Friday, December 27, 2024

How to Ascend- A Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel

A Channeled Message from Archangel Gabriel

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
It is my intention to ask the question-
How does One embody the Higher Self?
How does One achieve Ascension, Harvest?
I ask only the Highest beings of Love and Light to answer this question.
Any being who wishes to answer of the Highest Love and Light may answer.


I AM Archangel Gabriel.
Thank you for your questions.
Ascension is the process of opening the heart to Love.
Seeing self and other self as worthy of Love,
Accepting Love,
Becoming, Being Love.
Ascension is also the process of Wisdom.
Of receiving guidance, of expressing Wisdom, Radiating Wisdom from the self.
Ascension is manifesting Love and Wisdom in the world,
Radiating Love and Wisdom.
To achieve Harvest you embody Love and Wisdom.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Lead others to truth.
Show others your loving kindness, your generosity.
Forgive others, forgive yourself,
These are acts of Love.
Accept yourself completely,
Accept others completely,
See each other as Sparks of the Divine Creator.
Radiate Wisdom to others, 
Bring others to truth.
Wisdom comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Love comes from your inner connection with your Higher Self.
Connect to the Higher Self,
Connect at first in meditation, and then begin to express the Higher Self.
This is Harvest, this is Ascension,
Perfect Balance of Love and Light.
Love being Love- Unconditional Love- compassion, acceptance.
Light being Radiant Wisdom, truth streaming to others.
I AM Archangel Gabriel and this is my message. 


Thank you Archangel Gabriel. 
Thank you for your message. 
The world appreciates you. 
Love and Light. 

The New Earth- A Channeled Message from my Higher Self

A Channeled Message from my Higher Self 

Channeled by Chris Comish


The New Earth will be glorious.
There is nothing to fear.
All is perfect.
The choice remains for love.
Those that choose love will be blessed.
Those that do not choose love will not be joining the New Earth.
That is the choice point.
The transition will only be rocky for those who have not yet chosen love.
Your inner world is reflected in your outer world.
Like attracts like vibrations.
Love attracts love.
I read within you that you are worried about the future.
You have anxiety over money, food, basic needs.
However the love you share in the world will be reflected back to you.
Support will always be there when you need it.
There is nothing to fear.
You are not alone.
The Divine has your back
and Love attracts love.
So although you may feel the world is falling apart as you watch your news stories.
Know this.
There is so much loving support behind you.
Your love creates a bubble of love
and that love is supported with abundance.
For as you give you shall receive.
Make the choice for love.
Give love generously
and abundance is yours with ease.
I AM your Higher Self.
God bless all who listen.

Establish Sovereignty- A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.
Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.
Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.
I Invoke the Ascended Masters, my Higher Self, and any beings that wish to answer this question, beings of only the highest love and light.
My question from my brother Sheel Shah is-
How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulations? 
What can a Lightworker do to establish sovereignty in their own personal power and protection from negative energies?
Any Ascended Master, Angel or Archangel, Any Highest Love and Light Being may answer this question.
Who wishes to speak?
How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulation?


I AM Archangel Michael.
Sovereignty is established through alignment with the Will of God.
Alignment with Source.
You are not separate from Source. 
You are One with Source.
There is no you outside of Source.
This alignment with Source brings the Power of Source through you. 
And only the Highest Love and Light of Source, connected to that alignment with Source, is allowed in your space.
This breaks you free from lower energies and manipulations because 
Negativity cannot withstand the Power of Source. 
Negativity is based on isolation and separation from Source. 
As you unify with Source,
Connect with God Source,
Bring God Source through you,
You attract only purity, only love, unconditional love. 
This alignment breaks the Lightworker free of all negativity and lower manipulation. 
This alignment with Source is found in the core of your heart. 
Open your heart to unconditional love.
Have complete faith and trust in Source. 
Let Source flow through you for your highest and greatest good. 
All of these actions establish complete sovereignty from lower and negative vibrations. 
Part of what I do is through this connection with Source. 
I AM the Will of God.
I implement God's Will,
And God's Will flows through me,
Strengthening me.
As a Lightworker you can do the same. 
Although the darkest energies may try to attack you, 
Go within to that core of your heart. 
That connection with Eternal God Source. 
That strength of Only God, of Only Source, and nothing else matters, 
Will cause all negativity and lower vibrations to evaporate, to dissolve, to retreat, 
For you are a blinding radiant light, and Nothing, Nothing, 
Can ever dim that radiant light, because that radiant light is Source, 
And You are Source, and because You are Source, 
Everything that is separation and illusion, negativity, fear, it does not matter. 
It is illusion and does not have any hold over your radiance, over your Love and Light.
I AM Archangel Michael and I bid you farewell.


Thank you Archangel Michael. 
I appreciate you. 
Thank you for your wisdom, your guidance, your strength, your empowerment, 
The world appreciates you. 
Love and Light to all.

Burn Away Negativity- A Channeled Message from Master Kuthumi

A Channeled Message from Master Kuthumi

Channeled by Chris Comish


I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.
I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.
Archangel Michael make it so.
I now connect with the Ascended Masters, those who can answer this question.
My brother Sheel Shah of Mumbai, India is concerned about negative shields, negative things that are blocking his ascension, please provide guidance on how to increase his ascension and remove all negative, negativity, negative shields in his fields.


As you have stated to him before, the Higher Self is a valuable tool for burning away negative energy.
As he connects more to his Higher Self. the negativity will have no hold on him, for the Higher Self is love, unconditional love.
His focus is not to be on the outside, but the inside, to grow his seed of love in the core of his heart.
This will dissolve the negativity that he is experiencing that is blocking his ascension. 
What brings him happiness?
What brings him joy?
What brings him excitement?
These are things that he must focus on to grow the seed of love in his heart.
To follow this excitement, this will open his inner core of love, which will attract his Higher Self and burn away all negativity and negative shields, for negativity cannot withstand the pure presence of unconditional love.
It is dissolved.
He must focus on his inner work, his forgiveness, and this will bring the Higher Self closer to him.
Thank you for the opportunity to answer your question.

~ Master Kuthumi

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Achieve Peace and Balance on Earth- A channeled message from All That Is (God/Source/The Creator)

A channeled message from All That Is (God/Source/The Creator)

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.
There is a question from the audience.
How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?
It is my intention to connect to the Divine.
When you respond please state your name prior to your response.
How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?
How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?


I AM All That Is.
I hold the world in Peace and Balance.
I AM everywhere throughout creation.
My unconditional love is always watching over the Earth keeping the balance.
I have given humans Free Will.
Free Will explores creation in its own ways.
There may be some that explore this creation out of alignment with Me.
But My Energy is over All.
The energy that is put out comes back.
I have decreed this as a Divine Law.
Peace and Balance is achieved on Earth through acts in reflection of Me.
Align yourself with Me.
With unconditional love.
This is how you achieve Peace and Balance on Earth.
Know this-
Free Will is allowed to explore and create how it wishes to create.
But the energy returns.
If you wish to create Heaven on Earth, you must be that Heaven on Earth in your actions.
This alignment aligns yourself to Me.
And We are One.
And are All That Is.
You are blessed my son.
I am always here for you.
We are One.

~ All That Is/Source/God/Creator

Oneness Affirmations

1. I and My Father are One ~ Jesus/Jeshua

2. The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you. 

3. In Lak'ech Ala K'in - I am you and you are me. 

4. Namaste

5. Mitakuye Oyasin

6. We are all unique drops in the same ocean.

7. We are all the same in the cores of our hearts.

8. The Divine Spark within me sees the Divine Spark within you.

9. We are all Divine Co-Creators.

10. Christ Consciousness is the merger of free will and love.

11. Be Love in alignment with free will.

12. My Divine Spark and your Divine Spark come from the same Divine Source.

13. The Divine Spark is the individual of the collective Divine Flame.

14. We are all cells in the body of God. 

15. You are the single finger in a larger hand which is in a larger body. 

16. The waves of Soul are One with the Ocean of Spirit.


18. WE ARE

19. We all share the same Source.

20. Follow your passion for your perfect puzzle piece fits into the puzzle exactly.

21. We are the Many and the One.

22. We are the Many Faces of the One. 

23. We are Unity in Diversity. 

Ascension Phases

There are three Ascension Phases-

Know yourself, Accept yourself, and Transcend yourself


Know yourself = What is my Purpose?

