveness for Self and Others, the Divine is here to support you)

#7 – The Law of Correspondence (As Above, So Below)

#8 – The Law of Absolution (Life has lessons that are full of opportunities)

#9 – The Law of Infinite Possibilities (Be open to all possibilities for your highest and greatest good)

#10 – The Law of Guidance (There are Divine clues along the way)

#11 – The Law of Gender (Masculine and Feminine energies exist in all things, both are different sides of the same coin, equally important)

#12 – The Law of Rhythm (There is Movement and a Rest, Everything has cycles and rhythm, Example think of the seasons Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

#13 – The Law of Polarity (Everything has polarity- good and evil, hot and cold, love and fear, all are two sides of the same coin (degrees apart from each other)...contrast brings clarity)

#14 – The Law of Vibration (Everything vibrates at different levels, Everything is in constant motion, Vibrations can affect Vibrations.)

A message from Maitreya

A message from one of the world Avatars today, Dharma Sangha, who I believe is an incarnation of Maitreya.

Main Teachings Link

A quote- "The way on the path of the True Dharma being followed, perfect enlightenment being accomplished, the understanding of world peace and the feeling of Maitri (Loving Kindness) being established, may the acquisition of the Dharma World be made manifest.

May all beings be happy. So be it." ~Dharma Sangha

"The arrival of Maitreya is prophesied to occur during an era when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have been disregarded or largely forgotten." .....sounds like the times we are in today.

"Maitreya is poised to teach self-realization, as well as right action and right relationship, or the Dharma."......sounds like what Dharma Sangha is saying to me.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Law of One

 Read about the Law of One here

Law of One Practices:

1. Unity Consciousness

2. Love Yourself

3. Love Others

4. Love Earth & Nature

5. Service to Others

6. Consciousness Expansion

7. Responsible Co-Creation

Friday, December 22, 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christ-mas and have a Happy New Year. 

Happy Holidays to all. 

This year I am grateful for all of you. You continue to uplift and inspire me.

The journey of a thousand miles begins in a single step. 

You are taking that step.

Words cannot express the love that I have for all of you.

I believe in all of you.

Thank you for all that you do, each and every day, to make the world a better place. 

Thank you for being Christ on Earth.

I appreciate all of you. 

Some Christmas Music for you:

Wishing you all a beautiful blessed new year of 2024.

May God's Grace always be upon you. 

God bless you. 

Gloria in Excelsis Deo- Glory to God in the highest.

Love and Light,


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Free Will and Love

There are two forces in the universe- Free Will which is electric and completely unpredictable. It jumps from point to point in a random zig zag. If you want to observe electric behavior in nature just watch how insects or Lightning moves from point to point. Let's call it the wind that changes directions all the time. This explains people how they can run the spectrum from being evil to being good. It explains that you cannot predict anyone. How some people are great and other people are jerks. Most of Humanity is centered in the tunnel vision of free will. Free Will is how Humans evolved from the instinct of the animals- it self-awareness.

And then there is Love which is stable and unifying. Love is magnetic. Love is evolution from the Human Kingdom into the Spiritual Kingdom. Love is group and others awarenesss. The Love force is used by people on the positive path. Free Will (of self and others) and Love get balanced on the positive path- it is called the Will to do Good. You respect free will and follow the Golden Rule. It is called the Path of Service to Others. Love your neighbor as yourself. Evil people only respect their own free will and have no love. Evil is the Path of Service to Self, which is a dead-end path. That is the difference, love or the absence of love.

It explains some of how the simulation we live in works. The simulation we live in is a paradox (everything is purposely designed for choice (positive or negative polarity)). Everything is opposites on purpose as part of the confusion. Day and Night. Sun and Moon. Male and Female. Love and Fear. The positive path finds the narrow way Jesus Christ said, middle way Buddha said, through the illusion. The Paradox called duality (opposites) is the illusion. Genesis was right this is the Land of Confusion. If you can release the mind, which is designed to lock you into opposites with its beliefs and judgments, and enter the heart, you will become free.

Land of Confusion video link:

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Kundalini and Enlightenment

 Kundalini awakening is the liberation of one’s life-energy from the narrow confines imposed by human fear and conditioning. It heals and enlivens the whole body with glowing vitality. It elevates one to a higher level of functioning and flow, in harmony with the universe.

Enlightenment is the liberation of one’s consciousness from the narrow confines of the human mind and ego. It replaces mundane misunderstandings and false beliefs with pure awareness and true insight. It awakens one to the knowing of absolute truth, understanding the essence of all being.

They are not exactly the same, but more like the yin and yang aspects of awakening — the explosive creative power of kundalini and the silent inner knowing of enlightenment. The awakening of one definitely increases the possibility/probability of awakening the other.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How does Kundalini work?

The Shiva centers of the heart, throat, third eye, and crown are positively charged. Then, this attracts the negatively charged (meaning grounded in this case) Shakti Kundalini to move upward, chakra by chakra, to the highest chakra it was attracted to. Once the Shiva Crown center is positively charged and balanced, then Kundalini cleanses all chakras to form the unified chakra column of Rainbow Light, which leads to the attraction of the Oversoul/Monad, which leads to an enlightened state. The key is to positively charge and balance each of the 7 chakras in the human etheric body to draw the Kundalini upwards.

Absorption vs Radiation

In the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell from 1947 (you can find it on pdf), Walter Russell mentions how the Universe is always bal...