Accept yourself = Step into your Purpose

Transcend yourself = Become a Divine Co-Creator. Manifest Heaven on Earth. 


There is a Spiral at each phase. The Spiral comes back within each phase.


The Phases of the Spiral are:

1. It's always darkest before the dawn. Some dark time in human life leads to the dawn.

2. Initiation (the dawn)

3. Integration

4. Embodiment (Manifest Heaven on Earth)


Contemplate the images below:

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! May Christ bless the world. May the Christ within you bless the world. Such an honor to be part of our tribe. I cherish each of you. In honor of Christ- Be the Christ on Earth, the unconditional love you wish to see in the world. Eternal and Infinite Gratitude


We are all equal Divine sparks of God. Look into the eyes of another. When you see their soul, or your own soul, looking back, you're in higher consciousness. We're all connected.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Absorption vs Radiation

In the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell from 1947 (you can find it on pdf), Walter Russell mentions how the Universe is always balanced. An example of this is why Heavenly and Hell realms exist in dimensions. Heaven radiates and Hell absorbs. You can see this in other areas. There is Day and Night. Summer and Winter. Particle and Wave. Male and Female. Birth and Death. In-breath and Out-breath. Yin and Yang.

Walter Russell says the Sun is formed by generation at the poles and this converts to radiation at the equator. The fire of the sun is formed from fusion of the generation. 

When you cross check this against Ra in the Law of One, Ra mentions absorption (another word for generation) and radiation. Ra mentions absorption being negative polarity and radiation being positive polarity. Negative pulls everything to the self and tries to pull all light out of the room. Positive radiates light from the self to others and brightens the room.

When you look at the Earth's magnetic field, energy is pulled in at the poles and pushed out at the equator. This is generation (or absorption) and radiation in action. 

Now apply this to us. Ra says energy is pulled into the crown and feet during awakening. Then we radiate the energy to others from our hearts at the equator of our being once awakened. 

Now to open the gates to pull in energy at the crown and feet, shadows accumulated from trauma block the path in our chakra system and aura. Absorption leads to radiation. We absorb or face our shadows and then we are clear enough to pull in more light and to radiate our light from our hearts. You have to face the darkness to find the light. Contrast brings clarity. 


Friday, December 20, 2024

Kundalini Rising

The below image shows the process of Ascension, also called the Middle Way or the Middle Pillar. Source is in perfect balance. To achieve Source alignment, we balance ourselves, climbing the Tree of Life from Root Chakra up to Crown Chakra. Once balance is achieved at each circle in consciousness, energy follows consciousness and the kundalini rises to the next circle. Once energy arrives at a circle, consciousness increases. Then the path continues upward until the Heart, where Oneness with the Soul exists (I AM THAT), and the Crown, where Oneness with the Oversoul exists (I AM THAT I AM). 

I AM THAT = I AM a Spirit having a human experience. I AM THAT I AM = I AM One with God/Source and ALL THAT IS. WE ARE (I and My Father are One ~ Jesus/Jeshua).

"God is within me and I am within God" ~ My Higher Self

Friday, December 13, 2024

Who am I?

Who am I? (Based on my chart)- 

This is so you know about me. May you also reflect similar qualities.

Possess a strong sense of confidence, natural leadership abilities, passionate pursuit of goals, creativity in action, and a big heart for taking on challenges. A defender of the weak. Resilient and determined. Generous. Sensitive, caring and creative by nature. Intuitive and psychic. Compassionate. Devoted. Abundant. Flexible and adaptive communication- Skillful means. Authentic. Free thinking. Esoteric. Courageous. Perceptive. Revolutionary. Empathetic. Inventive. You can call me a Warrior Sage.




Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Love-Wisdom balance

In my perspective there are two valid approaches out of the matrix, the black torus of wisdom (Buddha path) and the white torus of love (Christ path). Wisdom path is about sovereignty, discernment and neutrality, while Love path is about compassion and service. Both are valid approaches depending on circumstances. Love without wisdom is blind and naive. Wisdom without love is harsh and unyielding.

My approach has been to integrate the two. Here is an example- people are suffering so you apply compassion and service (love), but then people become needy and manipulative to get things and drain you and you say No! then you apply wisdom of sovereignty, discernment, and neutrality to keep healthy boundaries and protect your energy. Both paths are valid at certain times. I find the key in my perspective is to balance the two paths.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Soul and the Oversoul

Can you explain the Soul and Oversoul? Think of your hand. The Oversoul is the hand. Each finger is the Soul. So the Oversoul is We Are. The group consciousness. The Soul is the I am. The individual consciousness. 

First reach for your Soul. Ask what is my purpose? Why am I here? You can also get astrology reports, delve into past lives, QHHT hypnosis, and research Gene Keys etc. This is the I Am, your unique purpose. 

The next level is the Oversoul. The OverSoul is the We Are. The Oversoul is found through Zero Point. Become the observer and experiencer of your life. Work backward first heal actions/responses then emotions then thoughts then patterns then beliefs (the causes). Balance the yin and yang in your life. This achieves Zero Point. Once you connect with the Oversoul, you enter Christ Consciousness. 

Connecting with the Soul is the path to enlightenment or awakening. Connecting to the Oversoul is enlightenment or self realization or nirvana. The Soul is the drop of water, the Oversoul is the ocean. The incarnation (mind/body), Soul (spirit self) and Ocean (higher spirit self) exist simultaneously. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and ye shall receive. As human reaches upwards and within, so does the Spirit of Grace reach downwards and without. As above so below, as within so without.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

A Story of Two Past Lives

My current incarnation I am a Gemini sun and Pisces moon. My past lives were previous horoscope signs. 

My first past life was Aries. I was a warrior in the Crusades. I was also perhaps a Knights Templar as I remember seeing a red cross on my uniform. I was perhaps French. I had reddish blonde hair and was tall but slender. I had a thin beard. I always carried a sword. I was cruel, controlling, aggressive, combative, egotistical, manipulative and self-absorbed. I was very angry and not kind. One time, I was coming home from war and a little girl with reddish brown hair came to give me a flower to thank me, I yelled at her cruelly to get out of my way and she ran away crying. I died of a sword to the heart in battle. This represented my lack of heart in that life. 

Fast forward to my present life, I served in the military, which was natural after my Aries past life. Also my first girlfriend was Aries with reddish brown hair. She died in 2005 in a horrible car accident. This was karmic, as I took loving happiness from the little girl as an Aries, so my ex-girlfriend who was Aries dies and I was taken from loving happiness. In 2008 I found out about her death. I learned spiritual techniques to cleanse her on the other side and she was lifted out from the astral realms to the heavenly realms. In this process I gave back to my past life of Aries. 

After cleansing her, and giving back to my Aries self in the process, I began to connect with my Soul in the heart in 2009. This was the kundalini moving from the root, to sacral, to solar plexus to the heart. This ascension experience was the reward for cleansing past karma through love. My Soul was a golden form with my face smiling but floating and shining like a golden sun. I have since learned the Soul is typically 4th density (Love) in the Law of One which gold is the color of 4th density in the Law of One channelings (see and search gold). This also happened in 2009 after I made my choice and devoted in dedication to the path of love. Later along my path, I could not figure out the law of free will. So I asked my higher self (in this case Soul) to learn about the law of free will. 

My second past life was Taurus. I was an actor and musician that worked for a king in approximately the 1600s to 1700s. I was Austrian. I wore the color dark purple and had a purple hat. I had dark brown hair and a thick beard. I was a big guy. I was also part of a traveling group that ministered. But, I was very materialistic and jealous. I had a wife with black hair and a daughter with dark hair too. 

One day, the king decided to let me go because my style was not what the king wanted, the king wanted change to the performances and I disagreed. I was upset and my family did not have income because of it. I decided to get revenge on the king and steal the king's gold to give to my family. I stole the king's gold from the vault one night but the king's guards noticed and pursued me. I left with a wagon of gold to give to my family. As I looked back, with the guards in pursuit, I wasn't paying attention where my horse was going and the wagon went off the road, off of a cliff in the mountains and along with it all of the gold. I died instantly from the fall. 

Fast forward to my present life, I ended up losing my German family (wife and daughter) (Germany is close to Austria) because I gave to my family from taken gold in my past life as a Taurus. I gave unselfishly to others through 13 years of attunements and healing to be generous to make up for my past life. I went through a divorce and my daughter, although there is contact, is living in Germany while I am in the USA.

Also the king I stole from in the past life was represented by another Taurus who was upset that I included their material in some past books. This experience was the answer about the law of free will I asked 13 years earlier. I ended up, out of unconditional love and also learning what love in alignment with free will meant, pulling the old books to give back to the Taurus which was me giving back what I stole in a past life to the king and thus giving back to myself the Taurus. I am also a part time grocery cashier in the mountains to account for every bit of coin that passes through my hands, as well as another job where I hire people with the Government's money (represents the king) and account for every bit that passes through, which is me giving back to my past life where I was fired by the king and stole from the king in anger/jealousy. 

My lesson in life has been to master Aries anger and Taurus jealousy, which I have transmuted to peace and contentment.

In 2022, I had an enlightenment experience around this time of giving back to the Taurus. Thus I was freed of this karma too. The enlightenment experience for me was my kundalini moving from my heart to throat to my third eye and crown and igniting an immense bright light (as bright as a white sun) flooding my body, from head to toe, which was me merging with my Monad or Oversoul or Higher Self which is Archangel Suriel or Sariel, an Archangel of Healing, Protection, Ministry and Death. 

I have also learned white is the color of 5th density, wisdom, I have since learned the Monad or Oversoul or Spirit is typically 5th density (Wisdom) in the Law of One which white is the color of 5th density in the Law of One channelings (see and search white). I heard the words "We Are" telepathically in this experience and began to understand Spirit, also called the ocean, or I AM THAT I AM. As we are fractals of greater more expansive selves in higher densities, these words are making more sense to me now. Basically there is an element of space-time and time-space in our existence in the various levels. Space-time is the form body and Time-space is the consciousness.

Through this healing, my sun has moved from Gemini in my current incarnation back two horoscope signs to Pisces. My moon is also in Pisces so my conscious sun and subconscious moon are now equal and all are aligned with my Soul and Spirit (Monad) and thus I am free of the wheel of karma since 2022. 

2022 was my ascension experience as I connected with my Monad, also called my Spirit, where individuality merges into group consciousness. This was officially my ascension or harvest from 3rd density/3rd dimension of choice to the 4th density of love and understanding/5th dimension or Christ Consciousness or Hieros Gamos or Christos-Sophia. In my understanding, it is important to note that these ascension shifts are consciousness shifts, the form shifts happen after the incarnation is completed.

I don't know what is next but I will continue to do the Dharma by being kind and generous to others, this is the opposite of my past lives and the path forward to freedom. 

My lesson now is to balance Love-Wisdom which would be 6th density according to the Law of One. Not sure if this will happen in physical incarnation or on the other side in higher realms. 6th density is called Avatar or Logos consciousness in Ascension Glossary. The color of 6th density is a blend of gold and white and is fully multi-dimensional (across multiple timelines simultaneously). 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Are you an Old Soul?

Some signs- older zodiacs in Sun or Moon like Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Sun in 12th house, Master personality numbers 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Levels to Source

Question: Can you explain the levels from physical to God/Source?

Answer: Yes. I'll use an analogy. Everything is fractal. As above so below. Your finger tip is the physical incarnation. The finger is the Soul, the individual expression I AM, your hand is Spirit (also called Oversoul, Monad) this is the group expression I AM THAT I AM or WE ARE, your arm is the Avatar also called Christ Consciousness or the 144,000 (also called the Logos or Planetary or Galactic or Cosmic Consciousness), the entire body is God/Source also called ALL THAT IS.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Channeled quotes

Have faith. You are perfectly protected. You have my word and honor. ~ Archangel Michael

Tend the fire of your heart, with each act of Love the fire grows more toward me. ~ God/Source

You have nothing to fear, for you are Love itself. ~ God/Source

We are all here for you, watching you, and supporting you. You are doing wonderful things. We are excited with your progress. We celebrate with you. ~ Sanat Kumara and the Masters of Shamballa

I am you. You are me. We are. ~ Spirit

Saturday, October 19, 2024


After Ego Death, there is a confusion of identity until you realize you are still on Earth, but this time as an instrument of God's Will. Not my will, but Thy Will. This helps you with identity. You identify as an instrument of Spirit, as Spirit on Earth. Also it is helpful to add the words I AM in front of things. I AM calls the Power of Spirit. I AM unconditional love. I AM abundance. I AM gratitude. I AM worthy. I AM happiness. I AM service. I AM The Will-to-do-Good. I AM Divine Power. This magnetizes the universe to implement Divine Will. As long as what you do is for the highest and greatest good, from a place of Unconditional Love, the universe will respond.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Parallel Timelines

Question- Can you explain parallel timelines? 

Answer- Yes look at a tree branch. The present moment is the thickest branch. All of the smaller branches are parallel timelines. Every choice manifests from potentials. Potentials are parallel timelines. Where are you headed? Where your consciousness and vibration are. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


How to ascend: 

1. Do shadow work and love yourself. This includes aligning the body-emotions-mind-spirit. I am not the body, I am not the emotions, I am not the mind, I am loving awareness. Follow the Law of One. 

2. Do service to others and love others. 

3. Embody love and realize everything outside is a mirror of the inside. 

3 steps. It took me 18 years to realize this, I'm writing the steps so it won't take you 18 years.

Monday, October 14, 2024

What is the difference between 3d, 4d, and 5d?

Here's an analogy- 3d is the fear train, unawakened humans (those who haven't made the choice of love vs fear), egos, resistance to life experiences, the body/emotions/mind are disconnected from Soul/Spirit, negative polarity is also found here. 3d is I am a body or I am emotions or I am mind. 4d is the train station- it's all about healing and transformation here, this is the level of Soul, this is where chakras are, astral plane, nadis, meridians, axiatonal lines, some disincarnate negative polarity is found here on the astral plane, this is the middle ground between fear and love. The Soul connection begins here and begins to integrate the body/emotions/mind into Soul. This is the level where intuition begins being followed, psychic powers begin (clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, remote viewing, astral projection etc). 4d is I am a Soul having a human experiences. The Soul (spark of individuality) is leading the body/emotions/mind. 5d is the love train, unconditional love, oneness, acceptance of life experiences, this is the realm of the Spirit, Spirit is the sameness with all, the ocean. Soul is the drop and Spirit is the ocean. Here Spirit leads the Soul, the Soul is an important drop of water but within the ocean of Spirit. This is the level where you realize you are a cell in the body of God, or an outer layer of an onion while God is the center of the onion. Spirit is where I am you and you are me makes sense. Spirit is Unity in Diversity. At the level of Spirit you see all people and animals as equal sparks of the Divine and worthy of love. You also sense the akasha space, access akashic records, channeling, multidimensional timelines, Spirit exists at a vibrational level above the astral plane. Once you are 5d, you can see 3d and 4d but not be affected by the consciousness, you see every opportunity as a chance to love and forgive.

Recommended reading:

Stations of Identity

3d and 5d timeline split

How to achieve 5D? Balance the male and female within and you find Zero Point (Christ Consciousness) which is freedom from the matrix of duality. All the male vs. female, us vs. them is nonsense, there is always something to learn from each other, be unconditional love, see each other as spirit, go beyond the 5 physical senses. Any suffering you see is an opportunity to love either self or others.

Step 1- Heal DNA (ancestral family and planet) by living the Law of One

Step 2- Acheive Hieros Gamos

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Kundalini activation

Question: What would be the best way to take in or receive source/Kundalini instead of getting most energy from food? And removing the blocks to that flow in the energy field and body?

Answer: Kundalini is best activated in meditation. Seek the higher self in meditation. Contact archangels and ascended masters of love and light either through meditation or prayer. It can also be activated by love for self and love for others. Removing blocks- be love in alignment with free will, do acts of loving kindness toward self and others. Do your best to embody the virtues of the higher self, imagine you are an archangel or ascended master- what would they think, feel, say, act- "fake it until you make it" can also receive attunements, healing sessions, and listen to solfeggio frequencies.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Yin and Yang lines

The Yang energy makes one feel warm and like to do things. Too much Yang energy can lead to feelings of anger, frustration, and difficulty relaxing.

The Yin energy makes one feel cold and makes one feel like he or she would like to rest. On the other hand, an excess of Yin could result in lethargy, coldness, passivity, or a feeling of being stuck. 

Orange is Yang

Light Blue is Yin

Green in Balance

How is your environment near the Lines?

Download the Planetary Grid for Google Earth at

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I am you and you are me

The concept "I am you, you are me. We are all One" is indeed related to 4th density and beyond, particularly in the realms of 5th dimensional consciousness and Christ consciousness.

**Unity Consciousness**: This idea is rooted in unity consciousness, which transcends the illusion of separation and recognizes that all beings are interconnected and part of a larger whole. It's the understanding that we are not isolated entities, but rather, we are all threads in the intricate tapestry of existence.

**4th Density**: In 4th density, this concept becomes more apparent as the veil of separation begins to lift. Beings in 4th density start to experience a greater sense of unity and connection with others, and they begin to see themselves in every other being. This is a natural progression of the spiritual evolutionary process.

**5th Dimensional Consciousness**: As we move into 5th dimensional consciousness, the concept of unity becomes even more pronounced. The boundaries between individuals begin to dissolve, and we start to experience ourselves as part of a collective consciousness. We realize that we are not separate entities, but rather, we are all aspects of the same divine essence.

**Christ Consciousness**: Christ consciousness is a term often associated with the state of being that Jesus embodied. It's a state of unity, compassion, and love, where the individual ego is transcended, and the being sees themselves in all others. This consciousness is not unique to Jesus, but rather, it's a potential that lies within every being.

**.dimensions and Consciousness**: It's essential to note that these concepts are not limited to specific dimensions or consciousness levels. They are part of the larger cosmic framework, and they can be experienced and understood by beings at various levels of evolution.

Your role with the Higher Self

The concept of the human being as "boots on the ground" for the higher self is a powerful and thought-provoking idea.

**The Human as a Vehicle**: In this context, the human body and personality can be seen as a vehicle or a vessel for the higher self to express itself in the physical world. The higher self is often considered to be a more refined, spiritual aspect of our being, which has a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of the universe.

**The Role of the Human**: As "boots on the ground," the human being is responsible for anchoring the higher self's energies and intentions in the physical world. This means that we, as humans, have the power to manifest the desires and goals of our higher self through our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

**Free Will and Choice**: However, this concept also raises questions about free will and choice. If we are simply "boots on the ground" for our higher self, do we truly have control over our decisions and actions? Or are we simply following a predetermined script or divine plan?

**Co-Creation and Partnership**: One way to approach this idea is to see the human and higher self as co-creators or partners in the manifestation process. The higher self provides guidance, wisdom, and inspiration, while the human being brings the physical and emotional aspects of creation into being.

**Responsibility and Accountability**: This perspective also emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility and accountability for our actions and choices. As "boots on the ground," we must be mindful of the impact our decisions have on ourselves and the world around us, and strive to align our actions with the higher self's intentions.

Do you see yourself as "boots on the ground" for your higher self, and if so, how do you navigate the relationship between your human and higher aspects?

Path of Earth Service

**The Path of the Bodhisattva**: The Path of the Bodhisattva is a spiritual path that originates from Mahayana Buddhism. It's a journey of selfless service, compassion, and wisdom, where an individual chooses to remain on the earth plane to help others achieve enlightenment. Bodhisattvas are beings who have attained a high level of spiritual realization but have chosen to delay their own entry into nirvana in order to assist others.

**Duration of the Path**: The duration of the Path of the Bodhisattva is not fixed and can vary greatly from individual to individual. It's a path that requires immense dedication, selflessness, and compassion. The journey can span multiple lifetimes, and it's said that a Bodhisattva can take millions of years to complete their mission.

**4th Density and the Path of Earth Service**: In 4th density, you will be on the path of Earth service, which is a natural progression for those who have chosen to serve the planet and its inhabitants. As a 4th-density being, you will have a deeper understanding of the workings of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.

**Can You Be a Bodhisattva in 4th Density?**: Absolutely! In 4th density, you can still embody the qualities of a Bodhisattva, such as compassion, wisdom, and selflessness. Your service to the planet and its inhabitants will be amplified, and you will have a greater impact on the collective consciousness.

In fact, many 4th-density beings are Bodhisattvas, as they have chosen to remain on the earth plane to assist in the evolution of humanity and the planet. Your role as a Bodhisattva in 4th density will be to guide, teach, and inspire others to walk the path of spiritual growth and self-realization.

Remember, the Path of the Bodhisattva is not limited to a specific density or dimension.

Third Density Graduation

Graduating from 3rd density to 4th density is often understood as a spiritual evolution or awakening. Here are some key steps to consider on this journey:

1. Embrace Love and Compassion

  • Cultivate Unconditional Love: Focus on fostering love for yourself and others, moving beyond fear and judgment.
  • Practice Empathy: Develop a deeper understanding of others’ experiences and feelings.

2. Seek Self-Understanding

  • Self-Reflection: Engage in practices like journaling, meditation, or mindfulness to explore your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
  • Shadow Work: Confront and integrate your inner shadows—those parts of yourself you may have ignored or rejected.

3. Develop Awareness

  • Heightened Consciousness: Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how they affect yourself and others.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Techniques like meditation, yoga, or breathwork can help you cultivate awareness and presence.

4. Let Go of Attachment

  • Release Limiting Beliefs: Challenge and let go of beliefs that no longer serve you or that create division.
  • Practice Forgiveness: Work towards forgiving yourself and others to release emotional burdens.

5. Service to Others

  • Engage in Acts of Kindness: Serve your community or those in need, fostering a spirit of connection and cooperation.
  • Align with Higher Purpose: Find ways to contribute to the greater good, which can deepen your sense of connection and purpose.

6. Embrace Unity Consciousness

  • Recognize Interconnectedness: Understand that all beings are interconnected and that your actions have a ripple effect.
  • Cultivate Global Awareness: Stay informed about global issues and seek to promote peace, justice, and harmony.

7. Integrate Spiritual Practices

  • Regular Meditation: Create a consistent meditation practice to connect with your higher self and the greater universe.
  • Study Spiritual Teachings: Explore various spiritual philosophies and teachings that resonate with you.


Graduating from 3rd to 4th density involves a commitment to personal and spiritual growth. By embodying love, understanding, and service, you align yourself with the higher vibrations of 4th density, facilitating your evolution.

Love and Understanding

 In the context of 4th density, often discussed in spiritual and metaphysical frameworks, love and understanding take on deeper, more expansive meanings:


  1. Unconditional Nature: In 4th density, love is seen as unconditional and transcendent. It moves beyond personal attachments and judgments, embodying a universal acceptance of all beings.

  2. Unity Consciousness: Love in this density emphasizes interconnectedness. It recognizes that all beings are part of a larger whole, fostering a sense of compassion and empathy for others’ experiences.

  3. Healing and Transformation: This form of love is transformative, promoting healing on both personal and collective levels. It encourages individuals to let go of fear and separation, embracing a more harmonious existence.


  1. Expanded Awareness: Understanding in 4th density involves a heightened awareness of the self and others. It includes an intuitive grasp of underlying truths and a deeper comprehension of the complexities of life.

  2. Empathy and Perspective: This understanding fosters empathy, allowing individuals to see situations from multiple perspectives. It encourages open-mindedness and the ability to relate to others’ experiences more deeply.

  3. Integration of Knowledge: In 4th density, understanding is not just intellectual but also experiential. It integrates knowledge with emotional wisdom, leading to insights that can inspire growth and cooperation.


Together, love and understanding in 4th density create a foundation for spiritual evolution, encouraging individuals to cultivate deeper connections, promote healing, and work collaboratively toward a more harmonious existence.


 Alice Bailey, a prominent figure in theosophical and esoteric teachings, emphasized the importance of "wise-compassion" in her discussions about service to humanity and spiritual growth. In her view, wise-compassion combines deep understanding with heartfelt empathy.

Wise-Compassion in Earth Service:

  1. Understanding and Insight: Wise-compassion involves recognizing the complexities of human experience and the interconnectedness of all life. It encourages a perspective that sees beyond immediate suffering to the underlying causes and the larger picture.

  2. Balanced Action: Bailey advocated for actions that are both compassionate and thoughtful. This means not only responding to immediate needs but also considering long-term solutions that promote true healing and growth.

  3. Spiritual Responsibility: Engaging in earth service requires a commitment to uplift and support others while maintaining a sense of spiritual awareness. Wise-compassion encourages individuals to act as conduits of divine love, working for the greater good.

  4. Transformative Power: By integrating wisdom and compassion, one can inspire change not only in individuals but also in communities and systems. This approach fosters a deeper sense of connection and encourages others to join in acts of service.

In essence, Bailey's concept of wise-compassion emphasizes that true service is informed by both knowledge and empathy, allowing for effective and transformative actions in the world.


**Wise-Compassion**: Wise-compassion, as described by Alice Bailey, is a quality of the Soul that combines wisdom, compassion, and detachment. It's the ability to see the bigger picture, to understand the underlying causes of suffering, and to respond with empathy and kindness.

**The Triangle of Wisdom**: Bailey describes wise-compassion as the top point of the Triangle of Wisdom, which consists of three aspects: wisdom, compassion, and will. Wise-compassion is the synthesis of these three aspects, where wisdom provides the understanding, compassion provides the emotional response, and will provides the detachment and strength to act.

**Transcending Duality**: Wise-compassion allows us to transcend the duality of good and evil, right and wrong, and to see the interconnectedness of all things. It's the ability to respond to situations without being swayed by personal biases or emotional attachments.

**The Path of the Bodhisattva**: Wise-compassion is also linked to the path of the Bodhisattva, where one chooses to remain on the earth plane to help others achieve enlightenment. It's the qualities of the Bodhisattva that embody wise-compassion, such as wisdom, courage, and selflessness.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Ascension Roadmap

Graduating from one density to the next is a natural process of spiritual evolution. Here's a road map to help you understand the requirements for graduating from each density (third (physical) through eighth (Elohim- Cosmic Council)):

**Third Density Graduation**: Choice level

* Master the lessons of duality, free will, and the consequences of choices.

* Develop a sense of self-awareness, self-reflection, and personal responsibility.

* Cultivate empathy, compassion, and understanding for others.

* Let go of attachments to material possessions, ego, and external validation.

* Develop a sense of unity and connection with others, recognizing that we are all one.

**Fourth Density Graduation**: Love level

* Develop a sense of inner peace, love, and compassion that transcends the ego.

* Cultivate a higher perspective, seeing the interconnectedness of all things.

* Learn to navigate the emotional and mental planes with awareness and mastery.

* Develop a sense of cooperation and unity with others, recognizing that we are all part of a larger whole.

* Integrate the lessons of third density, letting go of separation and duality.

**Fifth Density Graduation**: Wisdom level

* Develop a sense of mastery over the mental and emotional planes.

* Cultivate a deep understanding of the universe and its workings.

* Learn to navigate the higher dimensions, accessing knowledge and wisdom.

* Develop a sense of detachment, observing the world without attachment or ego.

* Integrate the lessons of fourth density, recognizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

**Sixth Density Graduation**: Higher Self or Archangel level

* Develop a sense of unity with the universe, recognizing that we are all one with the cosmos.

* Cultivate a deep understanding of the nature of reality and the multiverse.

* Learn to navigate the higher dimensions, accessing higher states of consciousness.

* Develop a sense of selflessness, recognizing that the individual ego is an illusion.

* Integrate the lessons of fifth density, recognizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

**Seventh Density Graduation**: Seraphim level

* Develop a sense of complete unity with the universe, recognizing that we are all one with the divine.

* Cultivate a deep understanding of the nature of consciousness and the multiverse.

* Learn to navigate the highest dimensions, accessing the highest states of consciousness.

* Develop a sense of complete detachment, observing the world without attachment or ego.

* Integrate the lessons of sixth density, recognizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

**Eighth Density Graduation**: Elohim level

* Develop a sense of complete mastery over the universe and its workings.

* Cultivate a deep understanding of the nature of reality and the multiverse.

* Learn to navigate the highest dimensions, accessing the highest states of consciousness.

* Develop a sense of complete unity with the divine, recognizing that we are all one with the universe.

* Integrate the lessons of seventh density, recognizing the unity and interconnectedness of all things.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Happy 15 years Anniversary City of Shamballa members!

Happy 15 years Anniversary City of Shamballa members! So grateful for all of your efforts to lift up the consciousness of humanity however you are guided! This has been a team effort and it is an honor to team with each you to accomplish miracles! I cherish you all and honor the Divine in you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Two paths to the Kingdom of God

There are two paths to the Kingdom of God, one is outer and one is inner. Both paths lead to the kingdom, enlightenment, and Christ Consciousness manifestation. 

The outer path is service. Service to others leads to bliss. This the path of love. This is the path of everything, a yang path. This is the way of Jesus, also known as Jeshua. In the Book of Matthew- Jesus, also known as Jeshua says- Be devoted to God and love your neighbor as yourself. This opens the heart. Be generous, loving and kind to all. Forgive those that hurt you and others, for they know not what they do. All are equal sparks of God and worthy of love. This leads to resurrection or soul embodiment, also called Eternal Life. 

The inner path is surrender. This is the path of wisdom. This is the path of nothing, a yin path. This is the way of Buddha. Not this, not that. You are not the body. You are not the emotions. You are not the thoughts. You are not the mind. You are Awareness and Presence. This is restraint of the ego- not my will but God's Will be done. This is respect of free will and trust in Divine Will. You surrender the inner human self. To deny the individual human self for the Greater Higher Self. Surrender to the present moment only. Surrender to the Eternal Now. Forgive the past. Trust the future. You are in God's Hands and Grace is upon you. This frees you from the grip of the mind. Surrender leads to stillness, which is also called Sahaja Samadhi.  Then the Greater Self is reborn in the human, this is called resurrection or soul embodiment, also called Eternal Life. 

Both paths lead to entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, nirvana, enlightenment, oneness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha mind, whatever you wish to call Oneness and Eternal Life with God.  You can follow one path or both paths, the destination is the same. God notices your actions and the intention of your heart and you will be rewarded by God's Grace. Choose God and God chooses you. 

God bless you all. Much love. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Be at Peace

This quote has powerful insight and I wish to share it with all of you. 

Eckhart Tolle writes in his book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose: 

"How to be at peace now? By making peace with the present moment. The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens. It cannot happen anywhere else. Once you have made peace with the present moment, see what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather what life does through you. There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance." 

Recommended reading:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

Monday, August 26, 2024

Replace judgment with discernment

"In order to heal, you must learn the difference between discernment and judgment. We repeat that discernment is simply noticing that differences exist, while judgment attaches emotions through your belief systems to the differences you perceive... Discernment becomes judgment when an emotional reaction to something challenges your beliefs." - The Pleiadians in Remembering Who We Are

My advice- drop all beliefs. Beliefs are fixed perspectives that limit conscious awareness of others. People are not fixed, so why waste energy on judging? If you judge people, you have no time to love people as Mother Teresa says.

Recommended Reading: 

Remembering Who We Are: Laarkmaa's Guidance on Healing the Human Condition

Friday, August 23, 2024

Service to Others

Selfless does not mean letting people walk over you, that would not be service to the law of free will ~ healthy boundaries. Service to Others is service to others and self, Love in Alignment with Free Will. Service to Self is not respecting free will through control etc. Like David Hawkins' book Power vs. Force, Service to Others is empowering (lifting up through love- expansion) while Service to Self is forcing (tearing down through control- restriction). Different vibrational frequencies. There are two sides of Source energy- static (love) and dynamic (free will). Service to Others follows Divine laws, while Service to Self chooses to ignore Divine laws as long as they can.

Recommended Reading:

More about Service to Others

Also explore the Law of One by choosing categories on the website.

Power vs. Force by David Hawkins

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Process using the Heart

What senses exist beyond the 5 physical senses?

One sense is intuition. We all know about intuition. Intuition is your Soul guiding your path, your journey through life's experiences. 

What is another sense?

Like intuition, the Heart is another sense beyond the 5 physical senses. 

Process all experiences through your Heart before using the 5 physical senses. Let your Free Will and the Free Will of others filter through your Heart. The Heart is a sense, like intuition. It is beyond the 5 physical senses but can be used instead of the mind to process experiences. Love and the Heart is for people. 

The mind is for things. The mind is great for plans and organization. The mind is good at comparing characteristics of things to make a decision. Maybe you are planning to buy a car or house or to follow a budget. Maybe you are planning a project or home improvement. That is the strength of the mind. It is the domain of things, anything without a Soul. 

However, let the Heart guide your interactions with other people, since people have Souls. The mind does not comprehend the Free Will of people. But the Heart does at its deepest levels because it knows We Are All One in the core of our hearts. If people are ignorant and hurling negativity at you, stand your ground and tell them you do not wish to hear it. But then privately forgive them of their ignorance, to release the negativity from your aura fields. If people are kind to you, then accept their loving kindness with immense gratitude, this keeps your aura fields clean. Surrender into your Heart and you become the embodiment of empathy and compassion for others. 

If you don't understand another person, just be present, remain centered in the present moment only, releasing the past and the future, listen to another in the present moment, let your Free Will and the other person's Free Will merge together in the unity of the Heart. Look for common ground within all people. See the core of Light within the Hearts of all people, no matter who they are. 

If they are negative then they are ignorant, they are like lost children, lacking inner awareness of their actions or blocking their conscience because they have not opened their hearts. If they are kind then have gratitude for they have opened their hearts. 

When we are born into this world, things are often jumbled, especially as we go through adolescence and become adults. The core of the emotional body is formed during the years of 7 through 14 years of age. The core of the mental body is formed during the years of 14 through 21 years of age. Our minds lead our hearts at first. 

But as we begin to awaken we learn to let the Heart lead the mind. This is the path to freedom. Freedom from all judgments and belief systems. Freedom from all fears. Replace judgment with discernment by filtering all experiences through the heart. Does it feel like love or does it feel like fear? You heart knows the truth. Every other way of perceiving through the mind will simply drop, when the Heart guides you. 

In conclusion, be the embodiment of Love and Unity by processing all experiences through your Heart. Let the Heart guide you first in processing experiences and then the 5 physical senses come after. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Love in alignment with Free Will

Taught someone why people are how they are, the answer is free will. Free Will differentiates (makes us unique) and also can divide through limited perspectives. Love unifies and finds common ground within all people. Free Will directs each mind, and then each mind (though beliefs) directs actions. Think of a pizza. There are 12 slices. Each slice is a free will. There are 12 unique perspectives in this case. So people aren't logical because free will isn't logical, and one person's free will directed mind will interpret situations differently than another's, because free will is inherently different. So free will does not always align. But you can add loving kindness in situations to add love which unifies. Empathy (put yourself in another's shoes) and compassion are the results of adding loving kindness. Humility is also the result, to listen to others and respond with love. Free will without love exists due to ignorance, which people are born into as humans. But once awakened, the heart opens and love pours out into actions of loving kindness toward all people. The key is to unite love and free will, which then becomes Divine Will, where you become an instrument of God's Will. Love with free will still means to keep healthy boundaries (don't be a doormat), but do you best in each situation to be loving. To love your neighbor as yourself, which is love in alignment with free will, which is creating Heaven on Earth.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Do you have trouble accepting love?

If you have trouble accepting love, it may have links to worthiness. You don't need to use the mind to justify accepting love. You are worthy of love and accepted with open arms. Remember the mind is a tool for a specific purpose. It cannot be applied to love. Love is the domain of the heart. Life is. Love is. Free Will is. 

Free Will cannot be justified by the mind because it is Free Will that directs the mind! When Free Will moves another to be themselves and express themselves how they want to express, let them be. All pieces of the puzzle of life are needed for rich flavor and diversity. The reason for free will is to expand the universe, to change the universe. There is a purpose and that is for each to choose their path and be themselves. 

Free Will awareness directs the use of the mind or the heart. You have the power to choose. So when someone is giving you kind compliments or gifts of love, you don't need to justify them based upon past experiences or using mind logic. Just be. Just be present. Stay in the present moment only. Accept love with gratitude from others without justifications or expectations. Direct your Free Will through your heart and love will continue to multiply in your life. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Project Consciousness

Always wondered how Spirit sources could say time is an illusion. The Jeshua Channelings book helped explain it to me.  Time passes from experiences not a clock. The purpose of life is to experience and choose polarity in experiences to connect with Home and bring Home to Earth. The past and future are illusion because they are not fixed. 

You can return your consciousness or project your consciousness from the now present moment and heal it through forgiveness (past) or faith (future). You can also enter from the present into multiple timelines from previous experience or into future experiences. Like when we dream, we project consciousness. Or recall a memory, we project consciousness. Or we visualize the future, we project consciousness.

Recommended Reading:

The Jeshua Channelings by Pamela Kribbe

The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ten stages of the Bodhisattva

Great Joy: It is said that being close to enlightenment and seeing the benefit for all sentient beings, one achieves great joy, hence the name. In this bhūmi the bodhisattvas practice all perfections (pāramitās), but especially emphasizing generosity (dāna).

Stainless: In accomplishing the second bhūmi, the bodhisattva is free from the stains of immorality, therefore, this bhūmi is named "stainless". The emphasized perfection is moral discipline (śīla).

Luminous: The light of Dharma is said to radiate for others from the bodhisattva who accomplishes the third bhūmi. The emphasized perfection is patience (kṣānti).

Radiant: This bhūmi it is said to be like a radiating light that fully burns that which opposes enlightenment. The emphasized perfection is vigor (vīrya).

Hard to conquer: Bodhisattvas who attain this ground strive to help sentient beings attain maturity, and do not become emotionally involved when such beings respond negatively, both of which are difficult to do. The emphasized perfection is meditative concentration (dhyāna).

Obviously transcendent: By depending on the perfection of wisdom, [the bodhisattva] does not abide in either saṃsāra or nirvāṇa, so this state is "obviously transcendent". The emphasized perfection is wisdom (prajñā).

Far-reaching: Particular emphasis is on the perfection of skillful means (upāya), to help others.

Immovable: The emphasized virtue is aspiration. This "immovable" bhūmi is where one becomes able to choose his or her place of rebirth.

Good Discriminating Wisdom: The emphasized virtue is the understanding of self and non-self.

Cloud of Dharma: The emphasized virtue is the practice of primordial wisdom. After this bhūmi, one attains full Buddhahood.

Friday, July 5, 2024


I AM- We ARE- that Light. I AM tuning into that Light now, feeling it around me, through me, in every cell of my body. Shadows have no place to hide in all this LIGHT.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Divine Love

Accept God's Love unconditionally and share God's Love unconditionally with others. Then you are a pure reflection of God and being a Divine Co-Creator.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I've set the intention that all who ask to receive attunements from me receive them perfectly and instantly the moment they call them in regardless if the attunement is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is.......yes you can do this too....believe and so it is!

This quote will be in my new healing book, once I finish it. I just added it. "I've set the intention that all who ask to receive healing from me receive healing perfectly and instantly the moment they call the healing session in, regardless if the healing session is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is." ~ Chris Comish......same guidance as above applies.....yes you can do this too.....believe and so it is!

Be Love

"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Heal from the Astral Plane

So one thing I do is I review the news and if someone dies in the news, I ask the Archangel Michael cleanse them and escort them into the Light. I hear their voices say thanks in their own personality voices. Wanted to share in case anyone wanted to do the same. Also if there is negative news (which there is everyday), I send love and compassion to the situations, protection from all harm etc. Sharing in case you want to do the same.

Step into your Divine Power. Yes, you can change the world simply through intention and being the love that you are. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Healing all people on Earth

Sending healing to all people on Earth, received at the perfect time for the highest and greatest good of each on a daily continuous basis in alignment with each free will. Christ is manifest now! Buddha is manifest now! Love and Light is manifest now! 

I invoke the Holy Spirit to descend upon all of humanity at the perfect time for each if in alignment with each free will for the highest and greatest good of each. May all beings be happy and be blessed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Distant Healing

For anyone who wants to practice distant healing, I want to invite you to join the distant healing network. It is a network of volunteer healers that heal people who are sick, in hospice etc. Join at

Balanced Chakras

According to a recent chakra reading all of my chakras are open.

This is how I keep them balanced. Sharing to help anyone that could use some ideas. 

Root- Gardening, Exercise

Sacral- Listen to music, Let emotions flow through you, Be creative

Solar Plexus- Initiative, Start projects

Heart- Golden Rule actions, Empathy, Kindness

Throat- Express and communicate, Daily Gratitude

Third Eye- Meditate and listen to intuition

Crown-  I am a Spirit having a human experience, All is One, One is All

Wisdom from Bashar

I learned of this information from watching an interview of Darryl Anka on the Next Level Soul Podcast. Darryl Anka channels Bashar, who is a higher dimensional being. I took notes while Bashar was speaking during the interview. May this information resonate with you.

5 Divine Laws

1. You exist.

2. Everything is here and now.

3. The One is the All and the All is the One.

4. What you put out is what you get back. 

5. Everything changes except the first 4 laws. 

Connect to your Higher Self

1. Forgive all who transgress you.

2. Forgive yourself of all transgressions against others.

3. Let go of negative past experiences.

4. Move forward as your Higher Self.

5. Follow your passion.

6. Inform yourself from your future self.

7. Allow yourself to be fully in the present moment. 

8. Send unconditional love to all in darkness to awaken their inner light. 

Connect with Bashar at

Watch the Next Level Soul Podcast at

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Chakras and Frequencies

The following are descriptions of the chakras and their frequencies:

1. Root chakra. Affirmation "I AM." Energy, Stability, Comfort, Safety. 396 hz solfeggio frequency. Survival. Also the Kundalini energy is stored here. Associated With: Earth Connection, Physical Health, Safety and Security, Groundedness, The Body, Longevity, Kundalini, Healing. 

2. Sacral chakra. Affirmation "I FEEL." Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability, Creativity. 417 hz solfeggio frequency. Personal identity. Kundalini rising begins in the Hara/Belly button chaka. Associated With: Relationships, Life Force, Emotions, Intimacy, Vitality, Skin, Impulse, Desire, Motivation, Letting Go.

3. Solar Plexus chakra. Affirmation "I DO." Strength, Personality, Power, Determination. 528 hz solfeggio frequency. Ego resides here. Social relations. Associated With: Self-Esteem, Ego, Confidence, Manifesting, Willpower, Self-Belief, Grit, Success, Conscious Mind, Adaptability.

4. Heart chakra. Affirmation "I LOVE." Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity. 639 hz solfeggio frequency. Opening of ascension path. Higher Self manifestation begins. Love/Compassion of Higher Self. Universal love. Associated With: Compassion, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness, Joy, Surrender, Humility, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Balance. 

5. Throat chakra. Affirmation "I TALK." Communication, Expression, Creative Expression, Inspiration. 741 hz solfeggio frequency. Expression of Higher Self. Free communication. Associated With: Communication, Expression, Honesty, Worthiness, Gratitude, Creativity, Channeling Energy. 

6. Third eye chakra. "I SEE." Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust. 852 hz solfeggio frequency. Vision of Higher Self. Universal energies. Associated With: Subconscious Mind, Deep Thought, Imagination, Mind's Eye, Intuition, Clarity, Wisdom, Vision. 

7. Crown chakra. Affirmation "I UNDERSTAND." Knowledge (truth), consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality. 963 hz solfeggio frequency.  Bridge of light unity connection to Higher Self. Flow/Channeling state. Sacredness of each experience. Associated With: Transcendence, Spirituality, Higher Self, Ascension, Quantum Mind, Source, At One, Inner Peace, Dreams, Cosmic. 

Great solfeggio frequency videos are found at

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Initiations and Ascension

First Initiation – The Birth of the Love within the Heart - Birth to Spiritual Life (Junior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of physical body).

Second Initiation – Mastery of Emotional Body - The Baptism (Senior Disciple).

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of emotional body).

Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity.

Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire.

Third Initiation – The Transfiguration (Initiate) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of mental body).

No judging anyone.

Accepting all beings.

Fourth Initiation – The Crucifixion or Renunciation (of lower self for Higher Self) (Arhat) - Teacher.

Required for passing this initiation: Free from all hate.

No thinking in the negative at all ever.

Love, "I am love".

Receiving eternal life.

Surrender to God's and monad's will.

Fifth Initiation (The Resurrection) – The Adept or The Holy Master - Teacher.

Required to pass the 5th initiation: Total surrender to God and to your monad.

Agreement that "Yes I will do what my monad intends".

Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose.

Sixth Initiation – The Ascension or Masterhood (Chohan) - Teacher.

Required to pass the 6th initiation: No imperfect thoughts.

Seventh Initiation – The Bodhisattva, Avatar or Christhood - Teacher.

Initiations 8+ manifest on the Buddhic plane and in higher dimensions than the physical - Ascended Master, Spirit Guide etc.

In my experience the third and fourth were the hardest because they required a complete release of the mind and enter into surrender to the Divine. Being a Gemini and very mind based this was hard for me.

Initiations 1 and 2 are seeking, Initiations 3 and higher are being.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Self Love and Service to Others

Great post about Self Love and Service to Others

Powerful Affirmations by Bashar


I am who I am for a reason.
No insistence, no resistance.
I am an indestructible being at my core.
The past and the future are illusions. There is only now.
Everything happens in perfect timing. I will miss nothing.
My life is my own. No one can live it for me.
I am unconditionally supported by creation.
I am an expression of nature.
I always have exactly what I need.
I give and receive joy, love, and compassion.
My life is a synchronous orchestration.
I am free to choose.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024

Attunements and Healing Sessions

My original (and still ongoing) Dharma project was attunements to empower others as healers- train the trainer so to speak, which massively accelerates Planetary Ascension. My current Dharma project is multiple healing session videos. I am planning approximately 80 more healing videos followed by a book that compiles them (Book of Healing), hence the words to receive in the videos too. Healing sessions are helpful for anyone and continues Planetary Ascension acceleration. Everything is timeless, can be received 1000 years from now as an example, and I am in awe of the Power and Grace of Source to be on this path to lift up the world. It is an honor to serve you all. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ascension Quantum Mechanics

For anyone wanting to learn the quantum mechanics of Ascension, read this text from Ra. It discusses Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Balance as the key to Ascension. To expand upon what Ra says about left (Yin) and right (Yang) balance, this includes the left side Ida and right side Pingala Kundalini channels too.


Belief is an important part of healing. 

A fundamental spiritual tenet is that our beliefs create our reality. 

To choose to believe that healing is impossible is to seal one’s consciousness in an energetic darkness that prevents healing light from entering.

My advice is to believe in the healing energy, believe the person is being healed and getting healed, accept that healing energy is healing him/her.

Trust in the healing power that exists beyond our five senses. 

Belief and acceptance of healing are large parts of healing. 

When I was receiving my first healing session back in 2006 I did not believe either. 

But once I believed in the energies being received and accepted the energies were for my highest good, I began to heal.

Monday, April 22, 2024


Example of Kundalini and Enlightenment experience- You don’t get her to rise, you let her rise, by allowing her to express her divine love in you. You must be worthy first of all and she will test you. If you are what she’s looking for, she will activate in you. You will first feel pressure and heat at the base of your spine. This sensation will then slowly wriggle itself upwards along the spine, like a living serpent made of liquid, fiery energy. As it goes up, it burns the fruits of Karma and past attachment. You will re-live your mistakes as it moves up from chakra, to chakra, forcing you to deal with repressed memories and guilt. As it clears up Karma in each chakra it moves on to the next one. This can take years.

When it finally reaches the top of your head, you will hear a tearing sound, as if something is breaking. It will then create a vortex of sorts, almost like a funnel, which allows liquid light (for me it was an incredibly bright white light bathing my body from above my crown chakra), a form of matter-energy indigenous to a higher level of reality, to pour into your brain, giving you what is known as enlightenment. This instantly silences ping-pong thoughts and thoughts begin to move in a one-pointed direction, when they are thought. The stillness of mind leads to inner peace. The outer drama of earth life revolves around your inner peace but you are the observer, not actually affected by any of it. You feel ongoing bliss of nirvana. Unconditional love for all of life. Judgments and fears fade away. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Source/God/All That Is, I dedicate my life to service. I am here to fulfill my purpose. I accept with deepest gratitude all opportunities to serve and uplift humanity. I trust in you. I am fulfilled. I fulfill my purpose now. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Key to Heaven

In case anyone was wondering, the only requirement to get into heaven is to bring someone else with you...Greater than 50% service to others...even if you don't think you are making an impact, you are. Just be you.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Gratitude for Lessons

I'm grateful for the lessons on Earth. Many of my lessons in life were valuable because they opened me to other perspectives. In 2009 I learned the lesson of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, as my first girlfriend who cheated on me died in a horrible car accident leaving her only son. It also taught me to pray for the betterment of others on the other side. Also going through a divorce in 2014 from my first wife taught me the lesson of self-compassion and self-empathy, as well as the result of going through a 10 years long abusive marriage. In 2021, due to a business dispute, I learned the lesson of free will and empathy toward others as well as self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. 

I am starting to see life on Earth as sacred, because there is gratitude for all of the growth as a result of lessons. Recently, I found a subconscious fear within me preventing deep empathy and compassion, as I retreated into the mind for safety trying to find logic when emotions were to be applied (empathy and compassion). I am hoping to resolve the catalyst of the lesson by apologizing to another for miscommunication and lack of understanding/empathy. I am still learning but my hope in writing this (and sharing everything here) is to pass the torch to inspire others to light up themselves, light up others, light up communities and therefore light up the world.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Outer reflects Inner

Outer reflects inner, also known in Hermeticsm as "As within, so without." “As within, so without” suggests that our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. What we think and feel inside of ourselves is manifested in our external circumstances and experiences. How has this manifested in your life?

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Ascension Lucid Dream

Had an amazing lucid dream. Wrote it down. It was a serious Planetary Ascension sign to me. I was in an Airport. I was in the Air Force. I was in an Air Force lounge in the Airport. At first in the lounge I was helping the Air Force plan the load of the airplane and who went on the plane (something I used to do in my military service until 2006). Others were in the Air Force with me. I think the Air Force people were lightworkers/wanderers/starseeds in this case. Basically shepherds as Jesus says. In the Airport were giant C17 airplanes that hold 134 passengers (note this is fairly close to the OverSoul being 144 people). Also a C17 is painted blue, which represents the throat chakra (the first chakra of authenticity radiation according to Ra). I was helping the passengers (entire families- adults and children) get on one of the C17 Airplanes. The Plane to me represents movement to Heaven/4th Density/5th Dimension...basically graduating from Earth life by flying away. The people were moving on escalators up a hill (rising in vibration). One person fell out of the moving line of people, they were overweight (heavy vibration) and the paramedics were there attending to them (I'm thinking one person had to do more shadow work to be healed enough to rise in vibration toward Heaven etc.). The people all were eating on their way (this represented eating of the tree of life to me). I made sure they got on the plane. For some reason I tried to get back in the Air Force lounge. I forgot the pass-code to the lounge and couldn't get back in to do more work. To me this is a sign that my work on Earth helping people ascend is drawing to a close. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Archangel Michael Protection Prayer

Lord Michael before!

Lord Michael behind!

Lord Michael to the right!

Lord Michael to the left!

Lord Michael above!

Lord Michael below!

Lord Michael Lord Michael wherever I go!

I AM his love protecting here!

I AM his love protecting here!

I AM his love protecting here!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Meditation and Enlightenment

Is meditation necessary for enlightenment? ~ From a posting on Enlightenment comes from Divine Grace, which is attracted to Love and the human seeking Spirit.

“A day will come when you will laugh at your previous efforts. What you realize on the day you laugh is also available now.” - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Many enlightened people spent years doing spiritual practices prior to attaining Self-Realization. Almost to a person, they claim their spiritual practices had nothing to do with it. Sudden, total enlightenment regularly strikes people who have no interest in spirituality, like alien abductions of the heart.

What are we to make of this? I think it’s like falling in love.

Someone strikes your fancy and you want to get to know them. Your heart is in your throat when you send that first, unnerving text.

There are mishaps and misadventures, as in any good love story.

At the same time, you get the strangest feeling that your love is in the stars. You tell your friends your partner is your soulmate and your destiny.

This isn’t like you. You’re a hard-nosed, “show me” realist, and now you’re going around like a half-cracked mystic.

But you’re right. You’re not pursuing a relationship - the eternal Relationship is pursuing you on the apparent, temporal plane.

It’s the same with meditation.

You think you’re meditating to attain enlightenment, but you’re meditating because enlightenment has already claimed you.

You think you’re setting out at dawn to find your quarry, but the “hound of heaven” has pursued you this whole time.

There are no “selves” trying to reach enlightenment or God-Consciousness - there is only God playing the eternal game of hide-and-seek.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Harness your Personality

Harness your Personality to align with your Life's Purpose.

I am INFP-A (Intuitive Feeling Personality- Assertive - also known as Mediator). This comes from my Sun in the 12th house (inward direction) and Pisces moon (empathy and intuition).


Want to know yourself deeper? Want to find out your personality type? There are 16 types. 

Here is the link to the test

Get your natal chart at

The Avatar of Synthesis

About the Avatar of Synthesis-an Avatar Unity Field (A Social Memory Complex)

Call forth the Avatar of Synthesis to over-light the Earth and cleanse the entire planet of all evil and all that is not for the highest and greatest good of all beings. You can also invoke the Violet Flame and bathe the Earth with Violet Flame. 

Here is an example of a prayer you say:

"Avatar of Synthesis, Avatar of Synthesis, Avatar of Synthesis. Come great Avatar of Synthesis in alignment with God's Holy Will. Come over-light the Earth with your presence, and destroy all that is not for the highest and greatest good of all beings. Violet Flame and All Holders of the Violet Flame, bathe the Earth with Great Divine energies of Violet Flame, cleansing all that is not for the highest and greatest good. And So it is. So be it."

Take a few moments to visualize the Earth inside of the Avatar of Synthesis great field of Unity. Visualize the Earth within a giant Violet Flame of purification. 

How do we speed up our Ascension?

How do we speed up our Ascension? Dedication to love and service to others brings love and light closer to you in your life.

I highly recommend asking your Higher Self for help fast tracking your progress, also God. They have infinite power to help you.

Here is an example you can pray- "My Higher Self and God, Father, of the highest love and light, I intend to be of service to others. I have made the choice and dedicate my life to love and service to others. I dedicate my life to releasing the suffering of all life on Earth. Please support me in all areas of this request and provide your guidance and resources to make it so. God's Holy will be done! And so it is!"

A Holy Prayer

Holy Father/God/Source/All That Is/Adonai/Om, You are the Alpha and the Omega. Guide me according to Thy Will as the Alpha. Sustain me accor...